
Chapter 1293 How are you doing?

Sometimes, some things are really caused by a slight difference, which will cause infinite regret.

This is the case for Mu Qiu.


Even if the time was just a little bit earlier, maybe the various teams and clubs approached him earlier, so it wouldn't be the case that he refused without hesitation.

Because if it was only at the time when S1 just ended, many things hadn't happened yet.

There should have been room for recovery.

If he had received such an invitation at that time, he would have been able to directly persuade his former partner who fought side by side in the bottom lane to follow him, and the two of them would still be able to continue playing as an ADC-supported partner in the new team. Sweeping the national server and even the world professional arena.


At the time when the S1 finals ended, there were almost no other established mature teams or clubs in the national server, and they did not receive invitations or even lucrative price contracts immediately after the team disbanded.

Relying on my own efforts to support S1 for more than half a year... At that time, all of them in the team had reached a situation where they were almost out of ammunition and food.

Without other hopes and hopes, it is really difficult to persevere.

So at that time, his bot lane partner chose to leave.

Mu Qiu still clearly remembered what his companion said to him in a low and sad tone before the two finally parted ways:

"Aqiu, I'm leaving."

"The big cities here...the cost is too high, and there is no way to make money, so it can't be maintained."

"At home, my parents and grandma are also not in good health. I can't be willful anymore. I should go back."

At that time, he tried to persuade him to stay.

But he choked when he got to his mouth, and found that he couldn't organize any powerful persuasive words at all, as if all words seemed pale and powerless in the face of the cruel and cold reality at that time.

And that word... is really heart-wrenching.



For them at that time, or for the vast majority of people at that time, they chose to spend more than half a year fighting for a so-called e-sports dream with no way out and no value... Really It's just an arbitrary choice.

And willfulness, there is always a time to stop.

No matter how beautiful the dream is, it will eventually wake up.

This really can't be blamed on any of them, because no matter who it is, or even everyone in the entire professional e-sports circle, never thought that in just over a year after S1, the professional e-sports players in the national service The field will suddenly usher in such a wave of explosive growth.

all of a sudden……

Professional e-sports has become the hottest topic.

The professional players who could only rely on their own small savings to eat instant noodles in Internet cafes, play training matches, and take buses and subways to the venues to participate in competitions suddenly became sought-after goods that could easily earn high salaries.

In the future, there are even tens of millions of team signing contracts. A game anchor can make an annual salary of hundreds of millions, and open a Taobao store to make a lot of money.

And for Mu Qiu who saw all this, it would always give rise to nameless anger.

Not because of envy or jealousy.


It is a kind of grievance and unwillingness.

He felt reconciled for himself and his companions back then, and even the few fellows in the circle back then.

Because... why did such a great era of e-sports come so late, and why did it come so late after one of them was forced to leave sadly?


If only earlier.

He had imagined countless times in the middle of the night that if the e-sports on the national server had risen faster and those teams and clubs had come to him earlier, maybe everything would not have been like this.

That partner won't be forced to leave because of reality.

The later heavy tragedy will not happen.

Everything will develop in a better direction after the end of the S1 season.

He and his partner... can also continue to fight side by side in the arena and shine brightly. At that time, how could Autumn, the so-called support god in the world e-sports circle, be the champion and the strongest bottom laner? The name is destined to only belong to the two of them.

But there is no if in reality.

Only the most cruel and cold ending is in front of us, which is already doomed and cannot be changed.

Mu Qiu also knows that there is no one to blame for this matter. It is impossible for him to force the rise of the e-sports era to come earlier and faster because of his personal will. It was too late for the national service teams and clubs to come to the door.

It's all fate.

It doesn't matter if you say your luck is bad, or you say you don't have that blessing, it's all the same.

However, he was never really relieved.


Perhaps nothing else to complain about.

But the captain of their team back then, the guy who caused everything to fall apart... can never get rid of the responsibility for his fault, and will always be the culprit of everything.

Mu Qiu subconsciously clenched her fists and her nails almost pressed into her palms to bleed blood. Even when the cigarette in her hand almost burned to the point of burning her fingers, she hardly noticed it, and the cold light in her eyes flickered——

that guy.

No matter what, it is absolutely impossible for him to forgive.

Even if the later partner persuaded him several times sincerely, saying that "Fengzi also has his own knots" and so on...he would never get through it.

How much pressure do you bear?

Under pressure to make such hasty and irresponsible choices?


Why can you make such a decision at will, and even hurt other close partners who fought side by side back then?

You have to know that even at the end, even if his partner suffered such an injury and caused irreversible heavy bitterness, he was still saying good things to excuse you.

What can you do?

Conscience...do you not feel the slightest torment and guilt?

Thinking of his partner, Mu Qiu unknowingly loosened his clenched fists slowly, thinking that the last time he had contact with the former seemed to be a long time ago, he couldn't help lowering his head again.

It's not that he slowly becomes unfamiliar with each other.

And it's purely that he often doesn't know how to face that former partner and friend.


It was when he saw the other party's hands now with his own eyes.

It seemed that from then on, even a simple sentence or a glance could hurt the self-esteem of that silent but sensitive companion.

So what he can do now seems to be to leave far away and stop disturbing.

Just let that old friend forget everything in the past and live a new life quietly and peacefully.


Even though he knows the truth, he still has concerns and misses in his heart.

Looking up in a daze, Mu Qiu looked at the night sky again.

Under the same night.

I don't know... what that friend is doing now.

is it going well?

***************************************************** *********************

The update is here, the third shift is done, go to sleep, tomorrow will be Friday soon, will the weekend be far behind~ I hope I can code well this weekend without working overtime.

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