
Chapter 1289 Otherwise

For an ADC player, what kind of experience is it to have a reliable support?

The answer is two words -


As an ADC, you can safely and boldly make up for the A-pawn on the line, and the vision of the grass in the wild area around the river can be done well by your own reliable support early on.

At the same time, you can be sure that even if you are ganked by the opponent's jungler, or forced by the opponent's support, your support companions will absolutely cover and support you immediately. It may not guarantee that you will not die, but you can be sure that the support will definitely die. in front of you.

As for the rest of the small details such as making up the knife, giving experience to the pawn line, and making the defense tower economical, there is no need to mention it.

Everyone in the duo complements each other and works together tacitly. From laning to teamfighting, you can play all the damage output of yourself as an ADC hero with confidence under the protection of the support.

And this is about reliable assistance.

At a higher level, what kind of experience is it like when an ordinary ADC player encounters a great supporter?

The answer is still two words——

Lay to win!

It seems that even if your own strength as an ADC is not enough, and the opponent's strength is stronger than yours, but these problems can be made up for with the help of your own great teammates.

Some small mistakes you make in the lane can be made up by your own support master with his powerful strength.

You are not good at consuming poke, and you have no ability to suppress your opponent. The great master around you can handle all these things by yourself. Leave it to him to suppress the line, and to force the first move. You just need to be honest. Following in the footsteps of the support, if they say they will hit you, you will fight, and if they say you will retreat, you will retreat. Before you know it, you will already have an advantage in the bot lane.

In nine out of ten cases, if you can lie comfortably with your thighs in your arms, you will win points.

For the girl in the box of the Internet cafe in Lecheng at the moment, when she and her boyfriend drove down the road and drove the black double row, the situation was almost an intermediate combination of the first and the second.

Generally speaking, her boyfriend's diamond-handed support level is close to the master level, and he can carry her to lead the rhythm.


Even so.

However, she has never had the experience and experience of today's current qualifying match, especially in the past six or seven minutes.


The current situation belongs to the third type.


What kind of existence is one level higher than reliable support and great god support?

The girl who is only platinum has never had this kind of experience before, so she can't tell why, but at this moment, she can almost confirm it with 100% certainty... Now this definitely belongs to the third category !

Reliable support is only complementary to you, and everyone can try their best to play their own level to 100%.

The support of the great god allows you to hug his thigh, which increases the original chance of winning by a bit.

But at this moment.

Right now, it is a completely different new experience!

Because you have to know that even if you are supported by a great god, there will always be times when you can't take you, but in this qualifying match that is going on now, the girl who is the blue ADC policewoman has no time or thought to think about the final result. the problem-

It's impossible to lose at all, okay?


It's completely insane!

Oh, sorry, this isn't about the Piltover policewoman she's been beheading.

It was Thresh, the assistant next to her!



This was almost the most frequent sentence she had heard from the supporting Thresh partner beside her in the past few minutes.

If we say that when we were still at a slight disadvantage in the front, the warden of the soul lock under the control of the youth played fairly well-founded and calm, then the situation gradually opened up in the bottom lane, especially the equipment levels of the policewoman and Thresh have developed. after……

It seems that the aggressiveness hidden in the young man is completely displayed without any restraint!

When you see someone in the laning line, you will go straight to the hook.

In the hook, the two-stage Q directly keeps up.

Then kill.

Or it's the people who are hooked by the grass on the partition wall.

Or even if the first Q skill never hits the enemy's target hero, but only Q hits a minion, it does not prevent the young man from using the minion as a displacement springboard to rush up, then the E skill slows down and controls people, and the first cooldown is completed quickly. The two Q skills still accurately wrap and drag the target hero back.

kill one.

Kill one more.

Kill one more.

There is almost no pause from the beginning to the end. From the bottom line to the wild area and then back to the bottom line, as long as someone on the opposite side dares to appear within the field of vision, the tower will still be killed. As long as someone in the wild area comes to support, Thresh A backhanded scythe chain was thrown and hit two sections through the wall, and a lantern with W skill brought her policewoman over.


Go back to the line and continue to dismantle the tower.

When the policewoman's equipment becomes more and more damage-intensive, the power of a Thresh with CD outflow equipment is also more vividly displayed.

Q skill cools down too fast.

The frequency of looking for opportunities is even more outrageous.

For the girl who is an ADC policewoman, she feels that she is about to lose her head. The mouse and keyboard movement and tapping operations in her hands have become a bit mechanically numb, and her mind is muddled, but she is trying to keep up with her teammates purely subconsciously. With Thresh's rhythm, he can easily pocket a head like harvesting leeks.

"Unstopable (a hero is unstoppable)!"

"God-Like (a hero is close to God)!"


The kill announcement of the female voice of the system kept ringing in my ears. Normally, if she could be so supernatural, the girl would have been so excited that she didn't know what it would be like, but at this moment, she didn't even bother to pay attention to her record data. , the only thought left in his mind is to try to keep up with the rhythm of his Thresh teammates.

If we say that the two positions of ADC and support should complement each other, even if one of them has a higher level of strength, it can only drive the other to play a better operational state.


this moment.

For the girl who is an ADC policewoman from the blue side, at this moment she feels as if she is driving a wild horse that is so wild and violent that it is completely out of control.

No, it's not her driving.

It was almost not even she who was being led to the gallop.

Rather, she was about to be thrown off the rein by this wild horse that was so violent and rushing all the way forward. Only by desperately holding it with the greatest effort could she try not to be really thrown out.

Facts have proved that what the young man said to her earlier, "keep up with the rhythm", is not wrong at all.

(Really... I am so tired of following.)

The girl flashed this idea in a daze.

However, what she doesn't know is that even the current level is actually the result of the young people around him trying their best to control it.


Even if this one has been completely smashed from the bottom lane to an explosion that shocked the audience.

Even for the girl, this is an exaggerated picture that she has never imagined.

But for the youth themselves...

That's not even half of what he was back then.

Because after all, he still has to take care of the girl next to him who is only platinum.


The young man's thoughts drifted slightly at this moment.

Uncontrollably, he couldn't help but miss the fellow teammate who fought side by side with him back then.


The young man lowered his head, clenched the mouse slightly in his right hand.

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The update is here, the next chapter looks like it will be around 9:30, get out and continue coding.

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