
Chapter 1283 Tower 1 V 2

No amount of persuasion or even pleading could change the mind of the improvised support teammate next to her. The girl sitting on the side could only worry about herself, watching the opposite bot duo push the pawn line into the tower, and couldn't bear it because of nervousness. He continued to whisper in the young man's ear:

"Let's go, let's go..."

"Be careful, their robots flash away from you."

"You can't do double summoning, why waste your excellent summoner skills here—"

"Let's let the tower go."

But at this moment, the young man has completely entered his own state. At this time, the whole world around him has nothing to do with him, and he doesn't know anything about him.

in the eyes.

Only the image reflected on the screen.

And the two ADC support heroes on the purple side.

Although it’s been a long time since the League of Legends, and perhaps the hand feel is far from what it used to be, some things have always been deeply imprinted in the depths of the soul’s memory. When they are reawakened a little bit, they can still start and run slowly and steadily. .

Out of the CD shoes.

It seems that the attribute blessing of the talent rune is also included.

Thresh's current CD reduction is 20%.

The main point is the Q skill.

"Death Judgment" is a passive additional CD reduction attribute.

The effective casting distance and damage of the E skill, the shield buff value that the W skill can bring to oneself, and the distance and casting speed of a summoner skill [Flash], and the total real damage of [Ignite].

There are also the cooling time of the Q skill of the opposing robot, the range distance, the attack power of the Jinx panel combined with the additional damage of the skill blessing, the flight trajectory speed of the ultimate move in a short distance, and the current status of the other purple heroes on the small map. Location and possible movements, teammates who may provide volunteer help——

A piece of information data.

item-by-item factor.

From the initial slowness and astringency to the gradual smoothness and finally to the final flow of clouds and flowing water, it gathers, merges, analyzes and operates in the mind,

Everything was completed in just two or three seconds.

If someone else knew that the young network manager in the Internet cafe box was able to analyze and consider all such complicated and complicated information in such a short period of time, they would have no idea how shocked they would be.

Similarly, some people's first reaction will definitely be to immediately think of the one who ranks second in the "Four Emperors" in the world's professional e-sports circle.

Recognized as the God of Assistance in the world, Autumn, also known as the "Horror Computer", is the Autumn Emperor.


Both need to do more analysis and consideration than other teammates.

In this regard, Autumn is the most recognized and strongest in the world today.

But this is only counting from S3 or even S4.

before that.

Earlier years.

The title of being the strongest supporter has something to do with it.

In front of the blue defense tower on the bottom road of Summoner Canyon, the pawn line was pushed up, and Thresh, the warden of the soul lock under the tower, was alone and had no intention of retreating.

Jinx moved forward and pressed.

The robot's W skill turns on acceleration.

The burly, cold and golden metal body strode towards the target prey under the tower while the engine roared.

getting closer.

The girl sitting next to the young man suddenly exclaimed:


The voice fell.

In an instant, accompanied by a burst of fine golden light, the purple side auxiliary robot that brought the target closer to its own distance suddenly handed over [Flash] to move forward and rush forward!

In the blink of an eye, he rushed in front of the soul lock warden!

The E skill "Energy Iron Fist" has already charged up, and suddenly electric sparks linger and flicker on the huge icy metal fist, and swings fiercely towards the target Thresh in front of him!

Also at this very moment.

The pupils in the eyes of the young man in front of the computer screen suddenly shrank to the coldest and most dangerous needle-like shape, and the deepest part of the pupils floated...

It is a touch of murderous intent that frightened many of the world's top powerhouses in the S1 season!


boom! ——

The purple Fang auxiliary robot flashed in front of the target Thresh with an E skill "Energy Iron Fist" and suddenly hit the soul lock warden in front of him hard and flew into the air to control it!

This is Flash E.

Forcibly opened first and hard control.

I have to say that the auxiliary robot player of the purple army is definitely an old robot. He is extremely decisive and his skills are also extremely straightforward. He avoids all other possibilities for the opponent to respond. The first move is a stable one. control.

The body of the soul lock warden was knocked into the air.

The hateful firepower of the defensive tower was suddenly attracted to the robot, and at the same time, the purple side's ADC Jinx also quickly chased and followed up from a distance, turned on the Q skill artillery form, raised the barrel, flattened A and directly blasted the hammer stone.


Shake forward after canceling the attack.


In the blink of an eye, the blood volume of Hammer Stone's top blood bar had plummeted by nearly a third!

The girl sitting next to the young man almost jumped up in a hurry:

"Run away!"

"Flash! Go!!"

And at this very moment.

When Thresh's body fell back to the ground from midair.

The eyes of the young man in front of the computer screen suddenly became sharp.

Snapped! ——

The sound of keystrokes on the keyboard suddenly exploded in a series of rapid bursts!

The big move "Ghost Prison" was launched under the tower with a bang, and accompanied by the tooth-piercing sound of metal friction, one side of the pale green energy light wall slowly gathered upwards centered on Thresh's body like a suspension bridge.

same moment.

Thresh Q skill shot.

Swinging the sickle chain, a "death sentence" pierced the air and shot towards the target Jinx diagonally ahead!

creak! ——

The skill hits the target!

The chains were tight, and under the strong drag of the warden of the soul lock, the petite body of the runaway loli was forcibly dragged back, staggering and sneaking in!

This is also hard control.

The reason why he didn’t choose to shoot at the robot being attacked by the defense tower is because the young man knows very well that the one who can deal the most damage to him is still the three-headed ADC Jinx on the opposite side, and as long as he restrains With the output of the berserk loli, it is impossible for a robot that is ignorant of the tower to bear the damage all the time.


It also acts as a displacement springboard.

Suddenly, the purple side auxiliary robot raised its metal right arm like lightning and shot the "Mechanical Flying Claw" with Q skill at the Thresh, which was only a few feet away!

same moment.

Even... a moment in advance.

The young man in front of the computer screen tapped and pressed the Q key almost at a faster speed!

Two-stage Q!

Thresh's figure suddenly flew up into the air along the chain chain and rushed towards Jinx, the target obliquely in front of him. The moment he left the spot, he happened to pass by the mechanical flying claw of the opponent's auxiliary robot perfectly.

Dodge dodge!

"This... this is also okay!!?"

The girl was almost stunned for a moment.

And it's still not over.

Dashing in front of the target Jinx, the Soul Lock Warden under the youth's control swings the sickle and chain again like lightning, and the E skill "Pendulum of Doom" strikes fiercely from front to back!

Jinx, who had already been dragged and staggered forward, jumped forward uncontrollably.

Slammed into the energy light wall of Thresh's ultimate move!

At the same time, the purple side auxiliary robot behind Thresh was also swept back by the strong wind of the "pendulum of doom", staggered a step back and hit the other energy light wall behind him.

There were two consecutive "pops".

The wall of light shattered.

The blood bars on the heads of the two purple heroes fell instantly at the same time!

The figure is like falling into the mud...

Suddenly it was difficult!

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The update is here, there are only two updates today, and three more tomorrow, friends, rest early.

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