
Chapter 1280 Desperate Girl

Just before going out from the spring of the base, he saw that the auxiliary Thresh he took over was still a bit economical. After researching on the panel of the equipment store, the young man updated and bought a piece of equipment.

And the girl sitting next to her was really keen in her observation skills, and she noticed it all at once.

Then there was such a scream full of grief, indignation and madness:

"You, what did you buy!?"


The young man was also stunned when he heard that, and looked cooperatively at the newly bought equipment in his equipment column, and reported: "The Boots of Brightness... are cooling shoes, right?"

Back in the s1 season that year, there was no such thing.

That is the current cd shoes.

The girl who got the young man's honest answer was even more indignant: "It's CD shoes! But why are you buying them!?"

Youth: "Isn't it to reduce the cooling CD?"

The girl wanted to vomit blood: "You don't need to talk about this! The problem is what's the use of your cd shoes now! We are at a disadvantage in the bottom lane now!"

Thresh produces cd shoes and takes a cd flow Thresh production route, which is not too rare a style of play nowadays, but the same cd flow Thresh also has certain limitations, that is, the advantage is downwind In the situation, you can strengthen your offense and find opportunities to hook, but once you are in a disadvantaged situation, the cd-like build will make the warden of the soul lock very fragile.

Can't stand the opponent's damage at all.

So if the blond boy hadn't rushed to the bathroom in a hurry, the money on his body should have turned to making the straw sandals into cloth shoes, facing the purple square robot and the Jinx duo. At any rate, I can take a little more damage and increase my own disadvantageous ability to withstand pressure.

But now—

The master is squatting in the toilet.

The young network manager who was in charge of accepting Thresh didn't ask any questions and didn't care about anything, and just made the CD shoes.

With a laning disadvantage and still pretending like this... Isn't it destined to collapse even more?

However, the young man's thinking at the moment is still very clear, and he patiently followed the adc girl next to him for advice and exchanges: "Thresh mainly relies on the q skill hook to seize opportunities, right?

The more CDs are reduced, the stronger the combat ability. "

The girl was even more aggrieved when she heard it, and she even wanted to curse, but her own upbringing still made her bear it, gnashing her teeth:

"Please... the support on the other side is a robot!"

"How good is Tianke Thresh!?"

"Unless you hook their ADC, but do you think it's that easy to hit! Have you ever played Thresh?"

It's not wrong to say this.

Among the supporting heroes, there are quite a few who can form targeted restraint against Thresh, such as the existence of backhand ability such as Nina and Bron, and the robot that also has the hook skill.

What's more, the results of the previous laning battles have proved that the opponent's purple bot lane duo is definitely not weak. Not to mention the robot, even if it is adc Jinx, it is not easy to hit Thresh with a hook. Opportunity.

The young man didn't care about it, but he thought about the last sentence of the girl next to him:

"Never hit."

After a pause, he laughed again: "But I've played with robots before. I read Thresh's skill introduction just now. Basically, it's not much different from the nature of robots."

Girl: "..."

This is really wronged to the point of tears.

Did Hundan that damn guy who went to the bathroom do it on purpose? Who can help me take over? But I found such a super invincible and unreliable network administrator. The disadvantage is the CD shoes. Thresh has never played before. This is not a sway Do you understand that he came to kill her! ?

But the girl did not give up the last hope and asked one more question:

"What segment are you in?"

"Which position is it supposed to play—"


If the rank is higher, even if the main player is another position, even if he is not familiar with the hero Thresh, at least he should not be too lacking in awareness, that is, he will not trap her too much...

As a result, the youth gave a very quick answer:

"The main support."

"Duan..." After a pause, the young man replied very chicly: "I have never played a Duan."

It is also true.

In his s1 season, it was just a rank system, and even at that time, the big guys seldom played any qualifying games.

But the girl was completely desperate when she heard it.

It's over.

It's over now.

You don't have to wait for your boyfriend to come back from the bathroom later, I guess she will really be completely taken down by the scumbag network manager next to her in a few minutes, okay?


Finally, when Thresh came to the next route, the girl who is an adc can finally control her Picheng policewoman to eat the line in front of the tower to make up the knife to develop.

But... still at a disadvantage, still under pressure.

Carefully maintain the distance from the opposite auxiliary robot, while doing as much as possible to make up the knife, the girl is always anxious to tell the temporary auxiliary teammates around her:

"Hey, be careful, don't go casually, you know?"

"Now you have a cd shoe that is very brittle. If the robot on the other side hooks you, if you cooperate with Jinx, it will kill you in seconds."

The young man nodded casually to express his understanding, but fortunately, his Thresh's positioning operation can be regarded as honest at this moment, and he was not in a hurry to move forward.

But before the girl could feel relieved, when the two people from the purple side on the opposite side quickly cleared a wave of pawns and pressed on their blue side's defense tower again, the auxiliary robot had already taken the initiative to press forward quickly.

The w skill is activated.

Accelerate directly and approach!

The girl's own adc policewoman was very careful in her position and the distance was too far away. The first time she turned around and retreated was not within the range of the robot's skills. catch up.


Suddenly, the girl's mood suddenly tightened, and she exclaimed.

next moment.

The auxiliary robot on the purple side suddenly raised its mechanical right arm, and a bright yellow q skill "Mechanical Flying Claw" shot out like lightning, pointing directly at the target Thresh not far away!

call out! ! ! ——

The prediction of the trajectory of the skill trajectory has killed the soul lock warden!

Seeing is about to hit!

"Flash!!" The girl was in a hurry, even a flash is better than being hit by a robot q, and if q hits, people will die directly.

Between lightning and fire.

The eyes of the young man in front of the computer screen flickered slightly, and the expression on his face did not change in the slightest. He just moved and tapped the mouse in his hand like lightning, and the auxiliary Thresh under the control suddenly moved forward a small position diagonally instead of retreating. .

In an extremely narrow space.

A side pull.

It happened that the body shape of the soul lock warden and the ballistic trajectory of the robot's Q skill flying claw formed a perfect right angle.


By mistake.

The e skill key on the keyboard was tapped and pressed almost synchronously!

A "pendulum of doom" will approach the opponent who has activated the e-skill "Energy Iron Fist" in front of him.

Backhand throw q!

The cold "Death Sentence" sickle chain suddenly shot out, hit and tied the robot Blitzcrank who had just staggered backwards, and then dragged it back.

From beginning to end, it was done in one go.

The top of the defense tower lights up.

A blue energy light bullet has already flew down towards the target robot within the attack range.

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