
Chapter 1271 Life ups and downs

Not only Lin Feng, but the rest of the Shangcai e-sports club present were stunned by Qiu Le and Feng Tao's sudden 180-degree change in attitude.

what's the situation?

Didn't you all get angry just now and tried every means to persuade Lin Feng? Why did you two turn around and betray the organization first! ?

Especially you, Qiu Le, who yelled the loudest just now, are you the first to stand in the position of Lin Feng and help speak now?

Can't you stand a little firmer? ?

However, facing the eyes of everyone in the e-sports club, Qiu Le still waved his hands vigorously with an upright face:

"Don't ask, don't ask!"

"This matter is related to high-level secrets. In short, Fengzi has something to do, which is much more important than our Jin Ge Cup. Everyone understand!"

Just like a posture of someone representing a spokesperson.

And Feng Tao on the side also cooperated and nodded in agreement: "That's right, everyone understand, understand."

After speaking, the two looked at each other again, seeing the relief in each other's eyes.

They are roommates after all.

The basic tacit understanding is still there.

The championship trophy of the Jin Ge Cup is important, but Fengzi will help the three teams and clubs of their national service lpl to prepare for the s6 finals.

Being so anxious to go to Manchester, England, of course, it is impossible to just watch the match scene as simple as that. It must be related to some top-secret missions for training!

Compared with the World Finals, everything else can really make way for it!

At this time, Lin Feng also came back to his senses a little bit, probably vaguely guessed the thoughts of several of his roommates, couldn't help but be a little bit ridiculous, misunderstood... But this is wrong, and this kind of reason can just help him out.

But although Feng Tao and Qiu Le could understand, the members of other e-sports clubs still couldn't accept it.

"Fengzi, you leave now...then what will we do in the finals." Lu Ze was a little anxious: "If we face Fudan, we really can't fight without you."

Sun Ming nodded again and again: "Yes, yes! Really only you can sanction Fudan - I originally thought that I would change positions with you and let you play mid laner.


To be honest, if it was against Qiu Yijie, the captain of Fudan University, there would be no other mid laner who could compete with the former in the entire e-sports circle in Shanghai.

It's not an exaggeration, but Sun Ming knew very well that if he played, without the help of the jungler, he would definitely blow up in less than ten minutes.

The two main players of the team already have such an attitude, and the other members of the e-sports club next to them feel sad when they think of the final without someone:

"If Lin Feng isn't around, we're really going to be dead..."

"It's obviously only one step away from the championship trophy."

"It's a pity, I'm not reconciled..."

Indeed, although it is possible to understand from a rational point of view that someone may indeed have important personal affairs that need to be taken care of, but from an emotional point of view, thinking of finally seeing the hope of winning the championship trophy, suddenly To be told such bad news again is indeed emotionally difficult to accept.

Dou Zi, the president of the e-sports club, coughed and came out to appease everyone:

"OK OK."

"It's definitely not easy for Fengfeng to make this kind of decision. He must have his own reasons. Don't force moral kidnapping. Besides, even if Fengfeng is not here, we will still fight in the final. Even if the opponent is Fudan University, as long as we try our best If you go all the way, it’s not hopeless—”

Saying these words did not have an obvious consoling effect, and everyone responded muffledly, but they still couldn't cheer up.

Lin Feng himself was actually a little bit sorry. After all, even though he had his own reasons, such a temporary approach would disappoint most members of the e-sports club. After thinking about it, he said again:

"Even without me, the final is not completely hopeless."

As he spoke, he attracted everyone's attention, and Lin Feng turned his gaze to Jingu Sakura:

"If I leave, Shen Gong can take over the adc position, and Deng Zhizhe can play as a support."

"The impact of the bot lane shouldn't be much worse."


Everyone was taken aback.

Girl Jingu plays ADC and asks the vice president to assist?

The latter arrangement is reasonable. Deng Zhe, who was originally the vice president of the e-sports club, has been the main core support of the team before this year, and his strength is quite strong. This year is purely because someone and Ying Jingu joined the team Only then did he take the initiative to replace himself and sit on the bench.

And now if Deng Zhe is allowed to return to the main support position to play... that would also be reassuring.

The only thing that makes people somewhat questionable is the arrangement of the adc position.

Jingu girl...

Can you play ads?

Today's two BO3 games plus the previous rounds of the Jin Ge Cup, everyone in the e-sports club has also seen Jingu Sakura's performance in the support position. Although it is not as dazzling as someone's adc, it is indeed amazing Always able to bring surprises to people, no matter in consciousness or operation, she is not like a gentle and soft girl at all, and even if she is fierce, she seems to be inferior to those strong men in the top master and king ranks.

But... adc?

This is a completely different position from support.

Seeing everyone's doubts, Lin Feng nodded again and assured: "No problem, Jingu's ADC will not be bad."

He does have the most say on this point.

Because it's not just these few rounds of the Jin Ge Cup, when he brought Tang Bingyao, Zeng Rui, and Dou Zi together to sweep all the top Internet cafe clubs in Shanghai all over the place, no matter the challenger Whether it is actual combat or training preparation, he has a very detailed understanding of Jingu Sakura's strength, and has also seen Jingu Sakura's personal reaction and operation speed in training.

Therefore, such a judgment can be given.

It might be worse than Tangtang, but... a Jin Ge Cup final, even against an opponent of Fudan's level, is enough.

Dou Zi's eyes lit up when he heard it:

"Sister Jingu, will you go to the ADC position... yes!"

He also cooperated and fought side by side with Jingu Sakura countless times before, and was immediately awakened by Lin Feng's words. After thinking about it carefully, if this is the arrangement, then the brand new ADC auxiliary combination in the bottom lane is indeed feasible. Compared with Lin Feng Although there will be a gap in time, it is already the best choice after the next best thing.

Meet Fudan...

Still can hit a dozen!

So everyone's eyes turned to Jingu Sakura again.

Facing everyone's eyes, the beautiful Japanese girl smiled slightly: "Well, as for ADC... I can try it too."

This is actually a tacit consent.

However, before everyone had time to be happy, the next sentence from Jingu Sakura seemed to be poured down like a pot of cold water:

"but. "

"It's a bit of a coincidence to say-"

Jingu Sakura's eyes turned to Lin Feng, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised:

"Like Mr. Lin, I'm going to Manchester City too."

So life is full of ups and downs.

The plot twists and turns.

The beautiful Japanese girl uttered a word, and once again everyone in the e-sports club who hadn't had time to be happy was petrified again, and even Lin Feng couldn't help being stunned: "Are you going too?"

Jingu Sakura smiled and said: "Yeah, why, wanting to go to the scene of the finals... you don't need other people's permission, right?"

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