
Chapter 1241 How will she choose

Listening to Zhou Wei's answer, No. 1 couldn't help but nodded silently.

In fact, it is similar to the conversation he had with Chu Fangnan on the phone earlier. As far as he is concerned, or anyone can actually clearly and deeply understand the choice that the girl's parents need to face at this moment. What a struggle and struggle.

Because this is not a decision that can be made simply and casually.

related to...

It is life and death.

It is the daughter that he regards most as a treasure and wants to protect him for the rest of his life.

A few thin sheets of paper and a flimsy responsibility agreement will carry an unknown result that no one can easily bear.

As if this too was a gamble.

As the most immortal legend of the last generation in the world e-sports circle, he has encountered countless difficult battles in the e-sports professional arena, and he has made bold bets and won victories again and again from extremely powerful opponents.

But this time is different.

The opponent this time is not some top powerhouse in the world's e-sports circle, but a terrifying disease that even human beings' meager knowledge and technological strength may not be able to resist.

And the bet of this gamble is not just the result of a mere game.

It is the precious life of a girl.

The atmosphere became more oppressive and heavy at this moment, the corridor was filled with a strong smell of disinfectant alcohol, which only made people feel more unhappy, No. 3 shook his head: "I'm going to smoke a cigarette——"

No. 1 looked up at his partner and old friend: "This is the hospital."

Number Three waved his hands a little irritably:

"It's okay if I go outside to smoke, take a breath, it's too stuffy here."

After speaking, he walked straight outside.

Seeing the figure of his old friend leaving, No. 1 shook his head and gave a low wry smile, and gave up dissuading him, because he could also understand No. 3's mood at the moment, and even he himself couldn't help but want to go Smoking relieves boredom.

At some point, No. 5 had come to the side, looking at her fiancé,

Concerned about asking in a low voice:

"Did you call Anan just now? How is Xiaofeng doing now?"

No. 1 let out an "um", and simply repeated the content of the conversation he had just had with Chu Fangnan to his fiancée, then shook his head:

"None of that matters right now."

"The key is--"

As he spoke, he looked at An's father and An's mother who was leaning against the door of the operating room:

"The decision of Baozi's parents."

No. 5 pursed her lips lightly, and said softly, "I was comforting her mother just now, but at this time...no matter what I say, it's useless."

There was a touch of guilt and self-blame in his tone.

No. 1 held No. 5's hand and gently squeezed it to express comfort: "It's not your problem, we are all the same now, and the final decision can only be made by Baozi's parents."

"I know," No. 5 nodded lightly, and then the eye circles turned slightly red: "It's just... thinking that Baozi is still inside and can't wake up, I feel very uncomfortable—"

Several people traveled thousands of miles from China overnight, flew all the way from Shanghai to London, and then took the train from London to Manchester in the torrential night rain, to accompany the girl in front of the intensive care unit of St. Edinburgh Hospital. The parents waited for a long time, but they never had the chance to go in, or even just see the girl through the window.

Surgery all the time.

Has been rescued.

Even the doctors and nurses who operate the surgery have already done a shift, which shows how harsh and dangerous the situation the girl on the operating table in the operating room is facing this time.

Even if the situation seems to be slightly stable and improving now...but there is still one last bet adventure.

To put it bluntly, the reason why this choice is difficult is that behind the choice is the coexistence of risk and hope.

The risks are huge.

Big enough to bet on the life of the girl on the operating table at this moment.

But once the last operation is successful...

Maybe we can find a chance to cure the disease.

This is a huge temptation that almost no one can refuse, but because of the established risks and the unbearable consequences of failure, they will be hesitant.


There is not much time left for people to hesitate and consider.

The attending doctor in the front operating room hurried out to An's father, An's mother and several other people in the corridor. After briefly explaining the current situation inside, he repeatedly ordered that the final operation must be started as soon as possible. Otherwise, if you miss the opportunity and want to regret it, it will be too late.

The consideration time given by the doctor is a quarter of an hour.


It's almost here.

No. 1 and No. 5 looked at each other, silent, but subconsciously held each other's hands slightly. Even from their perspective, it was difficult to make a choice, let alone the girl's parents. that couple.

Finally, it was a voice that broke the quiet atmosphere in front of the corridor.

No. 3, who just said that he was going to go out to take a breath, came back with strides at some point, looked directly at An's father and An's mother by the door of the operating room, and said:

"You two, there is nothing to hesitate."

"With all due respect, there is no point in delaying this kind of thing any longer, because this is not a choice that any of us are qualified to make."

After finishing the words, Number Five anxiously wanted to interrupt: "Number Three—" But before she could finish speaking, she felt her fiancé's hand was slightly clenched, and she looked up to see Number One He shook his head to himself and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, listen to the third child."

Still looking at An's father and An's mother, No. 3's tone became low but solemn:

"And since that's the case...it's better to think about this issue from another angle."

"As others, we can't make a choice."


"Where's the party?"

"If it was the girl in the operating room at the moment, what would she do if it was her?"

A small voice echoed in the empty hospital corridor.

But it seemed that countless tiny dust in the air fluttered up with an invisible force.

It also seemed to make everyone present feel slightly shocked.

No. 5 subconsciously looked at No. 3 in a daze, as if he didn't expect such words to come from the old friend in front of him. No. 1 nodded slightly, looking at No. 3 with some approval in his eyes.

The middle-aged couple who are the girl's parents were stunned for a moment, and finally looked at each other, and held each other's hands tightly. Father An took a deep breath, nodded fiercely with red eyes:


"If it was Baozi... he would definitely do this."

An's mother's eyes were slightly red: "That child...has always been more decisive and courageous than us adults..."

Three minutes later.

The door of the operating room was opened again, and the attending doctor who came out of the back room looked up and saw the girl's parents standing in front of him. firm.

A few thin pieces of responsibility agreement paper with signed names were handed out.

The attending doctor who accepted the agreement only felt that the weight in his hands was extremely heavy, and nodded solemnly:


"Don't worry, we... will do our best!"

At this moment, no matter An's father and mother, No. 1, No. 3, No. 5, and Zhou Wei behind him, they all bowed slightly in awe and sincerity:


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The update is here, the next chapter looks like around nine o'clock, get out and continue coding.

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