
Chapter 1230 Still open!

Be careful not to kill.

This is a tacit offensive that almost all the audience in the audience can reach.

In the entire League of Legends game, there are only a few heroes with the thickest skin and thickest skin, such as Mundo, Sion, and Eye of Twilight Shen.

Especially after the revised skills were almost redone, Shen's ability to fight and fight has almost reached a new level.

The shield blessing of passive skills is simply a magic skill, and the cooling time in the middle and late stages is also short. With other skills, it can be triggered continuously and quickly reduce CD for repeated use. Injury barrier, standing within the range of the barrier is almost invincible within 1.75 seconds.

There is also a taunt of the E skill that can be used to control or counter kill.

And such a reworked Eye of Twilight...

early stage.

Or stay wretchedly under their defense tower.

It can almost cut off any opponent's idea of ​​wanting to jump over the tower and kill.

Whether it can be killed or not is another matter.

Don't be killed when you cross the tower, that's the real loss of your wife and soldiers.

So when watching a large wave of blue side minions from the bottom lane of Summoner's Canyon press down on the opponent's purple side defense tower, almost no one thought that Shen under the tower would be in any danger at this time.

After all, Shen's development rhythm is much stronger than Rambo's at the beginning of the game.

Rambo just barely made it to level 2 in the top lane.

At this moment, Shendu is at level 3. It is estimated that after eating the wave of troops under the tower, he can reach level 4 and have more than half of the experience bar.

Conversely, look at the bottom duo on the blue side——

Wayne and Japanese women have just reached level 3.

Of course, after level 3, Wei En already has a combo of skill combos, which can deal considerable damage with a Japanese girl, but playing Shen... seems a bit unsightly.

"Hahaha I can't hold back like this!"

Zhou Xiaoyao in the back row of the spectator seats couldn't help gloating:

"You go down the road strong,

It’s fine if we don’t confront you~”

"See what else you can do!"

Chen Mo beside him couldn't help but nodded slightly: "Well, although you will be suppressed to make up more, but as long as Shen gets experience...you can still develop slowly."

"And, at least it's much stronger than Rambo." Zhang Jing also added.

In the early stages of the game, CS gold may be secondary.

The most important thing is level and experience.

The blue duo on the bottom lane actually suffers a little from the ability to suppress the opponent's top laner. On the one hand, Wei En has short hands and it is difficult to consume enough poke effects; The bottom lane combination Ping A is also slower than the opponent's Mouse and Fengnv in dismantling towers.

It seemed that he really wanted to watch the opponent's top laner Shen comfortably eat experience and develop.

Now the blue team's two-man lane and the opponent's top laner are both at level 3.

But in a little while...

Shen's level is about to overtake.

And at that time, not to mention that the Wei En Ri female duo on the blue side will find it difficult to overwhelm the opponent, wait until the jungler comes to the bottom lane and cooperate with the top laner, maybe even be able to easily complete the counterattack and Killed.

The truth is so clearly laid out on the table.

So inferring from this...

"This wave of soldiers is absolutely impossible for Shen to eat easily."

Mo Sheng in the commentary made a deduction:

"Wei En and Japanese women... must find a way."

Xifeng frowned: "Should we still do it by force? But if we force it...the damage may not be enough."

Vayne's W skill passive real damage is actually very restrained against fleshy heroes like Shen, but after all, he is under the tower, you have to resist the tower if you want to rush to the tower-the time required to resist the tower in order to kill Shen, and the ability to resist the tower Hold on to the limit time of immortality...

It is really difficult to calculate the two clearly, but after a rough estimate, it feels like someone will definitely die.

Either Japanese girl or Wei En.

"If it's really a head change... the blue side won't make any money."

Mo Sheng took the words and analyzed: "At most, Wei En gets the head, and Shen Ye gets a head, but the former...the ADC mouse on the opposite side is determined to avoid the front, and Wei En won't be able to play the head in the early stage. More advantageous effects, on the contrary, if Shen is dying and replaces one, the growth will be stronger than Rambo in the future."


It seems that jumping over the tower and killing by force is not feasible.

But letting the opponent's top laner Eye of Twilight comfortably eat up the entire wave of pawns is not enough.

"This...is there any other way?"

Faced with such a difficult and tricky question, the two commentators at the commentary booth couldn't help but frowned tightly at the same time.

And this time.

The bottom line has already entered the tower.


"The opposite skills are all there."

Manipulating her support, the Japanese woman, followed the line of soldiers and pressed down the tower. At the same time, Jingu Sakura quickly reported the situation of the target top laner Twilight Eye on the team's voice channel. This is also the basic requirement for a support Literacy.

Lin Feng nodded.

His eyes swept across the tower not far away, and his eyes stopped for a while on the opponent Shan Shen, and then fell on the translucent energy sword not far from Shen's position.

The top laner of the Shangwai team...

Still very good at playing.

Twilight's Eye is always not far from his translucent energy sword, that is, he can activate the W skill "Profound Truth · Soul Blessing" at any time to release a defensive barrier that is immune to damage.

In Lin Feng's opinion, Shen's W skill is even more against the sky than the E skill's taunt or big move.

It can almost be said that this is the biggest magic weapon for the hero Shen to appear in the professional arena.

1.75 seconds of block injury-free time.

Not to mention the middle and late stages.

But at least in the early stage, especially at this moment when the blue side and the two bot laners are about to jump the tower, Shen's skill can play a vital role.

Because perhaps relying on the W skill to block more than 100 points of damage in just over a second, Shen could save his life and even complete the counter-kill under the tower.

So this is the most difficult problem that needs to be considered and solved in this wave of tower jumping and killing.

The top of the purple side's bottom defense outer tower lit up, and an energy light bullet flew down towards the first melee soldier from the blue side who entered the attack range.

"Shen will be level 4 soon."

Jingu Sakura's reminder sounded in Lin Feng's ears.

Lin Feng nodded:

"Don't worry, you will follow the skill control later."

"I'll take the lead."

The moment the voice fell, before Sakura Jingu was stunned for a moment, the night hunter Vayne under the control of someone had already moved forward quickly and pressed in with the holy silver short crossbow in his hand.

Cross the line.

go further.

In the blink of an eye, Wei En's figure has swept out from the front of his own soldier line, and came to a position that is horizontally aligned with the horizontal line of the opponent's defense tower——

Lift the crossbow.

A flat ace was played against the target Eye of Twilight under the tower.

The crossbow arrow soaked in holy silver directly hit the target, cutting off a small amount of blood in the blood bar above Shen's head, and at the same time forming a silver-white skill halo on the ground under the target's feet.


Xifeng on the commentary seat couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

There was an uproar in the audience.

On the side of the purple army on the stage, the top laner of the Shangwai team in front of the computer screen couldn't help being stunned, and before he could react, the opponent's ADC Wei En shot after the first tie A shot and quickly The moment he retreated from the hatred firepower of the defense tower, he rushed up again.

Another tie-A!

Two skill halos appeared at the feet of Eye of Twilight!

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The update is delivered, the body is not strong enough, today there are only two updates, and tomorrow will strive for the third update, friends also pay attention to their health.

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