
Chapter 1218 Too late for twenty shots

Leaving aside other European servers, US servers, and Korean servers, at least half or more League of Legends players in the national server are prone to explosion or imbalance in their mentality towards the game rankings.

A little bit of dissatisfaction can easily ignite or get angry.

For example, the teammates on the sidelines are pitted.

For example, when my mid laner encounters a jungler and refuses to let blue.

For example, I was gank twice by my opponent in the lane, and I can't line up normally...

It can make people feel uncomfortable immediately, and then after complaining and complaining, they will directly shoot 20 shots in anger.

Of course, there are also some players who have a better mentality. Even if they encounter a disadvantaged situation or their teammates are pitted, they can control their emotions well, and even persuade and encourage teammates not to give up with good words, so as to slowly find opportunities in disadvantages. Try to turn the tables.

The latter is undoubtedly a better display of mentality, not easily choose to surrender, and always persist until the end.

But even players with such a good mentality will still encounter situations where they have to give up.

Small disadvantages, of course you can persist.

Even if your teammates collapse, if you work hard to carry, you will always have a chance to bring the rhythm of the comeback.


If there is a super master who is not at the level of me on the opposite side, and if you beat the line in five minutes and go straight to the super god in 10 minutes, you will push down the high ground in 15 minutes, then such a situation will really make people feel powerless. There is no way to resist.

No matter how helpless, I can only type "666, let's push it" in the chat bar of the public screen.

In fact, even in the professional arena, there are such situations.

One of the two sides in the fight seized the opportunity to play a super big rhythm in the early stage and immediately sealed the victory. As the opponent, this side was also powerless to stop the opponent's crazy and fast snowballing rhythm.

However, the professional players of the team in the professional arena still have to maintain a little dignity after all, it is impossible to surrender casually, and try to resist to the end as much as possible-although both each other and the commentators and audiences know that the end has been decided.

Just like this game in the Jin Ge Cup semi-finals at this moment.

The blue team has already lost.

This is the unanimous consensus reached by the two commentators Xifeng Mosheng on the stage and the audience in the audience.

Even the members of the blue team on the foreign team probably have no intention of resisting, just because they can't admit defeat...or because they haven't even survived long enough to initiate a vote to surrender, so Cai is still barely supporting himself on the map of Summoner's Canyon.

But the scene at this time is already ugly.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that several members of the Shangwai team have lost their fighting spirit, one by one, the top laner, the mid laner, and the jungler...all of them are sleepwalking, and they don't know what they are doing. Anyway, they have no rules at all, just supporting Last breath.

But the audience can also understand this state.

after all--

I really can't fight anymore, what else can I do?

Just look at the purple side's ADC Obama and support Bron in the bottom lane, who can make waves unscrupulously in the bottom lane, and no one can stop them.

Obama and Bron pushed down the second tower on the blue square.

Obama and Bloom line up the high ground.

Bron seized an opportunity and directly drove to the opposite side to assist Lulu. Obama's E skill rushed up and a set of burst damage directly killed him.

The duo forcibly pushed down the opponent's high ground defense tower...

What is kill through?

This is called killing through.

There is simply no word that can describe the situation more vividly than the current situation.

Even Zhou Xiaoyao in the back seat couldn't stand it anymore, covered her eyes and turned her head:

"Ahhh, what's the matter with this—"

"In more than ten minutes, I was directly killed by the opponent's bottom lane. A group of people dare not go up, just admit defeat!"

Zhang Jing next to her shook her head helplessly: "This kind of competition...the most embarrassing thing is to admit defeat. I'd rather stick to it until the end."

Chen Mo looked at the giant LCD viewing screen on the stage, and sighed:


"Anyway, admit defeat or not, it's about the same."


At this time, the game time was only in the early 15 minutes.

But in the bottom lane, the highland tower and summoning crystal of the blue side's foreign team have been forcibly bulldozed and demolished by the opponent's ADC Obama and support Bron with only two people, turning them into ruins.

Even, the Zifang bot lane duo still had no plans to retreat.

A new wave of soldiers pushed up to the high ground.

This is actually about to advance directly towards the two front tooth towers on the blue side.

If it really "successfully"——

The blue side's foreign team really doesn't need to worry about whether to initiate a surrender, because they don't have to wait for 20 minutes, and the base crystals on their side will be forcibly dismantled by the opposing bottom lane team.

Seeing the opponent's bot lane duo brazenly swaggering in front of their home's highland front tooth tower, it finally inspired the last bit of blood and anger from the members of the blue team's Shangwai team.

The ice girl directly gave up her own top lane and sent the bottom lane to go around!

The jungler Zhumei and the mid laner shadow stream master even rushed out of the spring water of the base, and rushed towards the two purple target heroes not far away in front of their summoning crystal ruins!

Support Lulu follows her teammates.

The policewoman opened the door under the front tooth tower.

The sniper aimed at the opponent ADC Obama, preparing to lower the blood volume with a wave of poke in advance.

"Oh, the last wave—"

Someone in front of the computer screen on the blue side of the army raised his eyebrows slightly, and said without turning his head:


In fact, there is no need to order reminders at all. The moment before the female policeman's big sniper bullet roared through the air and bombarded, the auxiliary Bron under Jingu Sakura's control was already stuck in front of the straight flight trajectory of the sniper bullet.


Solidly help ADC teammates block a shot.

After eating such a policewoman's big move damage, it is almost difficult to tell whether the blood volume of Braum's own blood has dropped.

after all.

At this moment, Braum's level is even higher than that of the opponent's ADC policewoman.

Lin Feng smiled:

"Are the skills ready?"

Jingu Sakura's answer was concise and quick: "Both summons are here."

Lin Feng glanced at his summoner skills and equipment bar. Similarly, [Flash] and [Purification] were cooled down, and a [Mercury Ribbon] was also lying safely next to the blue sword and the endless blade:

"Then, let's get started."

Jingu Sakura's eyes quickly swept across the blue heroes not far away who were fiercely rushing from all directions: "Which one should be killed first?"

Someone is calm:


Three seconds later.

The most intense team battle broke out in front of the front tooth tower of the blue army's high ground.

Twenty seconds later.

The dust settled.

The female voice of the system "Quadra-Kill" announced the quadruple kill with passion and high-pitched reverberation in the entire Summoner Canyon. Zou Siyuan, the ADC captain of the Shangwai team who was left alone, controlled his female policewoman in Piltover to escape back to the spring. , and behind...

It was the corpses of several other heroes of the blue army lying in disorder.

Under the stage, at the Shangcai e-sports club in the front row of the spectator seats, Qiu Le was the first to jump up from his seat in excitement:


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The update is here, the next chapter is around nine o'clock, and it's still the third watch today.

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