
Chapter 1213 Keep Pushing!

"Okay, now we see that the Shangcai team on the purple side has successfully pushed down the opponent's first blood tower in the bottom lane."

"Obama and Bloom chose to go back to town."

"Next—should we consider changing the line?" In the commentary seat, Xi Feng turned his head to look at Mo Sheng to ask the opinion of his beautiful female partner while doing the commentary and analysis: "Mo Sheng, what do you think?"

Mo Sheng nodded with an expression of approval:

"Well, the first blood tower was demolished in the bottom lane. Basically, Obama and Bron were liberated from the lane. It might not be easy to take advantage of staying in the bottom lane. At this time, changing lanes should be more reasonable. choose."

Xifeng smiled: "It seems that we have the same idea, but whether to switch to the middle lane or the top lane is still open to discussion—"

Mo Sheng glanced across the map of the canyon on the big screen watching the battle, frowned for a moment, thought about it, and gave her own opinion:

"It's more appropriate to change the lane to the middle lane. After all, it will be a bit difficult for the fan mother to fight against the lane robbery slowly. It is also enough to switch to the bottom lane to defend the tower and draw the line. It is easy for the two blue laners on the opposite side It’s not easy to push the tower.”

"And the line in the middle lane is relatively short. Obama and Bron switch to 2V1 to suppress Zed's development. At the same time, if the opponent hits the wild boar girl and comes to gank, the two can retreat to the tower more easily, which is relatively safer."

Xifeng raised his eyebrows: "Oh? But I think it is more appropriate to switch to the top lane. After all, the outer tower in the middle lane is not easy to push, and the opposite side can support and return to defense at any time. If the top lane can destroy the tower faster, the purple side The advantages can be further expanded more efficiently.”

The two commentators began to discuss in this way.

At the same time, the audience in the spectator stands were also talking about it, basically thinking that the number of people who changed lanes and changed lanes accounted for half of the number of people...


When they saw the final whereabouts of the purple bot lane duo on the field, everyone couldn't help being stunned:

This is……

No top or mid lane at all!

Obama and Bloom actually continued to rush back towards the bottom road! ?


"Still going down the road!?"

Now even Xi Feng and Mo Sheng on the commentary stage couldn't help showing a look of astonishment.

After discussing for a long time, it was this situation that they didn't expect at all.

Because according to common sense... the most correct choice is to switch lanes after pushing the first blood tower in the bottom lane, but now looking at Obama and Bron——

"This is, it's really unusual."

Xifeng smiled wryly and shook his head. As a professional commentator, but in today's game, he felt as if he had been slapped in the face by reality many times.

And Mo Sheng frowned subconsciously:

"Continue to push down the road. If there are no outer towers on the opposite side, it doesn't make much sense for Obama and Bron to go down, unless..."

Suddenly, as if suddenly awakened, Mo Sheng's eyes lit up:


"They plan to keep pushing forward!"

Xifeng next to him was taken aback by these words: "Continue to push forward?"

The next moment he also suddenly realized:

"Wait a minute, are you saying—"

Before he finished speaking, Mo Sheng quickly took it over: "Yes!"

The beautiful female commentator stared at the purple side ADC Obama and assistant Bron on the big screen watching the battle, and couldn't help showing an excited look on her face:

"They're not trying to waste time."

"It's just that... I'm really planning to forcefully snowball the advantage in the bot lane!"


Hearing the analysis of the two commentators on the stage, the spectators below the stage were even more uproarious.


The two people on the bottom of the purple side... After pushing the blood tower, the next plan is to continue to push down! ?

"Are you crazy!?"

Zhou Xiaoyao exclaimed, her eyes widened:

"Isn't this continuing to push you to court death?"

The faces of Zhang Jing and Chen Mo who were next to them also showed a look of astonishment, because they really did not expect that the bot lane duo of the Shangcai team would have such a plan. Obviously there is a more stable way to change lanes, so they chose this one instead. The most risky way to go.

"Isn't this a little rough?"

Zhang Jing frowned.

Chen Mo beside him couldn't help but nodded: "Yes, if the pressure line is too deep...if you get caught again, something may happen."

Even in the front row of the spectator seats, everyone in the Shangcai e-sports club who had full confidence in a certain person couldn't help being worried at this moment:

"Isn't that too dangerous—"

"It's the bottom lane that has the advantage, but the outer tower in the middle lane on the opposite side is not broken. If you press the line and push the second tower, it is easy to fall into a situation of isolation and helplessness."

On the contrary, there is only one Qiu Le who is still full of blind optimism towards someone at this time:

"Oh, what are you worrying about? When has Fengzi been unreliable in doing things?"

"If you want to push the second tower, just push it!"

"Kill the one who comes across!"

And at this time, on the side of the Purple Fang Legion on the stage, someone in front of the computer screen indeed held such a point of view:

"Just come and kill one."

Explaining this calmly with several other teammates, a certain person looked calm.


It may be more stable to change the line.

But if it is based on the premise that you don't worry about any risks when you go down the road... then it is actually much more straightforward to kill him and clear the level.

The auxiliary Braum of Jingu beside him has [Weakness], and his own ADC Obama has just made [Mercury Sash].

So don't worry about the roaming of the master of the single shadow stream on the opposite side.

At the same time, the support Lulu's [Weakness] and the top lane Ice Maiden's [Teleportation] are still in the cooldown period, which means that in the next three minutes at least, the risk they need to take on the bot side is halved of.

There is still a wild boar girl on the opposite side——

As for the pig girl's big move.

"Just one E and I dodged it."

Someone said this, and at the same time moved and manipulated the mouse to quickly move to the tower of the second tower on the opposite blue square, and marked it:


"Keep pushing."


So in an atmosphere that stunned the audience, the duo of ADC Obama and assistant Bron in the purple side continued to lead the line forward.

Jump over the ruins of the opponent's defensive outer towers.

Advance all the way.

Cross the Golem jungle.

Until the opponent's blue side goes down to the second tower.

Obviously, several members of the blue side's upper and outer team were also confused by the domineering posture of the opposite bottom lane duo. For a moment, they almost wondered if they had something wrong with their eyes.


After recovering...

A sense of shame and anger that was underestimated and underestimated suddenly flooded!

"Grass! The other side is beating us like bronze and silver!?"

"The other two outer towers are all there, how dare they push the line so deep in the bottom lane?"

Several members of the foreign team were angry.

Not to mention that Zou Siyuan, the captain of the team, saw his complexion constantly changing from green to white. Under normal circumstances, he would definitely be the first to be furious, but now... several of his team members are already very angry When scolding, he surprisingly didn't say a word.

This made several SISU players feel a little surprised and confused, but soon this emotion was replaced by anger again:

"Captain, get off the road and hold on."

"I'll come over right away to make a wave!"

"I pushed the line in the middle and came from the river, I don't believe it! Grass!"

So the wild boar girl on the blue side began to rush down the road quickly.

At the same time, Jie, the leader of the mid laner Shadow Stream, also quickly cleared a wave of soldiers and walked towards the river.

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The update is here, the third update is around eleven o'clock, get out and continue coding!

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