
Chapter 1209 Still Can't Beat Me

This time, the judgment of the two commentators on the commentary stage was still correct.

In fact, if anyone else is the ADC support for the purple team's bot lane at the moment, they are hit by a double roaming gank from the opposing jungler's top laner while pressing the line, and at the same time, there are no other teammates on their side who can give it to them. In the case of timely support... Basically, death is inevitable.

Not to mention that this wave of roaming ganks from the blue side's foreign team was also extremely tricky and precise——

It happened to be the time when the summoner skills of the purple side's bottom lane duo hadn't cooled down.

So this wave is a dead end.


The two commentators Xifeng and Mo Sheng were not completely accurate.

At least, it was half wrong.

Because there were two people on the purple side, one of them escaped in the end.

It was Lin Feng's ADC Obama who escaped.

Almost as soon as they saw a beam of teleportation light rising into the sky behind them, someone from the purple side on the stage had already communicated with the beautiful Japanese girl partner as an assistant.

Jingu Sakura: "Can I fight?"

Lin Feng: "Without double summons, it's not easy to fight. It's unnecessary."

"I'm still weak."

"Don't waste it."

"Well, then sell me?"


The communication was completed in a blink of an eye, and the next moment the ADC Obama under the control of someone turned around and retreated without hesitation. Suddenly, a burly and majestic figure carrying a huge shield appeared——

Bron opened E to raise the shield, received W skill support and moved to teammate ADC Obama.

Backhand Q.

A "Winter's Bite" directly hit the wild boar girl on the opposite side in the face.

Slow down and hold on.

Zhumei forced a Q skill "Extreme Cold Strike" to move forward and chase up, trying to keep people, but the next moment the opponent's ADC Obama suddenly turned around and raised his gun to pick up the Q skill "Penetrating Holy Light" to cooperate with two A-levels. The shot hit the pig girl directly.

In an instant, a period of blood volume was knocked down.

At this time, the Holy Gun Ranger directly used the Storm Sword after returning to the city in the last wave, and the damage was already extremely high.

Bron made a backhand to tie A and cooperated with the ADC teammates to play a passive 4-layer effect.

Freeze controls the pig girl.

In the blink of an eye, Obama's W skill "Passionate Bullet" followed by two flat-A bursts has been fired in one go. The blood bar on the top of the pig girl's head suddenly fell down and then fell to a section, leaving less than one-third of it. Braum's passive is about to fill up again——

"Let's go!!"

Lulu, the auxiliary player of the Shangwai team, almost screamed in panic.

This wave is a perfect kill.

To be replaced by such a sudden explosion by the opponent is called a blood loss, and it is absolutely not advisable.

Also stunned by the sudden burst of damage from opponent Obama and Bron, fortunately, the Wild Boar Girl team members who came back to their senses in the next moment desperately handed over their summoner skills the moment they got out of control.

Flash fled in embarrassment.

However, even though it was embarrassing, at least it successfully achieved the effect of delaying the opponent's footsteps.

The ice girl teleported to the ground.

The E skill "Path of Glacier" spreads forward directly.

The second-stage E bursts into the battlefield instantly.

And at the same moment when Ice Girl's second-stage E skill landed, the ADC Obama under someone's control gave up the target bloody pig girl without any hesitation, turned around and quickly moved back with an E skill.

Get out of the ice girl's skill casting range for the first time.

So the ice girl Lissandra, who was displaced and landed, could only throw all her skills and control on the opponent's assistant Braum.

W skill ice ring control.

Answer Q.

In the end, the "Frozen Mausoleum" with the big move was forced to hold Bron completely immobile, and the policewoman and Lulu from the rear also rushed to rush, and finally gave the head to the policewoman Kaitlyn after a set fire.

"An-enemy-has-been- (An enemy hero was killed."

The kill announcement of the female voice of the system sounded faithfully.

There was a lot of applause from the spectator seats, especially the members of SISU E-sports Club, who watched with joy and cheered continuously:

"The president is nice!!"


"Let them press the line, hahaha this wave has made money!!"

In contrast, the members of the Shangcai e-sports club in the front row of spectators didn't give a good face at all, and Qiu Le even looked at the direction of the Shangwai e-sports club not far away with a look of contempt:

"That's why you have the nerve to brag about their president?"

"Here comes the jungler and top laner... and let Fengzi's ADC Obama run away, and take Bron's head because his teammates let it go, 6 farts 6?"

Shen Zhuang next to him seemed a little worried:

"However... this wave of bot lane was indeed successfully targeted."

"The female police officer got the head, and the developmental rhythm has been restored."


And at this time, the four players on the blue side are in the bottom lane, and the Shangcai team on the purple side only has Lin Feng's ADC Obama left.

"It's okay." Feng Tao could see clearly, and there was not much worry on his face: "Even if Fengzi loses this wave of soldiers, he will still be able to beat the female policewoman on the opposite side in terms of making up. advantageous."


"The outer tower cannot be dismantled on the opposite side."

Lin Feng's voice sounded in the voice channel of the purple square team on the stage. At this time, he had already controlled his ADC Obama to retreat to a position far behind his first tower without hesitation. He simply glanced at the tower and was pushed by his opponent After a wave of soldiers came over, I made a calculation in my heart and came to a conclusion:

"Probably more than half of the tower has been worn away."

Jingu Sakura, who was still waiting for her resurrection in the spring water, nodded slightly:

"Then... it's not a big loss."

Not much to lose?

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and laughed:

"It should be said that I made a lot of money——"

On the opposite side, it took two manpower from the jungler and the top laner to come to the bottom lane to gank, only to kill a support Braum on their side, and let his ADC Obama escape successfully, and now even a blood tower It can't be broken easily, so it can be said that the harvest is very limited.

And as for the price paid for this achievement——

Zhumei was forced out of [Flash] by the counterattack of the two of them.

The ice girl spent a 【Teleportation】.

More importantly, this wave of Ice Girls only got one assist when they came to the bottom lane, but lost at least two waves of pawn economy and experience in the top lane. Poke Gnar's blood volume, thus gaining the initiative to push the line, then when Lissandra returns to the line in the next wave... it is inevitable to fall into a passive disadvantage.

So to put it bluntly-

The head of Bron just now should be taken away by the ice girl in order to "stop the loss".

Or even adding a bit of development to Zhumei's head can make the jungler's subsequent roaming more aggressive and active.

But what the foreign team made was the most stupid choice.

They gave the head to the policewoman.

Leaving aside the details of how uneconomical it is to give up heads to an ADC hero in the early stage, for someone, only one sentence is enough:

"He took the head."

"Still can't beat me."

***************************************************** *********************

The update will be delivered, and it will be done at midnight. Friends, rest early, Abu, and I will go to bed too. Good night, good night.

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