
Chapter 1002: 01 Level One!

Compared to the Shangwai team, Zou Siyuan is communicating meticulously with his support and even jungle teammates. At the same time, on the purple side of the Shangcai team, someone who is the ADC Obama just left Dou Zi, who is a wild blind monk, purely just made a few arrangements with the assistant Jingu Ying:

"Take a wave at level 2."

"Play a round of summoner skills."

"Then push the line, and another wave around level 3."

"Take some blood."

Four sentences.

Arrange all the off-road matters directly.

I didn't intend to think about anything else at all, as if the script was arranged like this... 100% will be successfully staged later.

When it comes to things like "scripts", there are often two reasons for mistakes. One is of course "the opponent does not cooperate", and the other is "the operation is not played out by oneself".

But for Lin Feng.

It is impossible for the latter situation to arise, so as long as the latter is resolved...the so-called "opponents' cooperation or failure to cooperate" in the former cannot be tolerated.

Whether you deserve it or not.

same kill.

In the early 2 minutes of the game, the first wave of minions from the blue and purple armies in the bottom lane of Summoner's Canyon also walked to the center of the line near the river mouth. Use a knife or look for an opportunity to shoot to consume the blood on the opposite side of the poke.

"The policewoman learned Q at level 1."

Xifeng on the commentary stage glanced at the skill panel of the blue ADC female policewoman on the big screen of the battle. Normally, the female policewoman can learn Q or W skills at level 1. The latter is relatively conservative and stable. If she learns Q Skill "Peacemaker":

"That is to play more aggressively and even prepare to grab the second level."

Mo Sheng next to him took the words, paused, and looked at the bottom line on the big screen watching the battle:

"Speaking of which, both sides actually have the ability to grab 2."


On the blue side, Lulu, the assistant of the foreign team, wears the blue money-stealing salary outfit.

However, his own skills and level A can help his teammate female policemen to push the line to a certain extent; the auxiliary Bron of the purple Fangshangcai team does not have much ability to push the line, but the shield of the holy object can make him do so. In the early stage, the melee hero speeds up the last knife for his ADC teammates, so the speed will not be much slower than Lulu.


It mainly depends on the rhythm of the ADC heroes on both sides.

As soon as you come up, you can see that Zou Siyuan's ADC female policewoman on the blue side's foreign team is playing very aggressively. A flat A hits a purple side's melee minion to make up the knife, and then retreats a small step to widen the distance. Quickly shot backhand and hit the opposite assistant Bron.

Then Caitlin raised the sniper rifle like lightning.

A Q skill "Peace Messenger" anchor bullet was fired with almost no aiming.

Penetrating not far away, a long-range soldier with residual blood from the purple side took the supplementary knife, and at the same time pierced through the body of Bron, who had no time to move and dodge, and took away a small amount of blood.

The members of SISU E-sports Club in the back row of the spectator seats immediately cheered.

Mo Sheng and Xi Feng in the commentary seat also nodded slightly:

"The operation of the policewoman is very solid."

"The fluency and proficiency are very high——"

Everyone in the Shangcai e-sports club in the front row of the spectator seats was dissatisfied, especially the members of dormitory 514 who did not forget to roll their eyes at the Shangwai e-sports club in the back row:

"Low is not low."

"You have to applaud every time you make a knife, have you never seen the world like this?"

"Tsk Q, it's just a Bloom. The Bloom of the girl from the Jingu Palace is so meaty. It's not a shitty thing to eat a Q. If you have the ability, you can try Q Fengzi's Obama?"

At the same time, on the side of the Zifang Shangcai team on the stage, Lin Feng and Jingu Ying, who were in the bottom lane, were communicating with each other in a relaxed and calm tone while manipulating their respective heroes in line:

"The proficiency of the policewoman opposite is pretty good."

"Oh, it's okay, I played quite aggressively, good thing."

The previous sentence is Jingu Sakura's evaluation.

The latter sentence is from someone.

And the so-called "good thing" is that the opponent's ADC female policeman's rather proactive and aggressive style of play is also very gratifying to someone—

If you are too cowardly, it may not be easy to kill.

If you play so aggressively...

It is also more convenient and trouble-free to solve.

Glancing at the ADC policewoman and assistant Lulu on the blue side opposite, Lin Feng said:

"I consume."

"You help Bing A."

"Skills are not in a hurry."

Jingu Sakura, who cooperated tacitly with someone, understood: "Understood."


At level 1, it is basically impossible for the duo on both sides of the bottom lane to fight together easily.

It's nothing more than doing some small mutual testing and consuming poke.

On the blue side, Zou Siyuan took a female policeman in this round. With the longest A-level range in the League of Legends, it is natural to fight as much as possible in the early stage to gain an advantage in blood volume. Opportunity AQ consumes a small wave of Braum's blood volume, which is the case.

However, consuming Braum's blood volume did not satisfy Zou Siyuan.

After all, Bron is indeed too rough and thick, even if he consumes half of his blood, he can't be killed easily.

The main thing is to suppress the blood volume of Obama on the opposite side.

As long as the opponent Obama's blood volume is disabled or consumed below a certain blood level, although it is not possible to directly complete the kill, at least it can effectively limit the opponent's follow-up knife rhythm.

Normally speaking, Obama is also a relatively short-handed hero in terms of level A range, which is far from comparable to the female policeman.

So it stands to reason that the policewoman should be able to easily consume Lucian's blood.

It can actually be operated...

It was only then that Zou Siyuan found out with some headaches and even annoyance that the situation was not what he expected and planned at all.

Someone's Obama on the other side is as slippery as a loach!

Great distance control!

However, whenever the ADC female policeman he controls wants to press forward a little bit more and hit someone at point A, at the moment when he hits the opponent, Lucian directly backhands a Q skill "Holy Light" that has penetrated through the minions and even Penetrating his Caitlin, he can only choose to retreat, otherwise he will be passively shot twice by the opponent if he tries again, which is not worth the loss.

My assistant Lulu is also looking for opportunities to use level A and skills to hit Obama, but the situation is similar to that of my policewoman, and even worse, Lulu's skills were dodged and she ate Obama. QA small combo.

"Be careful!"

Seeing that his assistant Lulu's blood volume was dropped by nearly one-third in an instant, Zou Siyuan couldn't help but twitch his eyelids and yelled angrily.

"Oh——" Lulu, who is a support from Shanghai, felt a little wronged. He also wanted to help the captain suppress the opponent's ADC, but he was really too flexible.

Although it failed to achieve the expected effect in terms of poke consumption at level 1, at least Zou Siyuan's policewoman is still very stable in terms of the rhythm of the last attack.

The first wave of 6 soldiers were all accepted steadily.

Never fall.

And it is a little faster than the two opponents in the purple side to close the pawn line, which means that it will be easier for them to grab the time point of level 2 next.

But as for this, Lin Feng was not worried.

"They don't have anything in the second level."

Someone said to Jingu Sakura next to her like this:

"They can grab whatever they want."

"Take 2 and dare to come up to press and fight them."

Jingu Sakura raised her eyebrows slightly: "You also fight with them at level 2?"

Someone is calm:

"We'll be level 2 after a while."

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The update is here, and the third update is around eleven o'clock, so get out and continue working.

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