
Chapter 1192

The game time is more than half of 7 minutes.

On the top lane of Summoner’s Canyon, Pan Sen, the purple top laner who killed the opponent’s top laner Dashu twice and got 1 kill and 1 assist, still occupies a strong and active position in the lane with his current pure output equipment. In his own hands, Quan took several waves to consume the blood volume of the twisted tree spirit that disabled the opponent, and then a three-stroke spear with E skill quickly cleared out a wave of small soldiers in the opponent's back row, and then quickly turned around and pressed B to return to the city.

Return to the base spring and update the equipment supply status for a round.

Make a speed shoe.

Then quietly and quickly rushed towards the direction of the next road.

At the same time, although the murlocs in the middle lane were originally trying to control the line and wanted to cooperate with the jungle teammate Nightmare to find a chance to gank and kill the opponent's mid laner, but at this time, the Mechanic Herald seemed to be extremely vigilant. Cautious and wretched, the little murloc gave up his original plan and started pressing the line quickly.

A wave of soldiers pushed in front of the opponent's blue square middle road tower, and the little murlocs also began to lean towards the grass at the river mouth on the right.

get off the road.

The ADC policewoman of the Tongji team cooperates with the auxiliary Thresh to also speed up the pace of clearing the line. The warden of the soul lock goes to the grass at the bottom of the river and inserts the real eye, and then goes to the triangle grass to scan the opponent's eye with a red scan, so as to make a good vision After that, he withdrew to his female police teammate.

Everything seemed to proceed quietly.

But vaguely...

There was already a dangerous aura slowly spreading down the road.

Many spectators sat upright subconsciously in the spectator seats. Through the OB screen from the perspective of God, they could clearly see the actions and whereabouts of the heroes of the purple team Tongji on the field——

This is--

It's almost time to start!

On the side of the Shangcai team in the front row of the spectator seats, Deng Zhe's eyes quickly swept across the road:

"The policewoman and Thresh reached level six first."

"Leading the opponent's speed by almost half a wave of pawn line experience."

"Thresh and Stone are both summoned."

"It can be opened by force."

On the other side, Lu Ze stared wide-eyed at the two ADC support heroes of the blue Fudan team on the field:

"The double call of the Japanese girl and the treatment of Xiaopao are also there.


"If you react quickly, there is a chance of escape."

But before the words finished, Sun Ming shook his head and retorted: "The chance is very small, okay. The key is that the little cannon didn't flash, and the two swimmers, Mengmeng and Pan Sen, went down the road and instantly used their big moves. Too much control—"


Through the OB screen from God's perspective, it can be seen that the purple murlocs in the middle have also invaded the lower half of the opponent's blue team, the Fudan team.

Looking at the whereabouts and movements, it is obvious that they are planning to make a roundabout from the Golem wild area.

"It's too late to retreat."

Dou Zi made a judgment.

It is said that at this time, the double-teaming trend of the purple team is about to form. The ADC Xiaopao and the auxiliary Japanese girl of the blue team Fudan team can only guard under their own outer tower. As for the retreat and escape it's too late.

"It's basically... the bottom line is gone, right?"

Lu Ze murmured subconsciously.

Because the Tongji team on the purple side made too much preparations, the upper and middle teams relied on the initiative to push the line quickly, and then calculated the time difference before the big tree's teleportation was almost finished before it cooled down, quickly forming a front and back trap. Pinching off the absolute hand to retreat——

From this point of view, it seems that the blue side Fudan team's most sensible choice in this wave is to take the initiative to give up the two bottom laners.

"On the middle lane, take the opportunity to push the tower or go to get a Canyon Herald, can you stop the loss?"

Xifeng and Mo Sheng in the commentary booth were also discussing at this time:

"If you rashly go down the road to rescue..."

"I feel that instead of giving one away, the loss will be even greater."

"The stop loss can indeed make up for it a little bit, but let it go in the bottom lane like this... One blood tower, two heads and one fire dragon, the Fudan team will still suffer a lot of injuries."

The analysis of the two commentators makes sense.

However, one thing is certain—

That is to say, no matter how huge losses the blue team Fudan will suffer in the bottom lane, the most sensible and safe choice for Fudan is still to find a way to stop losses from the top and middle lanes.


Indeed, it will only hurt more.

And it was at this moment that the exchange between the two commentators was about to end.

Summoner's Canyon went down the road, when a large wave of troops was pushed to the front of the blue defense tower.

The Tongji team on the purple side started.


At the same time as his ADC teammate, the female policeman, pushed the line with a knife, the warden of soul lock supported by the Tongji team had already moved forward quickly with a sickle chain in his hand.

The moment when the opponent's two heroes retreated to the tower.

Thresh seized his moment.

A "Death Judgment" of the Q skill waved the chain of the scythe in his hand, and suddenly threw it forward violently!

call out! ! ! ! ——

A shrill howl piercing the air.

The ice-cold sickle chain suddenly pulled out a straight trajectory and fired at the blue ADC cannon of the target in front!

same moment.

The support Japanese female player of the blue Fudan team stopped abruptly and took a step forward obliquely. She just grabbed in front of her ADC teammate and used her body to help Xiaopao as a cover to block the Q.

squeak --

There was a tooth-piercing sound of metal rubbing against each other.

The death chain that hit the Goddess of Dawn suddenly tightened, and the next moment, the second Q of the soul lock warden suddenly opened, moving forward along the chain, rushing forward and looting!


There was a sudden exclamation from the audience!

However, it seems that Thresh's first hook is not ideal and perfect. It was originally intended to be a small cannon, but the assisted Japanese girl blocked it with her body.


Has little effect!

Because this wave only needs Thresh's "first move" as a condition.

At the same time, through the OB screen from God's perspective, all audiences can clearly see that Pan Sen, the top laner of the purple team Tongji, has come to the back of his own defense tower in the bottom lane at this time. One Click" is already on!

A striking huge green circle of light suddenly shrouded the ground in front of the blue square down road defense tower!

Thresh's second-stage Q swept to the target Japanese woman!

Backhand E!

The sickle chain is fierce from front to back!

Directly drag the Goddess of Aurora and the Mai Lin gunner not far ahead at the same time to stagger, slow down and control it!

The big move "Nether Prison" suddenly opened!

And at the same moment when several cold and pale energy light walls gathered upwards like a suspension bridge, at the corner of the lower road mouth near the line, a teleportation beam suddenly soared into the sky!

All the audience in the spectator seats under the stage couldn't help being stunned.

At this moment……

The teleportation of the big tree is not good yet.

But then many people have reacted and exclaimed:


"Victor passed it on!!"

Xifeng on the commentary platform suddenly leaned forward, his expression shaking, his eyes fixed on the teleportation beam on the bottom road:

"This wave... Fudan actually wants to fight!?"

In the back row of the spectator seats, the members of the Shangwai team couldn't help but commotion.


The commentary just now has already analyzed it very thoroughly. This wave of bot lane is absolutely imperative for the purple Fang Tongji team to ensure victory. The Fudan team did not choose a wise stop loss response... Instead, they have to forcefully support the bot lane! ?

The head is so iron! ?

Zou Siyuan couldn't help showing a sneer on his face:

"Qiu Yijie from Fudan University...does he also get carried away by irrationality?"

Just then.

The most critical battle in Summoner's Canyon has completely detonated!

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The update is here, the next chapter looks like around ten o'clock, get out and continue coding!

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