
Chapter 1190 Brewing

The first blood was born on the road in Summoner's Canyon so quickly, Xi Feng couldn't help but praise him on the commentary stage, and at the same time, there was a burst of warm cheers and applause from the audience seats.

This wave...

Well done!

To be reasonable, the three players on both sides of the blue and purple really played very well. Pan Sen received the signal from the jungler and immediately flashed decisively, followed by the W skill, jumping face, dizzy, controlling the big tree, and igniting the small combo that cooperated with A and Q. The move instantly filled the first wave of damage.

And Dashu's response is actually perfect.

Turn around and direct the W skill to use the opponent's jungle nightmare as a springboard to widen the distance with Pan Sen. At the same time, the Q skill prepares to repel the nightmare and then flashes in an instant——


If nothing else, Dashu should be able to show off his opponent in this wave.

As long as the Q skill briefly shakes and controls the nightmare for a moment, and then escapes with a flash to escape from the fear control of the nightmare's E skill, Dashu can really escape without any danger. At this time, the audience in the audience seats applauded It should have been given to Dashu in the first place.

Can happen.

Although the big tree is very handsome, the jungler nightmare of the old captain of the Tongji jungler on the purple side is even more handsome.

Almost completely sure that the opponent's top laner Dashu's escape response operation was dead, and the nightmare reaction was extremely fast, flashing forward directly at the moment Dashu's Q skill was used.

It was simply a flash of prediction.

Then after the big tree flashed and escaped, it still kept a steady distance from the target Twisted Dryad, and perfectly controlled the target with the second stage of its E skill fear, and finally relied on the red buff to slow down and stick to the big tree to help teammates hit the single Pan Sen took the first blood——


On the side of the Shangcai team in the front row of the spectator seats, Lu Ze, who is the top laner of the team, almost stared out of his eyes:

"Is this... a nightmare against the sky?"

"So fast!?"

Just a moment ago, he almost wanted to applaud Dashu's operation, but in the next second, Dashu was forced to death by Nightmare's more powerful reaction operation speed,

It completely baffled him, a gank of this level... If he were a big tree, he would definitely die as well.

Deng Zhe beside him couldn't help sighing:

"So Tongji's ability to sit second only to Fudan University in the Shanghai e-sports circle is absolutely inseparable from the contribution of their old jungler captain."

Just like Qiu Yijie in Fudan.

The veteran jungler of Tongji is like a pinnacle of Dinghai to his own Tongji team.

With him and without him, the Tongji team is definitely not at the same level of strength.

Even Lin Feng, who was able to concentrate more on watching the game because he had temporarily let go of his worries at this time, couldn't help but nodded for a while, and gave his evaluation:

"Except for Lao Qiu—"

"Captain Tongji is definitely qualified to play professionally."

Perhaps the LPL is a bit exaggerated, but if it is placed in the LSPL-level professional arena... With the strength of Tongji's veteran jungler, he will definitely be able to firmly occupy a place.

It's a pity that he is a little older.


In this new generation, it seems that not only young rookie professional players are constantly emerging, but those strong players who really occupy the top positions of the pyramid—almost half of them are not too young.

In many cases, the experience honed by countless actual battles is more important than the enthusiasm and fighting spirit of young newcomers.

"The road is now open."

Mo Sheng in the commentary seat looked at the OB screen on the big screen watching the battle:

"However, this pressure is not enough."

"Tongji still needs to work harder—"


In fact, the overall tone of this game is similar to that of the previous game.

The Tongji team is strong in the early stage, and needs to constantly put pressure on the opponent to further snowball the advantage. As the weaker team in the early stage, the Fudan team is in a relatively passive defensive position, and needs to continue to resist pressure and develop to delay the game stage. to the middle and late stages.

Now that Pan Sen of the Purple Fang Tongji team on the road has won the first blood, there is no doubt that the advantage has been established, but after all, the opponent is a big tree in the top lane. After slowly dragging the level, it is still difficult for Pan Sen to take the big What can a tree do.

However, fortunately, the Tongji team's middle and bottom lanes were better than the previous round.

In the middle lane, the little murlocs played against Victor. Although facing Fudan captain Qiu Yijie's mid laner mechanical pioneers and Tongji's mid laners it was difficult to find any chances, at least one side had the relative right to push the line, and the other side did not. As for worrying that he would be solo killed by the opponent like the last commander.

As for the next road——

It can be described as Feng Shui turns.

In the early stage, the female policeman played small cannons, which was basically a suppressive rhythm without any suspense. Before the equipment level developed, the Mailin gunner could not be the opponent of the female policeman Caitlin, although the ADC players of the Fudan team relied on their strength. Still able to stabilize the last hit, but the number of last hits was still opened up by the female police a little bit.

"The rhythm is fine~"

The members of several college teams in the audience seats couldn't help admiring.

This one...

Looking at the Tongji team, it seems that there is no need for the veteran jungler to bear all the responsibility and pressure. The three routes played well.

However, at the front row of the spectator seats, Lin Feng was shaking his head:


"You have to take the head."


If Tongji is only slowly snowballing at this pace, then the situation is definitely something that the blue Fudan team would like to see. This kind of disadvantage is completely within the acceptable range, and there is absolute certainty that it can be dragged to the mid-term. Looking at the situation on the field from time to time, the advantages and initiative of the Tongji team will disappear without a trace.

Therefore, the early lineup must play a fast break rhythm.

It is not advisable to slowly snowball.

The advantage played must be immediate.

in other words--

It is to keep fighting to get the head.

At the 5th minute of the game, Summoner Canyon was on the road, and suddenly there was another kill announcement from the system female voice:


"Captain nice!" Pan Sen, the top laner of the purple side Tongji team, couldn't help but cheer up, cooperating with the nightmare of his old jungler captain, quickly passed the corpse of the opponent's top laner Dashu and continued to chase and approach the jungle excavator on the opposite side .

Seeing the opponent's jungle excavator hand over [Flash] in embarrassment, the veteran jungler of Tongji made a signal to retreat:

"Don't chase, it's fine."

This wave...

It was Nightmare's wave of roaming on the road again, choosing to squat back on the back grass.

Sure enough, I waited for the jungle excavator of the opposite Fudan team.

With intentional calculations and unintentional calculations, and the current burst damage of the combination of Pan Sen and Nightmare is much higher than that of the opponent's big tree plus excavator, Tongji and Ueno took the lead in killing the big tree without [Flash] again, Now play [Flash] of the excavator again, another wave of beautiful rhythm.


Still not enough.

Tongji's veteran jungler took a deep breath and glanced at the time display in the upper right corner of the screen.

The most critical wave that is really brewing——

You need to wait for the game to run to a period of seven to eight minutes.

Wait until he and Pan Sen are promoted to 6 to learn their big moves.

that wave...

It is the most important winner in the early stage.

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The update will be delivered, the third update today will be later than twelve o'clock, I suggest everyone to watch it tomorrow morning!

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