
Chapter 1179 No accident

If the first few waves of rhythm finally played a favorable situation on the court, it reflected the strength of Tongji University as a veteran team in the e-sports circle of Shanghai's colleges and universities.

So now—

When the competition entered the early and mid-term stage, and they were in an extremely severe passive disadvantaged situation, Fudan's strength and background as the strongest team in Shanghai's high school were also reflected little by little.

Really big disadvantage.

The opponent's divisional tactics directly made it impossible for the team battle lineup selected by the Fudan team of the purple army to find a chance to exert its power. The points against the sky are constantly putting pressure on them.

The field of vision is gradually compressed by the opponent.

The developmental space is also invaded a little bit.

If it were any other college team, at this stage, they might be helpless or even start to collapse.

Can happen.

The Fudan team still stubbornly withstood this mountainous pressure.

Under the opponent's incomparably strong and pervasive aggression and oppression, he forcibly stabilized his heels, and still kept the hero's last hit and level development in each position from being dropped too much.

This point made the two commentators Xifeng and Mo Sheng in the commentary stand full of praise, and the players of the various college teams in the audience watching the match were even more amazed——

If it were them, they would have been unable to bear it.

Only Fudan can rely on the personal strength of its players... It has never really shown signs of defeat until now.

On the side of the Shangcai team in the front row of the spectator seats, Dou Zi, the president of the e-sports club, taught his team members one by one:

"Look at it! Learn a little bit!"

"This is Fudan University!"

"This level of resistance to stress is so much higher than ours that I don't know where it went!"


Even though Fudan has tried its best to resist pressure to the extreme best, the rhythm of the situation on the scene is still a little bit under the control of the opponent, the blue team Tongji.

The game time is 15 minutes.

The blue team pushed away the opponent's ADC who was on the tower and assisted the two players to change lanes and came to the middle lane, while the blind monk Li Qing, the old leader of the Tongji jungler, circled behind the opponent's jungle area, Qiu Yijie from the purple team Fudan team sensed the danger quickly withdraw--

But with this withdrawal, it was inevitable to give up their own defensive outer tower in the middle.

15 minutes and 30 seconds.

The outer tower of Zifang Middle Road was broken.

And so far, the first three defensive towers of the Fudan team have all been flattened and demolished, and both the field of vision and the development space... have been suddenly compressed by more than one-third!

"There's really no way."

Xifeng on the commentary seat shook his head regretfully:

"The wild area is completely controlled by the blind. The purple team Fudan team has no time to set up the field vision. In this case, it is very rare to be aware of the danger and retreat in advance, let alone prepare for defense support in advance. It's-"

Mo Sheng had a worried look on her face:

"However, the last defensive tower was broken, and the Fudan team will really become more passive..."

indeed so.

Starting from the 15th minute of the game, the Tongji team can almost declare that all four wild areas in the Summoner's Canyon are in their pockets, and at the same time firmly control the second refreshed wind dragon——

Although it's just a wind dragon.

But for the Tongji team on the blue side, the acceleration buff effect brought by a wind dragon can help them change lanes and walk through support faster and more efficiently, and can better put pressure on the opponent's defense.

They still don't need to rush into groups.

Although the second tower seems easy and difficult to push, as long as Riven or the blind monk on their side finds a chance to kill a person on the opposite side... immediately they can take advantage of the opportunity to destroy another defensive tower on the opposite side.

Just wait for the opportunity.


Team Tongji didn't have to wait too long.

Soon, Summoner Canyon went down the road, and a wave of head-to-head battles broke out quickly.

Riwen's summoner skill [Flash] on the blue side suddenly forcibly launched the first move the moment the cooldown was completed.

The ultimate move "Front of Exile" is activated.

Holding the broken rune blade, Riven's figure suddenly flashed in a golden glow, rushing forward and cutting the purple ADC policewoman on the opposite side!

Ping A to Q!

The "soul-shocking roar" of the W skill stuns and freezes the two ADC support heroes in the opponent's bottom lane at the same time before they can react!


The second stage of Q seconds cancels the attack and shakes!

At the same moment when the third Q skill slashed from top to bottom in mid-air, the purple side assisted Fengnv to get rid of the control and desperately used the "Resuscitation Monsoon" to blow away the opponent's top laner.

And the moment she was blown to the ground, Riven made a big move of the second stage "Wind Slash".

The emerald green majestic sword light swayed forward in a fan shape!

Suddenly penetrated the bodies of the policewoman and the wind girl!

Even if Janna's ultimate move restores blood, Riven couldn't save her ADC companions in front of Riven's terrifying burst damage at this moment, and the blood bar on the policewoman's head instantly bottomed out and returned to zero—

"Rampage (a hero has gone berserk)!"

There was a sudden gasp from the spectator seats below the stage!

Everyone's eyes widened.

Riven's damage...was also very terrifying!

1V2 directly beat the policewoman, and the wind girl with residual blood had to turn around and run away, but at this moment, the figure of the blue jungle jungler blind monk from the purple toad field came through the wall at this moment.

Perfectly cut off the back of Feng Nu.


The Q skill "Tianyinbo" hits the target, and the second stage catches up.

It doesn't even need any other damage, just the output of a small skill can take away the remaining blood wind girl.

The old leader of the Tongji jungler who took the head quickly marked the second tower of the opponent's bottom lane:



When the game time came to the early 20 minutes, on the field, of the six defensive outer towers on the purple side's side, only the last second tower on the road was left.

In the middle and lower lanes, both the field of vision and the line of troops were suppressed near the high ground.

Through the OB screen from God's perspective, we can see that the economic gap between Blue and Purple has reached 6,000.

The Tongji team on the blue side takes the absolute lead.

On the other hand, the purple side...

In the past 20 minutes, the Fudan team didn't even destroy a single defense tower of the opponent.

"This is……"

Some viewers couldn't help but widen their eyes:


No one expected that this game would turn out like this.

In the semi-finals between Fudan and Tongji, almost everyone felt that although it should be a strong duel, the Fudan team must have the last laugh.

but now--

All the situations and statistics on the whole scene seem to prove one point to everyone:

This one, no surprises, is already a sure thing for the Tongji team.

"There will be no surprises."

Zou Siyuan couldn't help but snorted softly on the side of the Shanghai foreign team in the spectator seats:

"Being suppressed like this, how can the purple side have a chance to stand up?"

As he spoke, he looked towards the direction of the Fudan team on the stage, with a bit of contempt in his eyes:

"Dangtang is the strongest in Shanghai...it turns out that there is only this level left now."

"If it's for us to play—"

"It's as easy as breaking them down."

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The update is delivered, and the third update is done. Friends, let's continue to strive for the third update tomorrow!

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