
Chapter 1173 Time of Death

The game time is 4 minutes and 30 seconds.

Summoner Canyon went down the road, and the first blood was born.

The first wave of wandering gank by the veteran jungler of the Tongji University team, Blind, on the blue side, only with the help of his teammate assistant Bron, forcibly killed and took the life of the opponent's ADC female policewoman.

Mo Sheng and Xi Feng at the commentary seat were full of praise.

The audience in the spectator seats under the stage were stunned at first, and then burst into shocking applause and applause after reacting:

"Damn 6666666!"

"God is blind!"

"Bull B! This wave of bull B exploded!"

"Bron is also strong! Follow too fast!"


This wave of bot lane kills was completely beyond the expectations of most people present, because on the one hand, the purple side has ADC support and double summons, and on the other hand, everyone saw that EZ was disabled. I just handed over my skills, and it was difficult to keep up with the gank of my teammates jungler Lee Sin.

It is equivalent to a wave of very difficult gank tasks.

But unfortunately...

It was completed by the blind man and Bron together!

First of all, the blind man played well, touching his eyes W to avoid the position of the auxiliary Fengnv on the opposite side, Q to the policewoman, and then directly flashed the Q skill of the dodging woman to control the policewoman with a protruding face.

Secondly, the assistant Bron of the Tongji team supported quickly.

Really fast.

It was still far away.

But Bron flashed his W skills and came to his teammate Blind in two shifts at the moment, and at the same time, his face was in front of the policewoman. The next flat A, Q, and passive set [ignite] is a sure thing. , Bron's passive stun control plus the blind man's damage, it really doesn't need EZ to complete the kill.


If you consider that Bron's response operation was also completed under the instructions of his old jungler...

Then most of the credit for this wave of bottom blood,

It will all be attributed to the blind man.

"It's really relying on a jungler to force the rhythm!"

Xifeng on the commentary stage couldn't help admiring:

"The blind hero... the strong ability of roaming gank in the early stage has been brought into full play!"

Mo Sheng next to her nodded, her eyes sparkling:

"Now... once the female police officer dies, the blue team's advantage in the bottom lane will be up."

"Choose the hand of the blind monk, and it's starting to show its power!"

Many spectators in the spectator seats under the stage nodded their heads in agreement, and then looked at the corpse of the policewoman who hadn't been revived on the lower road of Summoner's Canyon, and couldn't help feeling a little bit sorry——

Sure enough, the rhythm of the jungler is fierce.

It doesn't make sense at all.

It is forced killing.

Take a look at the bot lane combination of Fudan’s purple team. The combination of the ADC policewoman and the auxiliary wind girl has been perfect and they have played beautifully. In the case of 2V2, one wave knocked out the opponent’s EZ and double summoned. What if Without other interfering factors... the advantage could have been snowballed very quickly.

But it happened to be the gank of this wave of blind men.

Directly reversed, the rhythm of the combination of the purple side's bottom female policeman and wind girl collapsed by most of them.

"So it's really tiring to play the bottom lane."

Among the spectators, some spectators who probably played ADC or support sighed with emotion: "Let's not talk about the game, usually I dare not win the lane when I play pubs, okay? It's useless to have an advantage in the lane. Just come to the opposite side." Anyone who roams and ganks can kill you in the bottom lane—"

And this actually seems to be a difficult situation that the bottom lane position in League of Legends games generally faces today.

It's too hard to carry.

The error tolerance rate is also too low.

No matter how good your ADC or support is, it still can't withstand a single wave of brutal and unreasonable forced gank kills in the opponent's singles field.


"So, this is what we're going to do later!"

Also in the front row of the spectator seats under the stage, beside the members of the Shangwai team who had just been seated not long ago, Zou Siyuan, the captain of the team, looked at the blue jungler Blind Monk who had withdrawn gracefully and left on the big screen of the spectator, He clenched his fists and said to his team members:


"We must do it more ruthlessly and absolutely than Tongji!"

In fact, several girls in the 312 dormitory of SISU had already mentioned some of them in the exchange and discussion with Tang Bingyao, but they were not detailed enough.

These days...

Zou Siyuan was training with all his might.

Pull all team members to study and discuss tactical ideas together.

There is only one purpose -


Last time he was slapped in the face at the quarter-finals, it was simply unbearable for him, who cherishes his face and reputation very much. Since then, he has hated someone, not only because of The reason for Tang Bingyao's point, and now more importantly, is that only by severely ravaging and humiliating someone can he recover the face he lost last time.


Zou Siyuan is certainly not stupid to be able to reach the height of the top 50 in the e-sports tier, and as the president of the SISU e-sports club.

Even though he felt that some records about someone he heard at that time might contain a lot of exaggeration, he still had to admit that the guy named Lin Feng's absolute strength should not be underestimated.

ADC alignment...

He really wasn't sure enough.

Therefore, during this period of time, he has been thinking hard about a method, and finally today, when he was still doing the last round of team training in the Internet cafe, he tinkered with that set of tactical ideas.

very simple.

In fact, it was just like the old jungler of the blue Tongji team's jungler Blind, but it had to be strengthened several times.

That is to aim at the bottom of the road!

From the beginning.

to laning.

to team fights.

From roaming in the jungle, to roaming in the mid lane, to teleporting support in the top lane.

Regardless of all costs, limit the development of ADC for a certain person, and completely kill the opponent into a super ghost!

"I don't believe it, how can that guy, an ADC, play well against our tactics!" Zou Siyuan, who was speaking at this moment, couldn't help but have a distorted expression on his face: "I want that guy to die so hard Die again!"

Look at the female ADC policewoman of the Fudan team, her personal skills are not weak, but facing a wave of unreasonable forced ganks from the blind, isn't it useless?

He admitted that Lin Feng's strength should not be underestimated.

But no matter how strong you are, an ADC still can't even think about having a little room to maneuver in the case of being infinitely targeted!

Of course, this way of thinking seems to be too much betting on the bottom lane, which is a bit extreme, but fortunately Zou Siyuan also has absolute confidence in his ADC, and the bottom lane allows his ADC to develop... that can also go berserk Carrying the audience, leading the tempo to victory is not a problem.

The other top and outside players next to them all nodded, and the jungler said:

"However, on my side, I should finish a round of jungle routinely first, and then go to the bottom of the first wave of roaming, right?"

"If you catch it at level 2, it may not be stable enough."

Zou Siyuan laughed contentedly:

"no problem. "

"In the early stage, we can't really make our intentions too obvious. At that time, I will first put a line for the opponent to push, and when they relax...then kill them in a wave!"

As he spoke, he looked towards the Shangcai team not far away, with a gloomy glint in his eyes.

four minutes.

It was at the same time as this Tongji opening rhythm.


It was the death time he had set for that brat named Lin Feng!

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The update was sent, it came a little late, the next chapter looks like around eleven o'clock.

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