
Chapter 1167 Familiar faces on the commentary stage

This question has been asked more than once, and Lin Feng's attitude and answer have also never changed——

Just hit whatever you want.

Such an attitude, if it were replaced by any other ordinary college team member, facing the Jin Ge Cup semi-finals or even facing a strong opponent from Shanghai and foreign countries, it would seem too condescending and even a little disrespectful suspected.

But it fell on someone...

But it is extremely suitable, so suitable that people can't find any faults at all, and even have a sense of approval for granted.


This is the truth.

It's true that you can just hit it casually.

The opponent's SISU team is certainly strong, but a certain person has relied on his own strength to carry the entire game and defeated Beijing Electronics Association, Guangzhou Electronics Association, Fudan, and Tongji in terms of strength. .

Zou Siyuan, the ADC captain of SISU, is of course one of the top 50 players in the national service electric first king group, but nothing else...

Just last night, Lin Feng easily and effortlessly crushed Huang Xue Yege, who is recognized as the top professional ADC player in the national server, back and forth countless times.

It would be modest and polite to say that you hit casually.

If he's serious...

Or if it wasn't because Chu Fangnan was going to be present in today's Jin Ge Cup semi-finals, it would be easier for someone to hand over the passport materials to the other party—

Well, if it is in a hurry.

Lin Feng would not choose an ADC to play against Zou Siyuan.

Pick a mid laner directly.

He can ensure that in a match of this rank level, relying on his own middle lane, he can completely kill the opposing three lanes within fifteen to twenty minutes, harvest blood and cruelty, and leave no armor behind.


In fact, maybe Zou Siyuan, who doesn't know about it at the moment, should be thankful that someone has held back a little bit and prepared to play a normal round of the game, waiting for Vice President Chu to come, instead of the more direct and straightforward violence. Make a quick decision.

Otherwise, his reputation and prestige as the captain of the core ace ADC at home and abroad will be completely shattered in today's scene with the most miserable and desolate gesture.

Of course, the degree is different, but the result will not be much different.


They are all about to collapse.

So at this moment, Lin Feng just casually chatted with a few teammates of the Shangcai team, his mind was still not on the upcoming game at all, and his eyes glanced towards the entrance of the stadium from time to time——

Brother Chu hasn't come yet.

However, there was commotion in the spectator seats off the field.

Because the time has come to 1:55, the first round of the Jin Ge Cup semi-final BO3 match is finally about to begin.


When Xi Feng and Mo Sheng sat on the commentary stage, the audience in the spectator seats below the stage burst into thunderous applause, mixed with a lot of screams, cheers and whistles.

Both are old faces.

The former is originally a professional male commentator for the national service and even for various semi-professional and college competitions in the Shanghai area. His clear thinking and evaluation are always very accurate. His rich experience in commentary and solid professional skills are admirable.

And the latter—

That is the star-like existence in the national service commentary circle.

Mo Sheng!

Out of the ten national server League of Legends players, at least six or seven have heard the name of this beautiful female commentator, and even watched the live broadcast of her commentary. She has an outstanding appearance and a sweet voice. , Professional knowledge and ability are not inferior to other male commentators, and have their own unique evaluation perspective and can always drive the emotional rhythm of the audience——

Very friendly and contagious, this is the unified evaluation of this beautiful female commentator given by people in the circle and ordinary gamers and audiences.

Previously, Mo Sheng was signed to a game media company called "E-sports Fengyun", but it seems that some accidents made her break away from the original company, but after leaving the company, her career has not only changed Affected, on the contrary, after hard work, I finally reaped the rewards, and also became the official commentator of the national server LPL match with another female commentator of the national server, "Fei Yan".

It stands to reason that for this S6 World Finals, apart from Fei Yan, Mo Sheng will also go to Europe to take charge of part of the commentary work.

But no one expected that they would actually see the unexpected appearance of this star-level beauty commentator at the scene of the Jin Ge Cup semi-finals.

So at this time, almost half of the screams and enthusiastic cheers in the spectator seats were directed at Mo Sheng.

Backstage, many members of the Shangcai team couldn't help but widen their eyes in surprise:

"Mo Sheng!"

"I rely on this to be my favorite female commentator!"

"Why did she come here, isn't she going to participate in the S6 commentary work!?"

"Ah, no way, I'll ask her to take a photo with her autograph later!!"

Even team members like Sun Ming and Lu Ze were so excited at this moment that they almost didn't jump up.

The vice president Deng Zhe couldn't help but marvel:

"Mosheng plus Xifeng... Such a commentary lineup is even more luxurious than the finals of the Jin Ge Cup in previous years."

But Dou Zi didn't care. Anyway, Su Xue is the only anchor or commentator who has been a fan of League of Legends gamers for so many years, so the reaction at this time is not as strong as other people in his e-sports club. Make a comment with one mouth:

"Now, it seems more lively."

As he said that, he suddenly seemed to think of something, and turned to look at Lin Feng:

"Hey Fengfeng, this Mo Sheng...has she also commented on your competition before?"

As the most experienced group of fans in Su Xue's live broadcast room, Dou Zi is also very familiar with the many competitions that a certain person participated in in high school back then. I'm cheering up, so I still have some impressions about some things.

Lin Feng nodded, and said "hmm".

Immediately, his eyes also looked towards the stage from afar, looking at the two male and female commentators on the commentary stage, he couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic——


old acquaintance.

Whether it is Xifeng or Mo Sheng.

The two have served as commentators since he first participated in the 16th School League when he was studying in Thirteen High School, and later in the National College League. One side is on the commentary stage and the other side is on the field. There is a tacit understanding.

It's just that from then to now, more than a year has passed in a flash.

After a long time.

But I didn't expect that in today's Jin Ge Cup semi-finals, they would meet again as players and commentators.

And at this time, Xifeng and Mo Sheng on the stage turned on the microphones and began to chat with each other with smiles:

"The audience is very enthusiastic today."

"A lot of them are probably the old faces of old fans. It's a great honor not to look tired of our old faces."

"I'll forget it, Mo Sheng, you are too modest to say that, most people are here today because of you."

Listening to the old partner's joke beside her, Mo Sheng covered her mouth and laughed:

"Too flattering."

"However, it's been a long time since Xifeng and we partnered up again? The last time should have been half a year ago."

Xifeng said with emotion: "Time flies so fast... At this time a year ago, we seemed to be still commenting on a high school league."

Mo Sheng nodded quickly, and answered without hesitation:

"That's right."

"At this time a year ago, we were commenting on the 16th school league."

Xifeng was surprised: "You remember so clearly?"

Mo Sheng smiled: "Yeah, after all... At that time, there were a few very impressive high school contestants."

As she said that, she paused, as if recalling certain scenes back then, the light in her eyes could not help flickering slightly:

"It's really... very impressive."

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The update is here, the next chapter will be later, probably after ten o'clock.

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