
Chapter 1140 Really?

Although the actual confrontation session of the three training camps is over tonight, it doesn't mean that all the training camps will be over.

After No. 1, who is a specially-appointed coach, poured cold water on everyone and sounded the alarm again, there is still one more link left.

That is replay.

The staff in the backstage have re-tuned the recorded videos of the previous matches, and put them directly on several giant LCD screens, and then the coaches and team leaders of several clubs led a group of players to start the competition. Watch it again from a new perspective, gather to discuss and study the gains and losses in the game just now.

The importance of this link is not inferior to the actual confrontation of the players on the field.

It can even be said that this is the real highlight of the training camp.

After all, the wisdom of the top professional team leaders and coaches of the three clubs was assembled to analyze the replay, and the sparks of wisdom generated by the exchanges and collisions of the coaches are definitely not inferior to the players' fights.

Especially when No. 1 just said something indifferent, the coaches of several clubs did not dare to relax in the slightest. the job they had at hand—

What a joke, they usually educate their team members in the club base, if they behave badly, they will be educated in front of the team members by No. 1, where will they save their face in the future?

Therefore, each of them burst out with an unprecedented high degree of work enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

Several small teams that were separated, around several giant LCD screens, started the review and analysis work in full swing.

"In the early stage of this round, the blue team played well against the lane, but there was a problem with the roaming thinking of the jungler."

"Who was the blind jungler on the blue team just now? Come and see for yourself. Wouldn't it be better if you chose to counter-squat instead of directly forcing a gank in the first wave?"

"How many times have I told you in the club base before that this kind of lineup is for operations, do you understand the operation, what is the mid-term pawn line containment made? Instead, let the opponent lead by the nose? "

"The Ueno coordination in this wave of team battles is also flawed. Both of them are cutting from the front. What's the difference between hitting an iron plate? What, I don't know how to fight? Are you stupid, brat? In this wave, hold back first and then cut from the side. Can't you?"

One by one, the coaches are spitting education to their players.

What's more, there was a situation where the coaches of the two clubs had different opinions. One thought that this wave should be a big dragon, and the other felt that it should take the opportunity to rush to finish the opponent's base. The peers of the three clubs helped to comment, and then the coach of the third club thought about it and gave his opinion slowly:

"I don't think it's reliable."

Then the gun barrel explodes again, almost more violently.

The entire Longteng e-sports hall suddenly became as noisy as a vegetable market, and the sky was full of excitement.

Infected by the coaches and leaders of their respective clubs, the players of several teams couldn't help but participate in the heated disputes and discussions.

Looking at it makes people feel excited and happy.

On weekdays, if it was just a single team club's own internal review and analysis meeting, you would definitely not see such a lively scene.

But it's good to have arguments.

The golden ideas that really shine with the light of wisdom are all clarified in the debate.

Including Tian Tian, ​​Dawn Morning Star, Shi Hang, and Huangxue Yege, even temporary sparring partners like Lin Feng, Li Shishi, and Tang Bingyao kept going back and forth among various small circles to participate in discussions and contribute their own idea point of view.

And after going back and forth in several small circles, people like Lin Feng, Huangxue Yege, Tian Tian and Lixiao Chenxing got together before they knew it.

A lot of replay analysis that is too detailed basically only needs to be handed over to the coaches and leaders of each team, and it is aimed at most of the ordinary players of each team.

It seems that the core members of the team are a little idle at this time.

It is more about doing the final communication in a small group of their level of level.

For them, this may be more important than simply accepting the teachings of their own coaches and leaders.

"Any other suggestions?"

Dawn Chenxing's eyes fell on Lin Feng.

Lin Feng shrugged:

"It's nothing to you anyway."

"If you work harder and take that last small step, there will only be those guys left in the World Championship who are qualified to be your opponents."

Dawn Morning Star nodded.

His situation is clear to him, but as a bystander, Lin Feng can say some things casually, but such things as breaking through the bottleneck and crossing the threshold fall on him, and it is still not something that can be done simply by talking.

Efforts... are all in place.

The rest can only depend on chance and luck.

"It's okay, the World Championship is the best place to squeeze and stimulate people's potential." Tian Tian's heartfelt comfort and encouragement to Dawn Morning Star, he has the most right to speak on this point, because he himself was in the S5 World Finals last year. Rediscovered peak condition.

Shi Hang smacked his lips:

"Hey, you guys should give me some encouragement."

His current situation is indeed similar to that of Dawn and Morning Star, except that one is going to attack the Four Emperors, and the other is still half a step away from the level of the Seven Kings.

Several people couldn't help laughing.


So speaking of this year's national service LPL competition area is really full of hope for these top first-tier professional players, each of them has the accumulation of so many years and so many seasons in the past, and finally this year, it is also here. Harvest time.

"Don't worry, it's only the first day of training camp, and there's still tomorrow, maybe you both will find a breakthrough tomorrow~"

Huangxue Yege reached out and patted Shi Hang's shoulder vigorously, and laughed:

"Maybe I'll be able to make a breakthrough with the two of you!"

"Must be, let's make progress together... make progress together!" Shi Hang smiled for a while, and then suddenly looked at Lin Feng: "Oh, that's right, the dual-ADC bot lane routine you tinkered with today is fine, when will you think about it?" Did it come out? How many treasures are left in the bottom of the box, don’t keep them secret, take them all out and share them with the brothers.”

The way he said it was rude, his face was not red and his heart was beating, and he almost put his hand directly into someone's pocket.

But it is also true.

Because the Huangxue Yege, Tian Tian, ​​and Dawn Morning Star next to him also all looked at someone, with curiosity and anticipation on their faces.

At the moment of the World Finals, they are all from the national server, so there is no need to distinguish each other.

What's yours is mine.

What's mine is everyone's.

No matter who can achieve good results in the World Championships, they are ultimately earning face for the national server. This is something that every professional player in the national server has this awareness.

Meeting the eyes of several people, Lin Feng touched his chin:


"It seems to be a little bit."

The voice fell.

The eyes of Lixiao Chenxing, Tian Tian, ​​Shi Hang, and Huang Xueyege lit up when they heard this:

"There really are!?"

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The update is here, the next chapter is around 9:30, go away and continue to code, I feel that this New Year's code is much more diligent than usual. .

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