
Chapter 1102 Photos and Thunder

Also at this moment, on the side of the purple army on the field, the atmosphere did not relax a little because of the team battle that just ended.

Even if they successfully resolved a wave of strong opening from the opponent's blue side.

Even in terms of the number of heads in the final result, they still played a small advantage of 3 for 2.


It doesn't make much sense.

In front of the computer screen, Tian Tian's expression became more serious:

"The opposite side will continue to force the group with the big dragon later."

Huangxue Yege nodded, and smiled wryly: "The next wave...we really won't be able to fight."

At this time, it was impossible to even discuss the matter of letting Tian Tian's top laner Jian Ji continue to single-lane and single-band, because the last wave of team battles was someone's mid laner Jiaoyue who was unreasonably arrogant Forced to open, abruptly forced Tian Tian's sword girl Fiona to teleport back to the defense for support.

And Tian Tian had to teleport at that time.


Even if he can really destroy the high ground on the opposite side, the Dalongfjord side of the river is definitely the result of their purple side collapsing and destroying the small group. Then when the big dragon takes it and leads the line straight to the high ground in the middle, it can also be broken They summon crystals along the way.

And now—

The team battle is over.

But in fact, their purple army will definitely lose more.

Jian Ji lost her double summons, Obama lost her double summons, Clockwork lost her flash... Almost everyone's summoner skills have been completely used, and two of the three fell to Tian Tian's Jian Ji Fei just now. In Oona's hands, the benefit is not great anymore.


It's the top lane dog head on the opposite side.

The ADC Obama who killed Huangxue Yege took a bounty for his head, and he suddenly grew up.

Sometimes many heroes in the League of Legends game are really unreasonable, such as Barbarian King, Weapon, Yasuo, and they are not as good as Kotou. If the situation collapses in the early stage and develops in the middle and late stages, it will cause headaches. mad.

So the current situation is just like the conclusion made by Huang Xue Yege with a wry smile.

Next wave.

The odds of their purple side winning head-on... are really not high.

"But only fight."

Tian Tian came to a conclusion without any hesitation. At this time, both sides are fighting very fast, and the victory or defeat is about the big dragon to see who wins and who loses:

"And...it's not impossible to fight at all."


At least, just now Tian Tian's own top laner Sword Ji still kept her Resurrection Armor, and she still has strong combat power and survivability in the next wave of team battles.

at the same time……

The Goutou and the bright moon on the opposite side also disappeared.

The threat to their purple back row is not as strong as the previous wave.

The only thing to pay attention to is only one point.

As if thinking of something, Tian Tian pressed the Tab key to quickly call up the battle panel, and his eyes fell on the column of information on the auxiliary bull head on the blue side opposite:

"Just now the bull's head didn't flash."

"But in the next wave, he will definitely be able to flash."

Huangxue Yege took a deep breath, the flames in his eyes began to burn and dance:


"Don't worry, the next wave, I will find a good position to output!"

The game time slowly came to the 27th minute.

After cleaning up their respective three-way army lines, the ten heroes of the blue and purple legions almost unanimously gathered together towards the direction of Dalongfjord in tacit agreement.

this time.

There is no transmission for the top orders on both sides.

They all choose to follow the group.

And this also means that there will be no other room for maneuver in the future.

open up...

It is the most critical battle that determines the outcome!

"Which side do you think wins?"

Dawn Chenxing, who was in the front row of the spectator seats off the stage, fixed his eyes on the giant spectator screen on the stage, and at the same time couldn't help but asked Shi Hang again.

Shi Hang subconsciously squinted his eyes and touched his chin:

"have no idea."

"But this posture..."

"The rain is coming!"


There was a muffled thunder in the sky.

Immediately, dense clouds visible to the naked eye began to slowly gather over the sky above the city, covering the night even more dimly and gloomy.

Pedestrians on the road raised their heads subconsciously, realized something, and rushed to the eaves of the roadside buildings in a hurry, and it didn't take long for the rain to fall.

The first is sparse.

Then it quickly turned into a pouring downpour.

This is……

It was the first heavy rain after the end of autumn in Shanghai.

Evening wind blows.

Flying and scattered raindrops hit the road, the windows of taxis speeding by on the street, and splashed into sprays on the umbrellas that pedestrians hurriedly put up.

At home, Su Xue hurriedly put away the clothes that were drying on the balcony, and closed the windows of each room one by one. When closing the last window in someone's bedroom, her gaze was unaffected. He landed on a photo frame in the corner of the desk in front of the window in a controlled manner.

There is a photo in the frame.

That is……

Filmed on the last day at the end of last year.

The night of New Year's Eve.

Su Xue still clearly remembered that night she dragged someone and everyone else together to have a party at home, and also broadcast live broadcast, it was lively, joyous and joyous.

In the photo is a group photo of everyone gathering at the dining table.

She was still wearing an apron and holding a spatula in her hand, rather embarrassed, staring at someone angrily and opening her mouth as if she was talking about something.

Xiao Zeng, Ouyang, Yang Fan, and Ah Rou next to him were all gloating and laughing happily, tsk, seeing that little fat man Ouyang and Ah Rou sitting so close at that time, it turned out that this young couple developed into a relationship so early. Together.

As for where her staring eyes fell on in the photo, it was some little idiot who was holding a big bowl and holding chopsticks excitedly to pick up vegetables in the hot pot that hadn't fully boiled.

On the right hand side of the little idiot, Tangtang is also holding another pair of chopsticks to help out incomparably - that girl... always listens to whatever Xiaofeng says.

And to the left of that little idiot...

In the photo, only half of the figure was photographed, and a slender white hand seemed to be slyly throwing a napkin into someone's big bowl.


That's... Baozi dipped a paper towel into the hot pot soup and then pretended to be a bean curd to play tricks on Xiaofeng. Later, that little idiot actually ate it in one bite. After chewing for a long time, he realized something was wrong, and finally took a bite. .

Su Xue, who suddenly remembered that scene, couldn't help laughing knowingly.

But the next moment.

The smile on her face suddenly faded again.

Staring blankly at the left corner of the photo, looking at the figure of the young girl who only left the country with only one hand and half of her body, but could not see the specific face clearly, and then remembered the meeting with the headquarter of the Shanghai E-sports Association this morning. The scenes that No. 5 exchanged...Su Xue's mood sank again bit by bit.

Stretching out her hand and subconsciously stroking the photo on the photo frame, her eyes couldn't help but look at the night scene outside the window that was already torrentially raining, and couldn't help murmuring:


"It's okay."

The voice fell.

Just at this moment, in the dense dark clouds in the sky outside the window, there was another rolling roar of low and dull thunder.

As if to respond.

***************************************************** *************************

The update is delivered, and the two updates are done. Friends, go to bed early, good night, good night.

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