
Chapter 1093 Wait Another 4 Minutes

At this moment, Lin Feng's mood really couldn't be any better.

Take the scene of killing widows in the middle lane as an example, he was undoubtedly the first to smell something wrong on the side of the blue army, and realized that the opposite side was most likely outside the middle lane taking the remaining blood. The tower is used as bait to set a trap.

So he controlled his mid laner, Jiaoyue, and directly chose to rush towards the mid lane.

I was afraid that something would happen to the two ADCs assisting teammates in the middle.

Because in the situation just now, if the teammate's ADC's life master is stolen by the opponent, it is estimated that the opponent can really make a fuss around the dragon. It is extremely dangerous for the Fang Legion.

But after all, he came a bit slower.

Just when his mid laner Jiaoyue was about to drive out of his home lane to defend the ruins of the outer tower, the jungler Widow on the opposite side had already bulged her face from the flanks and cut in front of the playmaker Jin.


The bull head under the control of the auxiliary teammate whose ID name is "Shadow Puppet" is really powerful.

This guy……

Like him, he also guessed the intention of the opposite party!

Moreover, he completed a wave of extremely beautiful and perfect protection operations, and even directly played a W skill "Savage Charge" while sending out a signal reminder on his side, and sent the purple jungler widow to him in front of Haoyue.

Let him take the head easily.

this feeling...


Lin Feng even felt like he was cooperating with Zeng Rui, oh no, if it was A Zeng, his handicapped operation ability might not be able to perform the operation like Niutou just now.

Well, of course, it must be more than a bit worse than Ah Qiu back then.

But right now...

Enough too!

At this moment, someone's eyes couldn't help but sparkle. Originally, what he wanted was a cooperative partner who could keep up with his own rhythm in terms of consciousness, and at the same time, his operation level also needed to be strong enough. These two points... Through the wave just now With cooperation, the main supporting players of the Hayami team have already demonstrated it perfectly!


Compared to someone's high-spirited state of mind, on the side of the purple army on the field, Huangxue Yege was a little surprised by the stunning performance of the opponent's support Niutou just now.

He remembered that Hayami's assistant on the opposite side... was called Shadow Puppet.

But also in his impression, in the past year's LPL professional league, he has never seen such a brilliant performance.

But this is not the first time in the middle of the road.

He didn't forget that just a few minutes ago, he was also in the middle, and when the single dog head teleported behind the blue team on the opposite side, it was the assistant bull head who shot a Q flash and directly took control of their front row. The three of them cooperated with the prince to play a perfect control combo.

The timing of the shot was extremely accurate.

He also has such excellent reaction and operation speed, as well as an extremely cautious and steady style of play.

Such assistance...

Absolutely not to be underestimated!


Huangxue Yege glanced across the small map, and saw her teammate Shan Jianji in front of the bottom lane defending the second tower, stably clearing the line and closing the line, and felt a little more at ease:

It doesn't matter.

Even if there is an auxiliary bull head on the opposite side who seems to stand up at this moment, it does not affect the overall situation.

As long as they have Yuanshen's top single sword girl on their side.

That is destined to be the most critical problem that the other side can't solve.

This one...

You, the blue side, want to come back, but it's not that easy!


Huangxue Yege's confidence is not without reason.

In fact, the confidence of the other four members of the purple team was all boosted by Tian Tian's top laner, Sword Ji, who carried so steadily all the way.

The current Sword Princess Fiona is completely clueless.


Although it seems that in the past few minutes, Tian Tian has just returned to the rhythm of taking the line to make up the knife, and there are no more kills,

But relying on the single-belt development during this period of time, Jian Ji's level has once again pulled the second-ranked Goddess Bright Moon by a full level.

Pulled out the blue square upper single dog head level 2 and a half.

So don't look at the dog-headed Nasus in front of him who has slowly developed, but now it is still completely impossible to be an opponent in the line with Jian Ji.

The more important point is——

After Yibo returned to the city and went to the spring water equipment store to update his equipment, Tian Tian's sword girl made the resurrection armor.


There was a commotion in the audience.

The team leaders and coaches of the several clubs in the spectator seats couldn't help but nod their heads, with undisguised expressions of admiration on their faces:

That's right, that's Tian Tian's style all along.

Even if you take out a top laner hero like Sword Princess Fiona...but the calmness has never been lost. At this time, Sword Princess Fiona's damage output is already very scary. The meaning of continuing to make output equipment It's not big, but turning out the Resurrection Armor in this hand is definitely the most sensible and appropriate choice.

As soon as the resurrection armor comes out.

Jian Ji has a second life.

Wushuang Jian Ji, who had no opponents, will become an even more incomprehensible existence in team battles after she has the resurrection armor. The threat index that the sword girl can pose to the blue side...

Both will be doubled!

On the stage, on the side of the blue army, Lin Feng in front of the computer screen narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Brother Chun..."

Sure enough, it was the fat man he was familiar with.

With such a big advantage, there is still no slack in underestimating the enemy, and he is steady and steady without giving people the slightest chance.

The shadow puppet next to him who has just completed the vision near the Dalong River has a worried expression on his face:

"Sword Princess has released her Resurrection Armor, and we won't be able to fight head-on next—"


Just a simple estimate, if the blue and purple sides fight head-on now, not to mention other things, just this one sword girl Fiona who is out of Brother Chun can hold down at least three of their blue side's output by one person And control, maybe even more.

This still counts someone's mid laner, Jiaoyue, otherwise, if there is no restraint in the team battle, Jian Ji on the opposite side can even really do 1V4 or even 1v5.

Lin Feng nodded:

"Well, I can't beat it now."

He confessed frankly without any concealment, but the tone of a certain person at this moment did not appear to be that tense. After a short pause, he calmly added:


"Drag it first."

"Wait a few more minutes."

The other members of the blue team next to them all subconsciously nodded in agreement. Yes, of course it has to be delayed. Maybe there will be a chance if it is delayed until the late stage...

However, in fact, several Hayami players did not really understand the meaning of someone's words.

Probably also guessed the thoughts of these temporary teammates around him, Lin Feng added and corrected one more sentence:

"It won't take long."

"More than four minutes."


In one sentence, several Hayami players were at a loss for a moment: four minutes? Four minutes later... what can you do, can the situation turn around?

Only the shadow puppet who was the assistant bull head suddenly woke up at this moment.

He couldn't help but look at the summoner skill bar of his Tauren chief——

Just after the battle in the middle lane...

His dual summons, [Weakness] and [Flash] cooldowns.

It was just over four minutes away!

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The update is here, the next chapter looks like around twelve o'clock, get out and continue to code.

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