
Chapter 1083 just landed

From the moment someone made a choice and manipulated his mid laner Jiaoyue to the top lane to contain the opponent's purple top laner Jian Ji, the rhythm of the whole game became more and more towards watching the battle with the audience He went in the opposite direction that people at the table were familiar with.

The top laner on the blue side switched to the bottom lane.

The entire team has become a 131 three-way division structure.

At the same time, a sword girl on the side of the purple army is on the road, and the remaining four people, on the other hand, temporarily ignore the fact that Goutou in the bottom road is alone leading the line, and directly start to push forward in a group in the middle road.

Compared with the previous training match between Hayami and KG, here... the rhythm and situation have been completely reversed.

The main attackers have changed.

On the middle route, the blue and purple armies are in a 3V4 situation. Facing the four opponents on the purple side and pressing forward with troops, the three on the blue side's middle road wisely chose to abandon the tower and retreat.

As a result, the first tower on Lanfang Middle Road was quickly flattened and demolished into ruins.

The line of troops was quickly pressed towards the second tower by four members of the purple army.

At this time, the weakness of the blue team's lineup was slightly revealed - in terms of tower defense ability, they are indeed a little weak.

The clearing speed is also too slow.

ADC's playmaker, Jhin, watched a wave of soldiers entering the tower, and without hesitation decisively activated the big move "Perfect Curtain Call", relying on a few ultra-long-distance sniper bullets to penetrate the wave several times, forcing this A wave of small soldiers quickly cleared and took away.

But then...

When the second wave and the third wave of soldiers are pushed into the tower by the opponent's purple square army, the three heroes under the blue square tower are really powerless.

If no other teammates return to the defense in time, it only takes one or two waves of soldiers to break the second tower in the middle.

So finally under such a strong oppression, the tactics of the purple side's army had an effect. The blue side's top laner Gotou on the bottom lane calmly QQed two waves of soldiers, and finally couldn't sit still. Prepare to return to defense support.


It's not just back defense support.


on the middle route,

The central area near the mouth of the river is near the ruins of the blue square outer tower.

When the four heroes on the purple side brought a new wave of troops to the opponent's second tower and began to focus their fire output, a beam of teleportation light suddenly rose into the sky from a scout guard that popped up right behind their formation rise up!

Dog head teleportation!

A hidden line eye that was dropped by the blue team's assistant bull head in advance, at this moment became the best teleportation point for the dog head Nasus!

At the same moment, the other three heroes of the blue side who were only keeping a defensive posture under the tower suddenly launched a counterattack!

The tauren chief let out a roar.

The muscular and majestic arms suddenly smashed to the ground!

for a moment.

The golden awns are fried!

The figure of the auxiliary bull's head suddenly moved forward amidst the fine golden light and charged into the front row of the purple army's formation not far away. The Q skill "Earth Shattering" was only halfway through the casting process. The encirclement center of a purple hero is completed.

boom! !

Although Huangxue Yege's ADC Obama was the first to realize the danger and reacted extremely quickly, he used the E skill "Relentless Pursuit" to pull back to distance himself, but the mid laner Clockwork and the support Thresh in the front row They were all uncontrollably knocked into mid-air by the bull's head Q skill!

hold on!

In the spectator seats under the stage, the light in No. 1's eyes lit up slightly, and No. 3 next to him also raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise:

"This bull head...is okay."

In the next second, the blue side's jungler Prince EQ under the tower rushed forward!

A steel spear stabbed out fiercely like a poisonous dragon, and the perfect connection assisted the control of the bull's head to further fly the clockwork and Thresh!

The ultimate move of "Heaven and Earth Shattered" came crashing down!

In the blink of an eye, the blood volumes of the two heroes, Clockwork and Thresh, suddenly plummeted. At the same time, the ADC's life master on the blue side also quickly moved forward at this moment, raising his gun and scoring a tie A. The Q skill "Man Wu*" is played.

* Bounce back and forth between several purple party minions and heroes.


The blood bar above the head of the single clockwork in the purple team, who was the first to focus fire, suddenly plummeted and almost bottomed out, but at this time the disadvantages of the three heroes on the frontal battlefield of the blue team were also revealed——

Missing a little damage.

At least, it can be said that there is a lack of damage in seconds at the moment of a wave of eruption.

And this flaw...

In such a fierce and chaotic battle situation, it is actually enough to play some decisive role in reversal.

Under the stage, No. 1 in the spectator seat restrained his eyes and shook his head:


Although the single clockwork of the purple side with residual blood fell to the bottom of the endangered valley in an instant, he still backhanded a E skill "Command Guard" at the most critical moment to control the magic ball and pull it back suddenly.

Set of shields.

Hold up a temporary life-saving shield value.

Suddenly widen in place!

The terrifying energy storm of "Command Shockwave" swept across and raged, controlling both the jungler prince and the auxiliary bullhead in front of him, and then connected with QW's second skill——

Bark! ! !

The ear-piercing noise instantly penetrated everyone's eardrums!

Considerable magic damage values ​​suddenly floated up from the heads of the two blue heroes in the front row!

In the next second, the Clockwork Demon didn't hesitate at all, and after taking a full wave of damage, he resolutely surrendered the summoner skill [Flash] and fled backwards.

The ADC playmaker on the blue side is trying to catch up in desperation——


This is the moment.

Accompanied by a sudden exclamation from the spectator seats, a puff of purple smoke suddenly exploded not far from the playmaker, and the icy figure of the purple jungler widow maker flitted out like lightning.

Big move.

Answer Q.

Protruding face flat A then E.

A set of explosive damage that hits people instantly, almost in a flash, without even giving the playmaker a chance to react.

Complete the spike.

"You-have-been-(You have been killed)!"

A cold and ruthless notification sound came from the female voice of the system.

And once the blue team's ADC dies, the team battle situation on the field will be further extended to the direction of deteriorating the blue team's army. Quickly turn back and kill back to the battlefield.

Draw A to Q.

Then A, then W.

Another two flat-A bursts that triggered the passive all poured all the ammunition and firepower on the target blue jungler prince, and soon even the blood bar of the prince was quickly emptied and returned to zero.

The members of several clubs who watched the match in the audience couldn't help but shake their heads regretfully.

What a pity.

This wave was originally played by the blue side and Nosuke with a perfect first-hand control combo, but because of the lack of some damage, one enemy was not killed and two people were killed on his own side, 0 for 2 ah……

It was just the front row of the spectator seats, but Shi Hang and Lixiao Chenxing did not express their opinions and comments so quickly, and looked at the end of the battle circle in unison:

This wave isn't over yet.

Because the top lane dog head of the blue side...

At this time, the teleportation has just landed.

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The update is delivered, it is late, the work ahead has been a bit long, good night, friends.

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