
Chapter 1074 Little impact

In the spectator seats, through the OB screen from the perspective of God, when I saw the mid laner Jiaoyue on the blue side pushed a wave of troops on the line, he quickly crossed the river and rushed towards the bottom road, and was even about to arrive At the position near the mouth of the river, Dawn Morning Star had already shaken his head slightly:


It's about the purple side's bot lane, this wave is about to disappear.

Shi Hang next to him nodded subconsciously:


"The clockwork warning came too late."

If anyone is really to blame for this wave, it is really the fault of the KG mid laner on the purple side, because he subconsciously misjudged the opponent's mid laner, Jiaoyue, who may have just gone to the jungle and missed it. The most appropriate reminder time.

Then correspondingly...

The two people on the purple side going down the road are about to suffer.

Almost at the same time that his teammate ADC Joker's first big move slowed down and controlled his opponent ADC Obama, the mid laner Jiaoyue under the control of Lin Feng had already quickly plundered through the grass at the river mouth.


It appeared on the side of the target ADC Paladin.

There was a gleam in someone's eyes.

Immediately, the movement and tapping operation of the mouse and keyboard suddenly exploded like lightning!

The figure of the goddess of the bright moon suddenly moved forward with the ice-cold moon blade. She gave up the Q skill that maximized the damage and took the combo with the ultimate move, and directly chose the ultimate move to attack the face first!

"Luna Sprint"!

In the blink of an eye, Diana's figure rushed in front of the target Lucian!

The "Pale Waterfall" body protection ball activated by the W skill detonates and explodes, and a flat A is connected to [ignite] in seconds to activate the "Moon's Fall" of the E skill!

A moonlight-like silver magic circle exploded with Diana's body as the center!

just right-

The target Obama who had crossed out the E skill "Relentless Pursuit" to move forward and was about to escape was dragged back forcibly for a moment!

Interrupt displacement! !

The crowd in the spectator seats under the stage exclaimed!

However, friends like Li Shishi, Tang Bingyao, and Shi Hang, who are very familiar with someone, can't see any surprise on their faces.

On the contrary, each of them showed the natural expression that should be like this——

This kind of interrupt displacement operation requires precise prediction ability and extreme reaction operation hand speed, which is naturally not easy for ordinary people to do.

But for someone...

It can only be described by "basic operation".

And Obama was pulled back this time, and the ending was basically doomed.

Ping! ——

A Q skill "Crescent Strike" wields a silver-white arc of crescent energy, followed by a flat A general attack that triggers passive additional damage. It only takes a second or two from beginning to end, but originally The purple ADC Obama with nearly two-thirds of the blood remaining...

Just like that, the blood bar was cleared and taken away in an instant.

"You-have-been-(You have been killed)."

The killing announcement by the female voice of the system rang in the ears of Huangxue Yege. Looking at the game screen in front of him that had turned into a black and white TV, Huangxue Yege smiled wryly and shook his head:

Oh shit……

You don't even need two ults, just half a set of combo combo bursts can kill people in seconds.

The hero Jiaoyue... is really more perverted than the enchantress.


After killing Huangxue Yege's ADC Obama, Lin Feng manipulated Jiaoyue to turn around, and happened to cooperate with the two ADCs in the bottom lane to assist his teammates to double-team the remaining purple side's assistant Niutou.

Then the tauren chief was naturally doomed.

The head was still handed over to Lin Feng's mid laner, Jiaoyue, by the two from Lan Fang's down lane.


The kill announcement from the female voice of the system came from the bottom lane again.

The spectators from several clubs in the spectator stands were stunned, yes, the blue team also saw the situation of this game very clearly, knowing that the core key to their victory in this round was to fall. It fell on someone's mid laner, Jiaoyue.

Therefore, they will do their best to give up all resources, including heads, to Haoyue in the early stage.

The middle lane has developed...

It really is becoming more and more unstoppable.

However, not more than a few seconds after Xia Lu Jiaoyue completed the double kill, a systematic female voice's kill announcement came from the upper road——

"An-ally-has-been- (a friendly hero was killed)!"

The angle of view of the OB screen on the giant LCD spectator screen on the stage quickly switched to the road.

In front of the top lane defense tower on the blue side, a magnificent life circle exudes a green glow, and the top laner sword girl on the purple side is putting away her long sword and going up lane from the blue side together with her jungle widow teammate Goutou's body backed away.

Jump over the tower.

Strong kill!

Jian Ji's record data also came to 2/0/0 at this moment!

In the audience, many spectators from the KG and God clubs in the spectator seats couldn't help being overjoyed:


"Fucking Yuanshen 6!!"

Especially for the players of the God Club, this may be the first time they have deeply realized what it is like to have a national server or even the world's top laner in their team... Experience with peace of mind.

This is almost exactly the same as when their team had the captain Dawn Morning Star.

No matter what unexpected situation happens on the sidewalk.

But at least...

Always be able to have such a line, such a position, and such a point, without being affected by any other factors, and always be able to establish an advantage steadily and quickly, restore confidence to teammates and boost morale of the team!

Of course, your mid laner Jiaoyue got a double kill with a wave of roaming in the bottom lane, with a record of 4/0/0.

But my top laner sword girl...

It is also developing towards an unstoppable domineering rhythm!

On the side of the blue team on the field, Lin Feng subconsciously squinted his eyes slightly, the sharp light in his eyes flashed away, and quickly gave instructions in the voice channel of his team:

"Get off the road and push the tower."

And almost at the same time, Tian Tian on the top lane also moved and manipulated the mouse and keyboard without hesitation, marking the opponent's blue side's top lane outer tower:

"Widow, push together!"

Therefore, through the OB screen from God's perspective, the members of several clubs in the spectator seats can clearly see that in the upper and lower lanes, several heroes of both legions began to quickly push a wave of troops to the opponent. Before defending the outer tower, and then almost fighting for time, generally aim at the defensive tower and start focusing fire output.

This is……

In the grab a blood tower.

The top outer tower of the blue side and the bottom outer tower of the purple side have less remaining HP than the latter, but the speed at which the blood bar drops when the latter is attacked by the three blue heroes is And faster than the former.

It's hard to tell which side is faster.

However, the final result was presented in just six or seven seconds.

The purple Fang Jianji on the road cooperated with the widow to break the tower first.

And just over a second later, the three heroes of the blue side of the bottom lane also demolished the outer tower of the opponent's purple side into ruins.

Although a little bit different.

But the economy of the One Blood Tower eventually fell to the side of the purple army.

There were voices of regret and regret in the spectator seats, and there were also cheers and celebrations. Both legions each had a vote of supporters.

Lin Feng also shook his head.


If they get a blood tower, their economy can make up for it.


Someone breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes became bright again:

It's just a blood tower, and it will have little effect on the outcome of the next game....

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Here comes the update. Tonight I got a cut on my foot and went to the hospital for six stitches. . . . Fortunately, the anesthesia was given and it didn't hurt too much.

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