
Chapter 1071 Sword Fairy's Murderous Aura

In many cases, the reality is not as ideal and perfect as the script.

Just like the wave of blood in the middle lane just now, it was originally a game carefully designed by the purple team's God team.

On the bottom lane, Huangxue Yege's ADC Obama even guessed that the opposing jungler prince would come to the bottom lane to launch the first wave of wandering ganks. He still chose to use his tactics to lure the opponent to come, and then Create an opportunity for your own jungle widow to roam gank unexpectedly in the middle.

At the same time, on the mid lane, Purple's mid laner Clockwork Demon also communicated with his jungler Widow teammates in advance, and also used himself as a bait. After selling some blood, he still stayed in the lane and never chose to return to the city. The purpose was to lure Jiao Jiao Yue took the bait and then cooperated with the widow to complete a wave of anti-killing.

But the result...

Haoyue was indeed hooked.

However, he not only bit the hook, but also ate the bait. In the end, he forcibly broke the fishing line and fled away.

As a result, this wave of carefully planned traps by the purple army was completely in vain.

Return nothing.

But it's really not anyone's fault.

There is only one point--

That is, as the main mid laner of the KG team has self-examined, his calculation of damage to Haoyue has deviated.

Because even most professional players are still really not familiar with the hero Diana, and don't know how terrible burst damage this hero has.

Just now, everything just happened in an instant.

It was the moment when the wild widow of the purple side walked out of the grass in the wild area, showing her figure and about to rise up and rush towards the target goddess of the moon.

Under the control of someone, the Moon Goddess, who was passively stacked with Ping A, rushed forward like lightning with the summoner skill [Flash], and immediately after landing, three Ping A with extra damage were stacked and then played with Q skill.


Then level A.

The pale balls of the W skill that were activated in advance detonated rapidly one after another.

Instantly receiving the E skill forcefully controlled the target clockwork monster for a split second, allowing Orianna to give it a flat A when it was too late to respond and hand over the flash.

As a result, the blood bar on the head of the Clockwork Demon Spirit with half of its remaining blood was forcibly beheaded and taken away by a set of explosions by Haoyue in the blink of an eye.

It really made the clockwork not even have time to react to the operation. In the next second, he directly saw that the game screen on the computer screen in front of him had turned into a black and white TV, and a cold and ruthless notification from the female voice of the system came from his ear.

As for the wild widow...

Naturally, it was impossible to respond and provide support in such a short period of time, watching his teammates get bloody in front of him.


Four minutes!

Solo kill in the middle!

Anyway, at this moment, Lin Feng, who is controlling his mid laner Jiaoyue, chooses to return to the city in a comfortable way, is in a very happy mood. This [Ignition] is really correct. If you bring [Teleportation], the damage just now is not enough.

But it was precisely because he had Ignition in his hand that his Goddess of the Bright Moon possessed such a considerable set of explosive seconds abilities during this period of time.

Four minutes is the first opportunity for Haoyue to kill.

Of course, the more stable moment of beheading should be to wait for Haoyue to rise to level 6.


Move the mouse to switch the perspective to the middle lane and glance at the corpse of the clockwork demon that is not yet completely cooled. Someone raised his eyebrows:

The guy on the opposite side has too little understanding of Haoyue.

So four minutes is enough to kill.

Scanning the road again, at this moment, the top lane dog head on my side has been suppressed by Jian Ji helplessly, and the summoner skill [Teleportation] has also been used up. Fortunately, the level will not be suppressed too much, but next...

"Continue to play steadily on the road."

Lin Feng quickly gave instructions and reminders in the team's voice channel:

"Be careful on the way down, the prince will continue to look down the way, the opposite sword girl may find a chance to teleport away later - don't give him such a chance."

Basically, he doesn't have too many other requirements for his teammates in the top and bottom lanes in the early laning stage.

Just don't send too many heads.

Especially as long as you don't let the Fatty's top laner Jian Ji develop too quickly.


This way he is in the middle, can bring the rhythm.


"Sure enough, four minutes~"

No. 3 in the spectator seats couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction, not because of the outstanding performance of someone from the blue square on the stage, Shan Jiaoyue, but purely because he was happy with his accurate prediction and judgment just now:

"I won the bet!"

The number one next to him nodded slightly, and was also quite satisfied with the result of the first blood in the middle lane:

"I won the bet too."

Number five looked at his fiancé, then at his former close partners and teammates, and shook his head helplessly:

"You two are betting on the same side...what's the point of winning?"

In a word.

The expressions on the faces of the two legends from the previous generation froze slightly.

Then look at each other.

Immediately, all of them blushed, each turned their heads in embarrassment and pretended to be nonchalant, "Ah, the weather is nice today," "I think so, too."

The game time came to just over six minutes.


The killing announcement of the female voice of the system suddenly came from the top road of Summoner's Canyon, once again shaking the eardrums of everyone in the entire e-sports venue:

"An-enemy-has-been- (an enemy hero was killed)!"

That was a wave of strong opening after the single sword girl on the purple side reached level 6.

Jump over the tower brazenly.

The previous few waves of poke consumption knocked out nearly half of the blood bar of the dog's head, and the first time the pawn line advanced into the tower, the "Wushuang Challenge" of Sword Fairy's ultimate move was directly put on the target dog's head.

The Q skill "Empty Slash" advances like a lightning bolt.

The fencing instantly hit the first flaw.

In the next second, with an almost outrageously fast operation speed, the Peerless Swordswoman Fiona parried and blocked with the W skill "Laurent's Heart-Eye Knife" like lightning. The miraculous prediction blocked the most critical life-saving W skill "wither" of the dog's head.

Directly stun and control the target Desert Reaper!

Speed ​​up.

Then tie A!

The second flaw hit!

After cooling down, the Q skill "Empty Slash" quickly Q towards the third flaw behind the dog's head, almost without a moment's rest, moving sideways and swinging the sword to point it out. At a moment when everyone was dazzled Na has already exploded all the four flaws on the target's body!


Accompanied by the grand and grand green blood-returning magic circle, the blood bar on the head of the desert god of death who ate Jian Ji's whole set of burst damage in a flash has been instantly emptied.

fall down.

The members of several clubs in the spectator seats couldn't help bursting into applause and applause!

Even someone as picky as No. 3 showed appreciation in his eyes at this moment:

"This fat man...it's rare that a hero like Jian Ji can play with a bit of murderous intent."

Solo kill by jumping over the tower.

This is no longer something that Goutou can stop if he wants to develop wretchedly. The Peerless Swordsman who reached level 6 first is in Tian Tian's hands, which is enough to make any top laner in the world terrified.

The arrogance of the national server, and even the top order in the world...

That's how it came out.


On the side of the purple team on the field, Huangxue Yege couldn't help but praise in his team's voice channel, and the next moment, the eyes of God's main ace ADC player suddenly became sharp again:

"Get off the road...you can do it too!"

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The update is delivered, it can be regarded as arriving at the hotel and hurrying out the update code. . . Good night, my friends.

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