
Chapter 1065 Shame

Although they won the second training match, even as the winners, the two core ace players of the God team still couldn't help but feel lingering fear when they recalled the scene of fighting each other during the game just now.

It is indeed too dangerous.

It's too risky to win.

The process...was too difficult and stalemate.

From the very beginning of this confrontation, their blue team God team directly confirmed the tactical thinking for the top lane. The middle and bottom lanes have their two cores, the mid laner and ADC, and they really don't need much in the early stage. Help, basically jungle teammates are always on the road.

And this arrangement has indeed played a certain role in the early stage.

Gnar, the top laner on the blue side, faced Kenan, the top laner on the purple side. He was not too embarrassed in terms of the number of last hits in the early stage, even though the personal operation strength of the top laners on both sides was actually quite large. The gap, but in the early six minutes of the jungler's two consecutive waves of roaming on the road, it also forcefully created a lot of trouble for Kenan on the opposite side, making the opponent also have to be cautious and dare not overpress others easily.

At the same time, in the middle and bottom lanes, regardless of the ADC mouse of Huangxue Yege or the mid laner card of Dawn Morning Star, they all managed to firmly suppress the KG team members in the early laning.

The bottom lane is in a 2V2 situation, without the help of the jungler, the ADC mouse of the blue side Huangxue Yege won the first blood of the opposite purple side's support Nami.

On the middle route, the card master not only did not suffer the slightest suppression against the Shadow Stream Master, but also relied on Dawn Chenxing's personal operation and laning ability to counter-press the dozen of Jie's last hits.

It is equivalent to saying that the early rhythm has completely entered the active advantage of the God team.

In 8 minutes, the card turned on the big teleport and flew directly to the road. Cooperating with the jungle teammate Mantis's mid-jungle linkage roaming, the top lane teammate Gnar directly rushed to the tower decisively, and a wave of three people forcibly besieged and forced Tian Tian's top Shan Kenan beheaded under the tower.

At that time, the members of several clubs in the spectator seats couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring, and the coaches of the Hayami club's coaching team who had just finished the first game also nodded again and again:

That's right, playing KG is to target the top laner so hard.

It can be said that Team God's handling is impeccable.


Just when God's team on the blue side was starting to build up the rhythm of an active advantage little by little,

On the purple side, the KG team's ability to withstand pressure was slowly revealed.

Everyone is a veteran team in the LPL, and they have played against each other countless times.

Of course, the overall strength of the God team is slightly stronger than that of KG, but the latter is by no means an existence that can be crushed easily.

When the economic gap between the two sides widened to about 2500, the economic advantage of the God team could not be easily expanded. The KG team on the purple side was still not in a hurry, but entered more calmly and carefully. Defensive posture, the eye positions on the three routes, including the jungle river, are arranged one by one, and the team's voice channels are constantly communicating to ensure that they know each other's first-hand information online——

The result of this is that the jungler Mantis of the blue God team can't easily find a chance to roam and gank, and even the card master of Dawn Morningstar successfully killed the opponent's top laner Kenan in the first big teleportation. Afterwards, it was still impossible to use the second cooling down big move to bring any rhythm.


As the time slowly passed to eleven or twelve minutes, the kill announcement by the female voice of the system suddenly came from the top road, and the camera angle of view quickly switched and moved away, and what I saw was the blue square Shangdan Naer lying in the middle Cold corpses on the route.

Kenan single kill.

All the talents suddenly realized at this moment that even though they were infinitely targeted by the opponent in the early stage, Kenan still stabilized his development at this time, and even directly forcibly defeated the opponent's top laner Gnar by seizing a wave of opportunities. Single kill and take away.

Just unconsciously... Kenan developed just like that when several members of the God team didn't notice for a while.

In the next few minutes, the advantage of the blue team continued to gradually expand. Although the opponent was a team with an extremely strong ability to withstand pressure like KG, the God team was also very familiar with snowballing abilities.

On the purple side, Tian Tian's top laner Kenan also seemed to settle down again after a wave of solo kills on the road, and there were no other more kills.


The game time came to a wave of fifteen minutes.


"That wave is my problem."

Huangxue Yege was doing self-reflection and introspection, with a look of annoyance on his face.

Lixiao Chenxing shook his head: "It's not your fault, that wave should have been fought like that, it's just that we underestimated Yuanshen—"

The game-changing events still happened on the road.

About 15 minutes into the game, Huangxue Yege of the blue God team on the bot lane teamed up with his support teammate Zyra to directly flatten and demolish the bot lane outer tower of the opponent KG team.

So naturally, the blue two-man lane who was liberated from the bottom lane chose to change lanes and prepare to go to the top lane.

Originally, Gnar was in a bit of a panic when he was suppressed by his opponent Kenan, and his own defensive outer tower was in jeopardy, not to mention that the opponent's purple side's upper outer tower still had more than two-thirds of its HP.

Team God's bot lane change was done quietly.

The top laner Gnar, who received the signal from his teammates, deliberately took the initiative to find Kenan to fight online first, and then his blood volume was crippled, but at the same time, at least half of the health bar of Kenan's blood bar on the opposite side was consumed.

Then Gnar pretended to retreat and prepared to return to the city.

at the same time……

On the blue side, Huangxue Yege's ADC mouse has already turned on the "latent" stealth state of the Q skill, followed his support teammate Zyra across the river, and walked towards the top road silently.

Arguably, this would have been a pretty good script.

At this time, the mouse's damage output is completely enough to start a big fight, and it is confirmed that there is no eye position vision of the opponent's purple KG team near the river on the road. Before the opponent reacted, he completed the half-blood beheading in an instant.

As long as the kill is completed, on the one hand, the God team on the top lane can take advantage of the trend and directly push down the outer top tower of the purple side, and can also successfully target and suppress Kenan's development rhythm.

But the problem is-

Although theoretically no one can respond to such a surprise attack by the mouse in time, but...

Tian Tian's Kenan came to his senses.

That was also the most moving and shocking scene in the entire training match.

Jayla circled behind.

Gnar kept his composure and continued to pretend to return to the city.

The mouse opened Q and quickly approached the half-blooded Kenan.


Instantly open up!

The source of the plague, which suddenly appeared in stature, directly aimed "full firepower" at the target's heart of madness, and it was about to pour out a crazy firepower.

But at that very moment, the hairs all over his body were almost blown up, and Kenan made a lightning-fast and extreme reaction at the same moment when the opponent mouse launched a sneak attack. Just now, the cross dart with Kenan's backhand Q skill has been thrown almost synchronously.


Dodge the mouse W skill venom barrel!

Ping A!

Open up!


The "Profound Truth·Electric Blade" who received the W skill stunned and controlled the target mouse in an instant, and combined with the damage of the second stage of the big move "Thousand Thunder Prison", even grabbed the opponent's blue side to assist Zyra and the upper Dannar didn't have time to help before the arrival...

In this way, the anti-kill was completed in one go and in an instant.

Song of the Wild Snow Night caresses the forehead:

"Damn... After this season, it's the first time I've died so embarrassingly."

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The update will be delivered, and the two updates will be done. See you guys tomorrow.

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