
Chapter 1063 Surprise can win

When the original judgment and guess in his heart was confirmed by Tian Tiankou, while Shi Hang couldn't help being surprised and excited for his old friend in front of him, the depression caused by the loss of the game was also diluted a bit. .

Because of this...

There's really nothing to be ashamed of.

The opponent is an existence that has almost reached the peak of the Seven Kings level of strength, and is even qualified to start attacking the threshold of the Four Emperors. Facing opponents of this level, their Hayami team can still play such an advantage in the early and mid-term. Active rhythm, Already very rare.

Of course, although his mood was relieved and comforted, Shi Hang still felt a little regretful.

That is, his own strength is still a little weaker.

Even though his mid laners in the LPL division of the national server may already be second only to Li Xiaochenxing, there is still a certain gap between Tian Tian and Li Xiaochenxing, who are the banner powerhouses of the national server.


If he can go one step further and break through the threshold of the Seven Kings, then the result of the training match just now may still be changed.

It's just that it's all "if".

Now that the opening of the S6 World Finals is only in the last few days, it is really...

"Not impossible."

Tian Tian suddenly opened his mouth and looked at Shi Hang in front of him seriously, but Shi Hang was a little surprised when he heard that, only to see that the former continued to say to him solemnly: "Don't forget, in S5 last year, originally I and You are in the same situation now, but it was in the group stage...that you suddenly broke through."


As he said that, Tian Tian paused, and reached out to pat Shi Hang's shoulder vigorously, as if to give sincere encouragement to his old friend in the past:

"If I can... you can definitely do it too!"

"do not give up!"

Staring blankly at Tian Tian with a serious and serious expression in front of him, Shi Hang suddenly felt his heart tremble slightly, some inexplicable emotions were stuck in his chest, and he felt a little stuffy. He took a deep breath and let out the turbid air heavily, nodding vigorously. :

"Don't worry... until the end,

I will never give up! "

Immediately, his eyes fell on Tian Tian, ​​and the corner of his mouth raised a confident smile again:

"That was just the first one."

"Later... when we meet again, I won't let you, Lao Tian, ​​succeed so easily!"

Sensing the change in the mentality of the old friend in front of him, Tian Tian sincerely showed a happy expression:


"Later, another round!"


Not only old friends from the past, but also brothers and team members who are now fighting together for the S6 World Finals. They have a competitive mentality that is not easy to admit defeat, but they will never lack mutual encouragement and encouragement.

Just as Shi Hang and Tian Tian were talking, a voice came from not far away:

"It's enough if you have this heart."

"Don't worry, there will still be opportunities for you to fight against each other later."

There was a calm smile in the voice, and the two of them subconsciously raised their heads to follow the prestige, and saw that No. 1, who was originally sitting in the front row of the spectator seats, had got up and walked over like a leisurely walk, so the two Stand up now:


The number one who walked up to the two of them looked at the two juniors who had enough quality for him to appreciate, nodded in satisfaction, first looked at Tian Tian and said, "This is a good fight, your number three senior just praised you a lot "Sentence", Tian Tian was immediately flattered, and then his eyes turned to Shi Hang:

"It means there is."

"However... the consciousness is still a bit short."

"Since the team takes you as the core, then you, the core, should have fought more resolutely and ruthlessly."

This is... a pointer.

In fact, at the level of Shi Hang's level of strength, there is no need for other people to judge and lecture on many specific operational details. After the fight, you can realize the problem by yourself. A few pointers in direction.


It needs to be firmer and more ruthless.

Shi Hang nodded earnestly to show that he was taught, and then No. 1 didn't mean to say any more, but just glanced at a corner of the spectator stand not far away, and someone's figure was reflected in his pupils, and he casually opened his mouth and left a sentence:

"But this kind of thing can't be rushed."

"Trying alone...you can't figure it out."

"After two more rounds, let Xiaofeng play a round and you will have a better look at it. You should have more ideas."

Shi Hang couldn't help but his eyes lit up slightly: "Is he coming later?"

No. 1 laughed: "Of course, otherwise...do you think that letting him come over today is really just a spectator?"


The first match is over and the outcome has been decided, but no matter whether the winner is KG or the loser is Hayami, the two clubs actually have their own gains, and this is the main purpose of tonight's training camp - to let everyone The clubs learn from each other in the process of playing against each other, and then improve each other.

In the second game, Shi Hang from the Hayami team was left off the court, while KG was ordered by No. 1 to play again, and the opponent in this round was replaced by the God team.

The main players of the God club, Huangxue Yege and Dawn Chenxing got up from their seats. The head coach and team leader walked over and patted their shoulders one by one to encourage them:

"Hit well!"

"KG's strength is strong, but don't forget... our God is the number one in the national server!"

The voice fell.

A group of God players responded loudly.

The players from the Hayami club took their seats in the spectator seats, adjusted their mentality and prepared to watch the game. Shi Hang came to sit next to Lin Feng. Someone was drinking red bean milk tea, turned his head and sat The core ace mid laner of the Hayami team next to me:

"Hey, it wasn't strong enough just now."

Only two people who are familiar with each other can express their opinions in such a blunt manner. Shi Hang also nodded helplessly to express his acknowledgment, and then asked:

"How confident are you in changing your words?"

Lin Feng answered unambiguously: "Use Jess? Then I guess I'm useless. Fatty Gnar has nothing to do with your lineup from the beginning, and it won't work with me."

Hearing another meaning in someone's words, Shi Hang suddenly came to his senses:

"Is it my hero that I didn't choose?"

Lin Feng squinted at Shi Hang: "Yeah, Jess is strong in the early stage, but the mid-term team battle is still too much for the team. Since you are ready to carry the entire team by yourself, how can you choose this kind of hero-" — You have to choose something a little bit stiffer.”

Shi Hang hesitated: "You mean... small murlocs, enchantresses, etc.?"

Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders: "Basically, that's what it means anyway, KG and their mid laners are a bit worse than you, but they chose a card and you didn't beat them in the early game... let alone make up the knife , that’s too basic, anyway, you should do a few more solo kills in the early stage.”

The words are quite old-fashioned, and it almost makes others wonder if this guy is blowing his air. KG's mid laner is at least a first-tier national server. If you say a single kill is a single kill? How many more solo kills are you going to do?

But Shi Hang didn't have the slightest doubt about someone's statement. Instead, he nodded repeatedly, showing his approval of being taught, and then asked modestly:

"Then what hero would you use instead?"

"Just what you just said is fine!" Lin Feng replied without thinking, and then quickly added: "Oh, if you want to fight against the brainless and strong, it might be more difficult for them to deal with the unpopular. I might just play with Akali or something~"

Bright moon.


Shi Hang's eyes lit up when he heard it: "It makes sense."

Although these heroes are unpopular, they are not considered the mainstream mid laner choices in the current version, but indeed if the player's own attainments are enough to take out such partial heroes, it is really possible to make the opponent's preparations in a hurry and achieve the effect of winning by surprise.


The premise is always that the player's own strength must be excellent, and he must really bring out the effect of this kind of partial hero, otherwise everything else is empty talk.

With this in mind, Shi Hang patted Lin Feng on the shoulder with great interest:

"Then I'll wait to see you, Bright Moon Akali, later!"

"No problem!" A certain person subconsciously agreed, and then suddenly felt something wrong and widened his eyes: "Eh? What do you mean? I'm not an audience today!"

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Update sent, ah come late. . . It took a long time to write the plan tonight. . .

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