
Chapter 1059 Good!

Even in the auditorium below the stage, other members of several clubs and the coaches of the various teams subconsciously felt that the threat that this wave of KG teams would pose to Hayami was not that great when they saw Gnar teleporting around. .

Gnar's teleportation location is certainly good.

But it is true that you are only one person, and you are too out of touch with the other teammates. The card prince and Nami are still between the second tower and the high ground, and the policewoman has just been driven out of the spring again. It is impossible to form an effective front and rear double-team.

But at this moment...

When Nami directly and decisively made a backhand ult "Whistle of the Raging Waves" that set off layers of waves and swept towards several heroes on the purple side, and the card master Drizzt's ult move "Destiny" was activated——

Finally, everyone on and off the court suddenly guessed the real intention of the blue KG team.

This is……

in drag!

Nami's ultimate move is used to slow down and delay the retreat of the opponent's purple army.

And the card's big move fate is opened, which is to be able to easily fly around to any position on the flank or rear of the purple army formation in the next few seconds. First, it can perfectly merge with the teammate Gnar , but continued to contain and delay the movements of several heroes of the purple Fang Sushui team.

In other words, Bonnard's teleportation will definitely not return without success.


It is this wave of groups that may really be driven by KG!


"wild area!"


In the team voice channel of the Purple Fang Sushui team, Shi Hang's voice sounded hurriedly, and at the same time, the mid laner Jess he controlled was backhanded by a bright plasma cannon from the QE second company, which was directly in front of where Nami and the prince were. The position is blasted away to block the opponent's pursuit.

The other Hayami players finally didn't dare to neglect any more, and quickly manipulated their heroes into the lower half wild area of ​​the purple side.

This is to avoid the teleportation point of Gnar directly behind on the middle route.


At this time,

The card master has already opened up, and an arc formed by stacking cards quickly formed in the lower right corner of his F6 wild area, and then Drizzt teleported to the ground, raising his hand with a Q skill "Universal Card" far away A few heroes from the purple side swung in the direction of the formation.

The three trajectories of the sharp wild card were all controlled by several members of the Purple Fang Sushui team to dodge the heroes flexibly.

However, although the skill missed, it managed to hold back the target opponent's retreat.

Another second.

Gnar teleported to the ground.

Directly and quickly move towards the direction of the lower half of the field on the lower right!

At the same time, it can be seen that at this moment, Nami and the prince of the blue KG team began to chase and follow up quickly. Even the ADC policewoman was about to be driven out of the high ground, and a circle of encirclement was slowly closing like a big net.

In the spectator seats under the stage, the coaches of several clubs took the lead in changing their expressions slightly:

KG's cooperation...

So stable!

Almost watertight!

It's not like Hayami's aggressive attack of wolves like the Korean team, but this kind of tactical routine of closing the big net step by step, like a frog boiled in warm water, slowly pushes the opponent to a dead end, and waits until the last moment. The net tightens, and everything is about to settle.

The positioning and operation of the single card in the blue square is still calm and unhurried. He has never stepped forward rashly, but has been patiently maintaining a safe distance from the opponent's purple square formation. The "universal card" of the Q skill was shot again, this time successfully scratching the body of the opposite ADC Dazui and the jungler blind monk, and poke got a lot of blood.

At the same moment, Gnar was almost at the side of his teammate Kaka.

At the same time, the voice channel in the purple team is already full of anxiety and panic:

"Grass, you're going to be caught like this!"

"If you can't get away, turn around and hit!"

"No, if we turn our heads, our back row will be exposed to the opponent!"

"Dry the cards directly!? Do it!"

Compared with the panic and panic of several teammates, Shi Hang at this moment has already made the quickest decision at the critical moment, and the voice channel in the team shouted loudly:

"Bron, give the big card!!"

The voice fell.

The auxiliary members of the Hayami team subconsciously obeyed the order almost without thinking and gave out the big move "Glacier Fissure", and the huge shield in the heart of the Freljord suddenly smashed to the ground!

A jagged towering wall of frost suddenly protruded from the ground and spread towards the target card!

At the same time, the reaction speed of the single-card master in the blue team was also extremely fast, and he quickly made a move to evade the moment Braum made a big move, but although he avoided the control of being knocked into the air, he still Affected by the deceleration effect of Braum's ultimate move, the body's movement speed suddenly slowed down.

Shi Hang was waiting for this moment.

for a moment.

The sound of the mouse and keyboard moving and tapping in front of the computer screen suddenly exploded into a line!

Under the control of Shi Hang, the mid laner Jess opened the accelerator door and quickly shortened the distance to the target card. In the next moment, he switched to the Warhammer form with a Q skill "Leap of the Sky" towards the card master from top to bottom. The howling wind suddenly smashed down!

same moment.

Almost at the moment when Jace's Q skill is about to land on the target card.

A crisp metallic sound was heard——

Ding! ! !

The card master's body suddenly turned into a gleaming pure golden statue, Zhongya's golden body!

Directly let Jess' Q skill damage fail!

And it was still at this moment, as if he had seized the moment when Jess rushed forward, the blue Fang Shangdan Gnar who was not far away had already arrived quickly under Tian Tian's control, and a level shot At the same time that A hit the future guardian... it just happened to fill up Lost Fang's anger bar.

A terrifying savage atmosphere suddenly diffused from Gnar's seemingly miniature body.

next second.

Shi Hang, whose eyelids suddenly twitched, shouted loudly:


But at the same time as the warning sounded, the blue upper Dannar under Tian Tian's control had already moved one step faster.

With a terrifying roar, Gnar's body suddenly magnified and turned into a terrifying giant beast. The next second, the Q skill "Throwing Rock" suddenly threw a terrifying giant rock forward!

boom! ! !

The heavy muffled sound that shook the wild area of ​​the canyon.

The roaring boulder passed Jess, and slammed into the bodies of several heroes in the back row of the purple phalanx!

The damage value is floating!

slow down!

At the same moment, Tian Tian's hand in front of the computer screen moved and tapped so fast that it was almost dizzying. Middle and forward, smashing to the ground like a mountain!

smash into...

In the circle of Rambo, Blind Sin, Da Zui and Bron in the back row of the Purple Fang Sushui team!

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ——

There was another earth-shattering bang.

It was as if a cannonball had fallen.

The pupils in the eyes of several Hayami players suddenly narrowed severely, and the jungler blind monk who reacted the fastest has already made a big move "Raptors Waving Tail" to kick towards Gnar in an attempt to sweep this ** away, but Just when the R skill key on the keyboard was almost about to be tapped and pressed...


As soon as Gnar remembered the fastest W skill "Beating", he had already made a move.

The giant palm hit the ground!

Directly control the stun of the nearest blind monk and Rambo!

Shi Hang, who had no time to return to defense, suddenly changed his face at this moment, and his mood sank to the bottom of the cold valley all of a sudden——

It's over!

Under the stage, almost everyone in the spectator seats couldn't help standing up again suddenly, their expressions were shocked, and even the No. 1 in the corner of the auditorium who was talking with Chu Fangnan in a low voice couldn't help but look at Chu Fangnan. On the OB screen of the spectator screen, the light in his eyes shone slightly:


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The update was sent, the two updates were done, and suddenly I found that there was only one month left before the Chinese New Year. . . Are you guys going on vacation soon?

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