
Chapter 1056 Must Have Awareness

For the Hayami team of the purple team, it was caught off guard and allowed the opponent's top laner Gnar to complete a wave of 1V2 double kills in the bottom lane, which was almost hurt to the extreme.

Because at this time, their two-man lane had just pushed the tower in the top lane, and Jess was still in the middle lane. After the two teammates in the upper and wild lanes were killed, there was a big gap in the bottom lane, and at the same time, the opponent's blue team jungler The prince also swam over, cooperating with Gnar to almost easily push down their purple side's bottom lane outer tower and demolish it.


It is equivalent to the same level in terms of the number of defensive towers.

Team Hayami did not take advantage of the tower push rhythm in this wave of line changes, and at the same time sacrificed two of their own heads, allowing Gnar to develop further in vain.

Although it is said that Jess, Shi Hang's future guardian in the mid laner, is still developing very smoothly, and still has a strong advantage and carry ability in the current time period, but...

Gnar has passed this wave of double kills, proving that he also has an extremely powerful threat index during this time period.

What's more important is that if time passes slowly, when Jess' strong period slowly passes, Gnar's strong period will gradually come.

"Someone has to keep an eye on Gnar!"

The second team and the substitute players at the Hayami Club in the audience couldn't help but feel anxious:

"Let Gnar go on like this, how to fight next, the team fighters stand in the front row and can't beat it!"

This is the truth. It can be seen from the wave just now that Gnar's own damage output is not high, but the problem lies in the damage caused by the two Ueno members of the Purple Fang Suisui team hitting Gnar. But it doesn't hurt at all, so wait for Gnar to be more fleshy...it will really be impossible for three or four people to fight.

But these words were only uttered from the mouths of several Hayami players, and they were stopped by the coaches with the same ugly faces next to them:

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"How to watch? Who to watch?"

"Two Uenos can't keep Tanar alone, should we send more people over there?"

Perhaps the only one who can compete with Tian Tian's top laner Gnar is Shi Hang's mid laner Jess on the purple side.


Jace couldn't go either.

"It would be too stupid for Jess to guard at such a time." Lin Feng, who was driven back to his seat by No. 1, drank red bean milk tea, and glanced at the big screen on the stage to give an unceremonious expression. evaluate.

Li Shiyi nodded, and explained to Tang Bingyao who was beside him who seemed to understand:

"Jess goes to defend, of course he can defend Gnar."

"But if this is the case, the current core strength of the Hayami team will really be dragged to death by Gnar."

"Don't look at Jess's strong rhythm now, but the strong period will be gone in another ten minutes, so even if the Hayami team can rely on their mid laner to contain the opponent Gnar in these ten minutes, after ten minutes...they really have no chance of winning , and even the KG team would wish Hayami would choose this way."

Tang Bingyao was at a loss: "Then... what should I do?"

"good question."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and gave the answer:

"The solution is to leave Gnar alone."

"Within ten minutes... desperately trying to play out all the effects of Jess' strong period!"


Shi Hang of the Hayami team also made such a choice.

He knew how tricky Gnar was now, and he also knew that only his own Jess could defend against Tian Tian's Lost Fang, but he also knew that if he did this, he would really ruin their hope of winning this round.



In the voice channel of the purple team, Shi Hang quickly gave orders to several other teammates. At the same time, the mid laner Jess under his control had already updated a round of equipment in the spring water of the base, and quickly went out to the middle route. rush back.

Without even thinking about it, he can also judge that the opponent's blue team will adopt a tactic of 41 points, and when they cannot directly face the KG team's tactic... they can only do the opposite.

You Gnar push me sideways alone.

I, Jess, lead people into a group!


See who is held back first by whom, and who is the first to sit still in the end!

At the 14th minute of the game, in the middle of Summoner's Canyon, the five heroes of the purple team's Hayami team have quickly assembled, leading a wave of soldiers and quickly pressing towards the opponent's blue team's defensive tower in the middle. .

At the same time, just as Shi Hang expected, the blue KG team had four heroes who quickly gathered under the outer defensive tower in the middle lane and began to make a defensive posture, but the top laner Gnar was alone in the bottom lane. The road continues to push the line with a single belt.

"It's really screwed up..."

In the front row of the spectator seats, Huang Xue Yege couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Li Xiaochenxing's gaze briefly swept across the bottom lane, and then stayed on the middle lane:

"Purple must speed up."

"They can't afford it."

Yes, if the situation of 5 vs 4 in the middle lane is still just a stalemate situation controlled by the opponent's blue team, and it takes a lot of time to push down KG's outer tower in the middle lane... then the purple team Sushui team's bottom lane It will really be easily cleared by Tian Tian's Gnar alone.

To put it bluntly--

Even if the outer tower of the opposite middle lane is swapped with the second tower of its own bottom lane, it is definitely not a good deal for the Hayami team.


"Whether to push or not is a problem, right?"

Some spectators from the God club expressed their unfavorable attitude.



The lineup of the blue team KG team in this game, not to mention other things, but at least one mid laner card, one ADC female policeman and one top laner Rambo, the ability in clearing the line and defending the tower is absolutely incomparable tough.

The card master can almost clear most of the soldiers line with a Q skill universal card and a red card. Rambo shoots two harpoons, and the policewoman has a Q skill as a peace messenger. How much time to push the tower.

And at this moment, the female policewoman in Piltover placed three or four metal clips with W skills in front of her defense tower, as if arranging the front of the tower into an impenetrable fortress, and successfully restricted the movement of several heroes of the opponent's purple army. bit.

Whether the Hayami team on the purple side can push down the defensive tower in this wave is another matter.

But at least...

In the eyes of all the spectators off the field, no matter how you look at this defensive outer tower in the middle, it will definitely consume too much time and energy of the Hayami team.

And down the road——

Gnar, who was not hindered at all, has easily pushed the pawn line in front of the opponent's purple defense second tower, and directly began to cooperate with the pawns to flatten the A-point tower to consume blood.

As long as there are three waves of pawn lines at most, the second tower of the purple side will be quickly taken away.

Time is getting tighter for Team Hayami.

The atmosphere on the scene also seemed to become a little bit frozen.

"5 vs. 4, it's not okay to be held back like this." Lin Feng in the spectator seat took another sip of red bean milk tea, squinted slightly to look at the middle of Summoner's Canyon on the field, and finally stopped at Shan Jiesi in the purple side. Body:

"It must be opened by force."

"Old Shi should have come to his senses."

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The update is here, I was tired and sick after a two-day business trip. . . It seems that there are signs of fever again, and I will try to write the next chapter before midnight.

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