
Chapter 187 Waiting for the team battle

Daughter of Darkness·Anne’s ultimate move——

"The Wrath of Tibbers".

When the ferocious flame bear suddenly descended in the flames flying all over the sky, and sat firmly on the card master.

All the students in the audience couldn't help but their eyelids twitched.

Good, such high damage!

One big move instantly destroyed the Card Master's entire health!

Lin Feng operated quickly and continuously, followed by another Q skill "Shattering Fire" and threw it out.

boom! ——

The health bar above the card's head dropped again.

At this time, Yan Liang desperately controlled his Card Master to escape from the dizzy state and ran towards his own defense tower. He quickly drew a yellow card with his backhand and threw it at his opponent Anne behind him, who was dizzy and controlled.

But it's no use.

Annie's full set of damage has been completely dealt, and the flaming bear Tibbers, under the control of Lin Feng, clung to the Card Master and continued to cause magic damage. In the end, the Card Master was already destroyed before he could escape back to the tower. Burned to death.

"You-have-been-(you have been killed)."

In an instant, the game screen on the computer screen in front of Yan Liang turned into a black and white TV.

The expression on the face of the captain of the Shanghai Foreign Language School Affiliated High School team was extremely ugly.

Lin Feng on the other side looked cheerful and announced:

"My Annie is really strong too!"

Single kill!

In the auditorium, the students from the 13th grade high school audience suddenly burst into cheers!


"Fuko 6666666!!"

"Damn it, Brother Feng is so awesome!"

"Hahaha, single kill! Damn this wave of pleasure!"

The audience and students from other schools around could not help but be stunned and amazed.

You know, this is the semi-finals of the Sixteenth School League. Generally speaking, kills and other kills mostly rely on roaming ganks or team battles in the jungle. If you really want to achieve a solo kill online, then But it's rare.

But now Annie's wave of violent single kills is simply hearty!

A terrifying explosive power that is almost crushing!

Taken away in an instant!

"Annie's level 6 skill set with ultimate burst damage... is still terrifying."

Xifeng in the commentary box couldn't help but praise.

On the side, Mo Sheng laughed:

"But the details of the operation of the Annie player just now are also worthy of praise. He calculated that he was only one tier of experience short of reaching level 6, so he flashed forward and opened forcefully one step ahead - in this case, the opponent had no time to react. Bar."

That's right.

In the front row of the audience, from the Shanghai Middle School team, Zeng Rui looked at the blue Fang Anni in the OB screen with awe-inspiring eyes, and he had to shout in his heart:

Anne's detailed handling is indeed very strong.

Actually, even Yan Liang, who was a master in the high school affiliated to the Foreign High School, was plotted against.

Thinking of this, the light in Zeng Rui's eyes flickered slightly:

If it looks like this...

In this game, it seems that the balance of victory and defeat is faintly tilted towards the blue side's Thirteenth High?

In addition to the middle lane, Tang Bingyao's ADC Draven also began to take more initiative and advantages in the lane after getting first blood.

Heroes like Draven are inherently the type to become more aggressive as they fight.

Once you get one head, you can almost create the aura of having two or three heads.

In addition, Tang Bingyao is most accustomed to such a straightforward style of play, and her reactions and operation speed are so fast that even professional players may be amazed...

That could only mean one thing.

The two people on the purple side who are on the top and bottom of the outer middle school are going to suffer.

Especially the auxiliary Japanese female players were sweating profusely.

Before his Dawn Goddess reaches level 6 and learns the ultimate move, he can only rely on the displacement of his E skill to rush forward if he wants to force the opponent's ADC Draven, but the opponent's reaction speed is really too fast, even if His E skill hits the target, and the opponent can immediately interrupt his advance with a backhand E.

Then he immediately took the initiative to attack without retreating.

"Back off, back off!"

"Be steady and control the line back!"

As the team's ADC, Liu Zhengjie angrily scolded his support teammates.

Now he is in an extremely frustrated mood. The initiative and advantage he had at the beginning are now gone. Moreover, after giving up the plan to press the line, his poke ability has been cut in half.

Even under the current situation, even if the opponent Draven directly used W to rush up and fight with him, he would be forced to retreat.

From the front, it's more than enough.

The more Liu Zhengjie thought about it, the more he felt aggrieved and annoyed, but the look he looked at his opponent Delevingne had a hint of disbelief and fear:

That girl...

How can you play a hero like Draven so smoothly?

Can’t the girl just go and play support role honestly? ?

As last year's runner-up in the Sixteen Schools League, the strength of the Shanghai Foreign Language School Affiliated High School team cannot be underestimated.

On the bottom lane, although Wheel Mom and the support Japanese girl were suppressed by the strong and violent playing style of Tang Bingyao's ADC Draven, Wheel Mom's last-hit development rhythm was not affected too much. , and even has a few more CS than Draven for the time being.

As for the middle road...

Lin Feng, who had just won a personal kill with a single kill card, soon faced a counterattack from his opponent.

At about 8 minutes and 50 seconds into the game, the purple jungler Lee Sin roamed the middle, and seized the opportunity of Lin Feng's mid laner Annie to press forward and rush out of the grass at the mouth of the river.

Insert the eye to support the movement and advance.

The Q skill "Tian Yin Wave" hits the target and then advances again in the second stage.

A very beautiful R dodge, and before Annie had time to react, she used the big move "Raptor's Tail Swing" to kick Annie directly to the base of her own defense tower.

Yan Liang controls Card Master's dizzy control of receiving yellow cards in seconds.

Coupled with the damage from the defense tower, the blood bar above Annie's head quickly fell to the bottom.

Before dying, Lin Feng backhanded a set of skills and threw it directly at the card master's face. However, Yan Liang reacted very quickly and escaped with a flash of remaining health, and was not taken away by the counterattack.

"You-have-been-(you have been killed)."

The system's female voice announced the kill.

Lin Feng looked regretful and annoyed:

"Ah... almost."

Then he looked at the opponent's card that had escaped with a full face of displeasure, and muttered:

"I'll kill you later."

"Let's see how you can run without flash..."

As for the top lane, Shen Ze's top laner Stone Man has always been at a passive disadvantage when facing Sword Girl.

After being killed once before, his situation became increasingly difficult.

Although it doesn't matter if a hero like Stone Man is disadvantaged in the early stage, it will be very troublesome if the collapse is too severe and the opponent's Sword Girl is allowed to develop directly.

At just over nine minutes into the game, Liu Yue controlled the jungle prince to roam and support the top lane.

Came a step too late.

Shen Ze's stone man was forcibly killed by Sword Ji Taxia, the top single of the team affiliated to Shanghai Foreign Language School.

Fortunately, Liu Yue's jungle prince also took away the life of the residual-blooded swordswoman, exchanging one for one, so at least he didn't suffer too much of a loss.

But now the situation on the field has become a bit unpredictable again.

The head ratio between the blue and purple sides is 3 to 3.

The economy has not widened the gap either.

On the Thirteenth High Team, Tang Bingyao's ADC Draven has a small advantage, but Lin Feng's mid laner Annie only has a 1/1/1 record after dying once.

"This big idiot..."

Under the stage, An Xin, who was sitting in the front row of guest seats, raised her forehead helplessly:

"Let him insert the eye and forget to insert it...otherwise, how could he die!"

Although he was complaining a little, there was not much worry in An Xin's tone.

Because only then will we enter the decisive mid-term team battle stage.

And the lineup of their blue side...

It’s just for team fights!

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