
Chapter 1050 Recommendation

Gnar's one-blood kill on the road caused a lot of commotion and discussion even among the club leaders and coaches on the sidelines of the audience:

"KG's Tian Tian... his personal top laner level has now surpassed the LPL average level by at least half a position."

This was the judgment given by the head coach of the God team. When he made such a conclusion, the expression on his face was quite solemn, showing that his evaluation was absolutely not exaggerated.

Other people around, even the coaches and team leaders of the Hayami club subconsciously showed their approval, and then they couldn't help feeling a little sad:

"Our national server... the speed of development and progress in the position of top laner is still not fast enough."


Although Tian Tian's personal skill and talent are worthy of admiration, but in retrospect, this is also a problem in the LPL division of their national server.

The top laner for the national server...does not pay enough attention to it.

Tian Tian of the KG team alone can even stand on the throne of the world's number one top laner. Compared with the world's top top laners in other competition regions, he may be half a chip stronger.

But the rest of the first-line professional top laners on the national server... are a bit behind the first-tier top laners in the European, American, and Korean divisions.

There are no other top laners in the LPL who are still capable of doing well on the world stage.

Even if they are the main players of God and Hayami in the e-sports venue at the moment, if they encounter teams from other competition areas, they will still be defeated by those world-class teams, regardless of their performance in single-player laning or mid-to-late team battles. The top order compares.

There is no such gap in the mid laner position.

Take a look, let’s not talk about Lixiao Chenxing, who has half-stepped into the realm of the Four Emperors, Shi Hang of Sushui team, and the mid laner of Heiyao team, “Heart of No Light” Including the main mid laners of several other LPL teams, their strength is relatively average, and they will not be opened up by teams from other regions in the world arena.

Available to order...

Take the current training match as an example——

It is no exaggeration to evaluate, a discerning person can easily see through a few minutes of laning in the early stage and this wave of first-blood kills,

On the blue side, Tian Tian's top laner Gnar is obviously a level higher than Hayami's top laner Rambo.

Whether it is the control of the pawn line or the understanding of the line, it is not a state.

Of course, this is because Tian Tian himself is strong enough, but after all, everyone is a professional top laner in the LPL division, and there is such an obvious gap in strength... It is always a worrying thing.


"I have time later, can you help me bring a few more?"

It is also possible to clearly see the shortcomings of the national server in the top lane position, so number one turned to look at number three to ask his old friend's attitude and opinion.

One day.

In fact, half of them were brought out by number three.

When it comes to top laner, there is no need to be modest, as long as No. 3 is willing to spend a certain amount of time, at most half a year to a year, the entire national server e-sports circle does not say how much the overall level of top laner has improved, but there will definitely be a few more Seedlings who are qualified to be included in the first echelon level.

But unfortunately...

No. 3 rolled his eyes bluntly when he heard this: "Excuse me, I don't have that much free time. Isn't there enough work to do next year?"

The meaning in the words made it easy for No. 1 to understand what his old friend said about next year, so he couldn't help but shook his head and didn't force himself to go further: "It's just a suggestion, After all...one thing is one thing, and it’s okay to help more.”

At this time, Number Five also interjected softly:

"And...the incident next year, to some extent, actually sacrificed the interests of most people."

"If possible, it can be regarded as some compensation for us within our ability, isn't it?"

Compared with No. 1, the team captain and old friend of the team, the words spoken by No. 5, who was the only woman among the five, had a greater effect on No. 3.


Some things do make sense.

No. 3 was silent for a moment, and finally shook his head helplessly: "Okay, but even if I put in a little more effort, I still have to have suitable seedlings," he said, spreading his hands to the unmarried couple in front of him: "You can't let me take responsibility for the entire national service LPL to LSPL circle?"

Naturally, it is impossible to achieve that level of strength by one person.

"That's right." No. 1 raised his eyebrows: "It is necessary to find some suitable seedlings..."

It's just that although they all have high prestige, status and connections in the national server and even the world's professional e-sports circle, it's really a shame to immediately give a few suitable examples of single seedlings on the national server. Some embarrassment.

"Eight wine glasses!"

Suddenly a voice suddenly sounded from the side.

At some point, it turned out that Lin Feng had already appeared from the seat next to the three people who were talking, his eyes were shining brightly, and his voice was excited, and he proposed his own suggestion: "Really, senior, Xiao Ba can do it!"

"Eight wine glasses?" No. 3 frowned, "It sounds familiar."

On the other hand, No. 5 has already given an explanation thoughtfully: "The top laner of the Seven Leafs team is from the LSPL division." She also glanced at Lin Feng: "The candidate given by Xiaofeng...is really suitable, according to As far as I know, among so many teams in the LSPL division, the top laner of Eight Wine Cup should be able to rank in the first echelon."

Lin Feng has rushed to add:

"Not only the first echelon!"

"Xiaoba is completely qualified even if he is placed in the LPL as a top laner. They Qiye are preparing to qualify for the LPL promotion in the S7 season."

"It's all empty talk." No. 3 waved his hand impatiently, squinting at Lin Feng: "You are familiar with that... eight wine cups?"

"It's okay." Lin Feng blushed and admitted without hesitation.

No. 3 nodded: "How does it compare to Fatty?"

This question finally caused Lin Feng to let go of his carefree attitude. After thinking about it seriously, he replied: "Facing the current fat man is definitely useless, but if it is before the S5 finals... I think it will be around four or six."

The answer did not deliberately exaggerate the moisture in order to speak well of his acquaintances.

But this way...

"It's enough." No. 1 commented, and glanced at No. 3: "What do you think?"

Number three shrugged: "Okay, let's count this one."

Someone who got the promise from Senior No. 3 immediately smiled: "Great, then I'll contact Xiao Ba when I turn around. If Senior has nothing else to do, I'll go back first. There's still a big chicken chop left to eat—"

Before he finished speaking, he stood up and prepared to dodge, but before his ass left his seat, he was stopped by No. 1 again:


When someone sat down honestly again, No. 1 looked at him:

"What are you running for?"

"I thought you came here today just to let you watch the fun?"

"Come on, tell me—"

"What do you think of this game?"

Lin Feng answered directly without thinking: "KG wins."

"Oh?" No. 1 showed great interest: "You don't like Ah Hang?"

Someone shook his head and said frankly:

"It's not that I don't like Lao Shi."

"It's the fat man now... really stronger."

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The update is here, my back hurts a lot from work recently. . . The next chapter is around eleven o'clock.

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