
Chapter 1048 Girl

The leaders of the three teams and clubs, including the second team and the substitute players of each team, began to take their seats in the front row of spectator seats in the hall of the e-sports venue.

The main players of their respective teams and their coaches dispersed into three groups and gathered, talking and discussing in low voices.

After the staff of the venue adjusted all the computer keyboard and mouse equipment for the battle on the stage, they finally turned on several giant LCD live broadcast screens.


Tonight's three training camps will officially start like this.

No. 1 standing under the stage nodded slightly, and after pondering for a moment, looked in the direction of KG and Hayami two teams:

"First round."

"KG and Hayami come first."

So the team members and coaches of the two teams who were named to the stage all responded and walked up with solemn expressions, while the members of the God team, who had not had their turn to start, breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly followed. Sitting down in the spectator seats, they all looked at each other with a look of joy and joy.

After all... the pressure is still a bit high if the first match is about to take place.

I don't know what the training results of the other two teams have been during this period of time, and I am always uncertain.

But now, if you can watch the match between KG and Hayami first, and understand the current state of the two, it will naturally be of great help to God in their next match.


Can't really relax too much either.

After all, they are also going to play, and it is destined that tonight's training and preparation will be more important than the previous training at their own club's base.

I also know this, so when I saw my team members getting ready to go on stage, some high-level bosses and team leaders of KG and Hayami Club couldn't sit still, and got up from their seats and walked quickly to their players. Doing the last command:

"How about it, is it okay to just get used to the machine?"

"Are you sure today? Let's fight hard and don't embarrass our club."

"Show the training results of this period of time... to our specially hired coaches!"


In addition to such rhetorical teachings, there are also more direct and explicit orders:

"I don't care about anything else."

"The three training camps today...we must win the jackpot!"

"Get rid of the other two!"

Such voices almost coincidentally came from the crowds of KG and Hayami two teams, and at the same time, they could be easily heard by each other, followed by the leaders and high-level bosses of the clubs on both sides looking up at the same time from a short distance, each other There was a murderous look in his eyes.


Although it was just a friendly exchange and training session, putting aside the prejudices of the club as an individual, the goal was to seek to further improve the combat power of their entire LPL division before the strong opponents in other major divisions in the S6 finals...

But in the end, these are all great principles.

In addition to the great principles, there will still be small thoughts.

Since there are three training camps, no matter what happens tonight's training match, there will always be a winner and a ranking. No matter which one has the heart to compete for victory, they don't want to admit that they will lose after the recent training. to the other two.

Of course, on the surface, it is still necessary to maintain a friendly atmosphere and greet each other with smiles.

But on the next training ground...


They are definitely trying their best to overthrow the other two opponents first!

No. 3, who had already sat down comfortably in the spectator seats in the front row, glanced at the smelly scene between the two upcoming teams and clubs, and nodded in satisfaction:


"Even if it's a training camp...too amiable will have no effect."

No. 1 next to him nodded in agreement: "Well, it's the last night or two, let's see if we can motivate them to each other, and let's go up again."

And as if thinking of something, No. 3 tilted his head and glanced at No. 1:

"By the way, how about...how about it in the morning?"

when speaking,

His voice was deliberately lowered slightly.

No. 1 paused, and then replied in the same low voice as if nothing had happened: "Let Anan arrange it, and he will tell me if there is any news—he probably will come over later."

No. 3 nodded, and looked towards the direction of a few seats not far away, intentionally or unintentionally, where Lin Feng was sitting:

"That kid..."

Before he finished speaking, No. 1 already guessed what his old friend meant, and shook his head:

"Didn't tell him."

"If the situation is uncertain...it's not a good thing to let him know." He paused slightly after speaking: "Last night, this kid also took the initiative to contact Baozi, and there is no news either."

"You actually took the initiative to contact me?" No. 3 frowned when he heard that, "It's not a good time."

It was almost exactly the same as the judgment made on the 1st in the morning.

No. 1 nodded and shook his head, as if he wanted to temporarily put aside these troublesome things outside of the competition, and returned his gaze to the stage:


"Wait until the news is confirmed."

"Now...let's focus on tonight's training camp—you should also spend a little more time and energy. The top laners and mid laners of several teams will help keep an eye on them."

No. 3 didn't hesitate, and nodded in response: "Okay, leave it to me."


And at the same time, Lin Feng didn't hear the conversations of several seniors not far away. As soon as Lin Feng sat down in his seat, he heard footsteps coming from behind. You Li Shishi was walking towards this side quickly, probably because he was too anxious to walk fast, the girl's pretty face was a little flushed:


Lin Feng got up and moved in to make room for the two people who had just arrived, and Tang Bingyao hurriedly apologized to Lin Feng as soon as she sat down: "Yes, I'm sorry, the road was blocked just now... I'm late."

Li Shiyi next to him helped explain: "I just came here with Senior No. 3. I wanted to buy some water at the door, but I saw Tangtang rushing all the way from the exit of the subway station. It was very hard."

Lin Feng shook his head, comforting:

"It's okay, it's just about to start here, don't be in such a hurry."

Tang Bingyao, who received someone's answer like this, seemed to be relieved at last, and then, as if thinking of something, she quickly opened the zipper from her schoolbag and took out a big plastic bag with steaming steam, and happily offered her treasure As if handing it to someone:

"Fengzi, I saw a chicken steak shop at the exit of the subway station ahead."

"I bought two big chickens with cumin, and red bean milk tea. They're all hot. You can eat them~"

But just as she was talking, the girl seemed to realize something again, and suddenly she hurriedly looked around at the surrounding spectator seats, and asked nervously in a low voice:

"Here... can I bring food in?"

"Will it taste too strong?"

Looking cautiously like a thief in the direction of several venue staff standing not far away, Tang Bingyao quickly tucked the plastic bag containing the chicken chops into her arms again, as if afraid of being discovered, and whispered to Lin Feng:

"Fengzi, hurry up and eat a few bites, we...don't be discovered!"

Seeing the girl's nervous little face, the slightly flushed face and the still unbalanced panting sound probably caused by running all the way from the subway entrance, Lin Feng's heart moved slightly.


As if inadvertently again, the figure of another girl flashed in my mind at this moment.

Make him suddenly silent.

After a while, he nodded slightly, "Yeah".

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The update is here, the next chapter will be around ten o'clock, so go ahead and continue coding.

Recommend the new book of urban master Lao Shi:

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