
Chapter 1038

For Lin Feng, the whole morning actually passed in a daze.

He didn't even know how he got from one teaching building to another when he changed classrooms halfway to take another professional course. If it weren't for the other three roommates in dormitory 514, he would probably be in such a big campus. He can get lost by himself.

After school at noon, Lin Feng himself had no appetite, but was dragged by Feng Tao, Qiu Le and Shen Zhuang to a small restaurant in front of the school to have lunch together. While dragging Lin Feng's Qiu Le, he said plausibly:

"The big thing is not as important as filling the stomach!"

"Besides, you're just feeling frustrated...you'll be fine if you have a full stomach!"

Lin Feng, who had been absent-minded all this time, raised his head subconsciously when he heard this sentence, with a blank expression on his face: "Feeling frustrated?"

Although it is really very close to the truth...

But where did his roommates come from?

Not only Qiu Le, but the three people in dormitory 514, including Feng Tao and Shen Zhuang, all looked at someone understandingly, with an expression of "we all understand you": "Okay, no need to explain, look at you The appearance in the morning... no fool would guess that it has something to do with feelings."

"No..." Lin Feng opened his mouth and wanted to argue and explain a few words, but when the figure of the childhood sweetheart on the other side of the ocean couldn't stop flashing in his mind, he stopped silent.

Qiu Le, Feng Tao and Shen Zhuang looked at each other, and they changed the subject knowingly:

"Oh, that's enough, that's enough! Stop talking!"

"Walk around and don't go to the cafeteria at noon, let's have a good meal at the next restaurant at the east gate!"

"Hungry, hungry ~ let's go!"


When he sat down at the table in the small restaurant by the east gate of the school, Qiu Le took the menu and ordered two meat and two vegetables plus a tomato and egg soup. Then, seeing Lin Feng in front of the table still looking listless, he pulled The other two roommates started chatting enthusiastically about other topics in an attempt to distract someone:

"Hey, the S6 finals are about to start."

"In the past two days, our national service teams should also leave for the UK, right?"

Shen Zhuang nodded,

Also came to the spirit: "Yeah, I checked Weibo yesterday and saw that the official account of the God team club posted a status, saying that the players are all ready to go, and it will be Wednesday or Thursday... Book a plane ticket and leave for the UK .”

"The first stop is Manchester, right?" Feng Tao also interjected, "I thought it was a big city like London."

Qiu Le touched his chin: "Manchester... I haven't heard much about it, but it should be pretty good to be selected as the first group stage, right?"

However, the content of the chat between the few people preferred to hit a certain keyword and fell into Lin Feng's ears——


For a moment someone's head drooped lower.

And the roommates looked a little confused, what's the situation? What did they say and they poked Fengzi's sad matter. Could it be that Fengzi's matter has something to do with the British guy?

Immediately Qiu Le changed his words instantly:

"Oh, that's not bad! I've never heard of Manchester, it must be a small place in the countryside!"

Feng Tao and Shen Zhuang next to him nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, right! The corner!" "It's a good little broken place!"

The topic changed again, and a few people talked about the recent preparations for the finals of the three clubs of the national service LPL:

"I heard that it seems that some awesome gods have been invited out of the mountain to give advice?"

"I also heard about it when I was watching the live broadcast in the so-and-so live broadcast room. The anchor was a retired member of the KG team before. It should be quite reliable to hear some rumors."

Qiu Le smacked his lips: "Your news...is outdated, but I found the latest hot gossip in the Post Bar forum early this morning!"

Although the tone of the sentence was triumphantly showing off and bragging, it successfully aroused the curiosity of Feng Tao and Shen Zhuang beside him:

"What's the meaning?"

"The latest hot gossip, what, Ah Le, if you know it, tell it quickly, don't bluff people!"

"Where are you bluffing! The news is absolutely reliable, okay?" Qiu Le swears on his face, and then suddenly shows an extremely mysterious expression and deliberately lowers his voice: "Isn't this a few teams that are going to go out soon? Strengthen the training, but starting today, there seems to be a new movement..."

Still wheezing.

Feng Tao couldn't bear it anymore: "You will die if you say it once!?"

Shen Zhuang also urged: "That's right, what's the new news? It's about to go to war, so it doesn't make sense to make any big moves in the country."

"You don't understand this." Qiu Le looked like someone who came here with experience: "Several teams are busy building their own cars behind closed doors. What's the use of that? So ah, the news I read from the post bar god, starting today, God Hayami and KG are ready to get together for training!"


The news was indeed explosive enough that both Feng Tao and Shen Zhuang couldn't help but widen their eyes when they heard it:

"Train together!?"

"real or fake!"

Feng Tao was the first to question: "No way, although they are all teams that go out of the national server, they are also competing with each other. Each team has a killer weapon in the bottom of the box, how can they just join in so casually?" Didn't you leak the secret in advance if you went to practice together?"

Shen Zhuang next to him also nodded and showed an expression of approval: "Yes, such things as training... must be kept secret."


In the eyes of the vast majority of people, this should also be the case. No matter whether your LPL teams represent the national server or not, the world finals are not just opponents from other divisions. When the time comes, the three LPL clubs will compete with each other. Maybe they will bump into each other in the group stage, and they must keep both hands, and things that each of them will teach each other without reservation will appear when everyone is flirting...

How could reality be so ideal and perfect?

Seeing that the two roommates didn't believe what he said, Qiu Le was a little anxious:

"Hey, you stupid brains, why can't you turn around?"

"The news is true!"

"Besides, the biggest enemy of our national server has always been the European server, Korean server, and North American teams. With the current enemy, how can we fight internally in advance? It must be the first to work together externally!"

"My own people are still haggling over every detail... Even if one of them kills the other two LPL teams, it will be interesting to meet other top teams in the world and be directly abused in the end?"

The truth of this statement is also not wrong.

In fact, this is also the heart disease and hidden pain that the national server LPL division and even all national server players have always had in the past, because in the past several S-series world leagues, the internal struggles of their national server LPL teams were extremely fierce. After the encounter, they played very excitingly, and then finally eliminated their brothers, but bumped into the strong teams in Europe and South Korea, and finally were easily defeated by these teams in other divisions.

As a result, such mocking statements even appeared in the mouths of foreign players:

"The civil war in the LPL division is as fierce as a tiger... When it comes to foreign wars, it is really weak."

Very slap in the face.

But the reality can only make the national server players endure such ridicule.

"If it's really like what you said, A Le, it's really good..." Recalling the past of the previous finals, Shen Zhuang also felt a little sad.

Feng Tao shook his head: "But the theory is good, and it is impossible to operate it easily in reality."

The respective interests of the major LPL teams and clubs.

There are also various high-level games.

In order to create a situation in which the three teams have unreserved and friendly exchanges, there are too many joints that need to be dredged, and it is not at all an achievement.

Qiu Le was a little annoyed: "Anyway, believe it or not... I saw the master who posted the post on the posting bar, but he has senior qualifications and excellent character, and the news he said will definitely not be false!"

As he said that, he turned around and found Lin Feng, who had been silent all this time, and wanted to recruit him as a foreign aid:

"Fengzi, what do you think?"

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The update is here, the time for the next chapter will be later, I looked at the calendar, and before I knew it, it was almost the end of the year. . .

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