
Chapter 184 Mid Lane Annie

The members of the two teams came on stage one after another and sat down in front of their respective competition seats.

The game is about to start, and a burst of enthusiastic cheers and applause can’t wait to start in the audience.

The audience and students at No. 13 High School cheered with great enthusiasm. Most of them came to this kind of competition for the first time, especially to cheer for their own e-sports team. Naturally, Extremely excited:

"Thirteen high, come on!!"

"Kill, kill, kill!! Reach the finals!!"

"Come on, Lao Yang! Come on Lin Feng!!"

“Blow up the Shanghai Foreign Language Middle School!!”

Such noisy and lively cheers continued one after another. All the 13th grade students did not mind the looks cast by the spectators from other schools around them. They shouted enthusiastically and looked forward to their e-sports team. Able to perform amazingly.

In contrast, the students from the High School Affiliated to Shanghai Foreign Language School who were also sitting together not far away looked much more arrogant and reserved.

Listening to the cheers of the 13th grade students here, the students in the audience from the High School Affiliated to SISU couldn't help but show contempt and ridicule on their faces:

A bunch of country bumpkins who have never seen the world.

It was my first time to reach the semi-finals, so I was so happy.

Do you really think you can make it to the finals?

This kind of bad B team got into the semi-finals because of some stupid luck, and they still want to defeat them and go to the High School Affiliated to the Foreign Languages ​​School?

What a wishful thinking.

"In this group, the Shanghai Foreign Language School should win."

At this time, several members of the Shanghai Middle School team had also walked off the stage and sat down in the seats in the front row. The team's ADC member looked at the stands and made a guess.

The jungler on the side laughed:

"Wouldn't it be that we play against the Foreign Affiliated Middle School again in the finals? It happens every year, and it's going to be no longer fresh~"

The tone seemed very relaxed.

In fact, as the champion of the last 16-school league, the Shanghai Middle School team does have such confidence. No matter who their opponent is in the final, the final championship trophy will only belong to them.

Zeng Rui looked calm and indifferent and did not participate in the discussion of the team members.

At this time, his eyes inadvertently glanced at the Thirteen High Team on the stage, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes:

How come six people came up?

Then his eyes quickly fell on the beautiful girl standing behind the members of the Thirteenth High E-Sports Club, and his eyebrows were slightly raised:

This is……


Or a coach?

Amid lively cheers and applause, the first BO5 match between the 13th High School Team and the Shanghai Foreign Language School Affiliated High School Team has begun.

Thirteen high on the blue side.

The attached high school is on the purple side.

The first is the ban selection process.

After the Blue and Purple sides successively banned six powerful heroes in the current version, including Nuoshou, Centaur, Spider, and Excavator, they entered the process of selecting the lineup.

The Thirteenth High team on the blue side won the jungle prince in the first choice.

The most stable choice.

On the purple side, the Shanghai Foreign Language School Affiliated Team also made a solid choice of supporting the Japanese girl and adding a jungler Lee Sin.

Then it's the blue side's turn, take out Anne from the second floor and Draven from the third floor.

ADC Draven!

There was a low exclamation in the audience.

Some students from the 13th High School E-Sports Club who were present could not help but get excited. They all knew how powerful Tang Bingyao's ADC Draven was. In this game... could it be said that they were going to see Draven again? Did he go on a rampage and kill everyone in the audience? ?

At the same time, Yan Liang, the captain of the Shanghai Foreign Language School Affiliated High School team, frowned:


The opponent's choice of Annie made Yan Liang a little undecided, because he was not sure what position this Annie would play. The possibility of assisting was very high, but it might not be impossible if the opponent used Annie as a top laner. .

This judgment will directly affect their purple side's next two hero choices.

Yan Liang was hesitant, while Liu Zhengjie, who was sitting in the ADC seat next to him, expressed his opinion:

"It should be auxiliary."

A sneer appeared on the face of this core ace ADC player from Shanghai Foreign Language School:

"Annie Gadlevin...the bottom lane on the other side is really fierce."

But he didn't feel the slightest fear, because for him, no matter what kind of bottom lane combination his opponent was, there was no way he could be his opponent.

Yan Liang nodded slightly.

Then he made a decision quickly, and then locked the mid laner and ADC respectively to confirm the hero, and added the card to the wheel mother.

The choice of Wheel Mom is naturally to prevent Annie's dizzy control, and the Card Master mid laner is used to roam in the early and mid-term——

Yan Liang had already calculated correctly. The opposite combination in the bottom lane seemed very fierce, but as long as his mid laner and jungler teammates targeted the bottom lane a few times, the opposite combination of Annie Delevingne would quickly collapse. Don't even think about it.

But soon, the last two selections for the blue side Thirteen High Team were quickly completed.


stone man.

Support Braum, and top laner Stone Man.

Instantly, there was an uproar in the audience, and even the two guest commentators, Xifeng and Mo Sheng, their old partners in the commentary booth, couldn't help but be slightly shocked:

"Assisting Bronn and adding a single stone man, then this Annie is——"

"Mid laner!?"

In the front row of the audience, Zeng Rui's eyes from the Shanghai Middle School team became sharp in an instant. His eyes fell on the beautiful girl behind several members of the Thirteen High School team on the stage, and flashed in his eyes. A hint of surprise and uncertainty.

On the side of the Shanghai Foreign Language School Affiliated High School team, Yan Liang, the mid lane captain of the team, suddenly became a little ugly.

Wrong judgment.

Annie on the opposite side...is actually the mid laner!

This time the problem was a little troublesome, because just now he didn't expect that the opponent's mid laner was Annie, so he chose a hero like Card Master to play.

But if the cards are playing against Annie in a lane——

"Hahaha, beat him up!"

On the side of the Thirteen High Esports Club, Lin Feng has made the announcement happily.

An Xin also smiled slightly:

"The other side has been fooled."

The lineup for this game actually has a very simple intention.

It's not just the bottom lane where Tang Bingyao's ADC Draven is strong, but also Lin Feng's mid laner in the middle, who also takes a violent route.

In the middle and lower lanes, what you play is simple violence, and what you fight for is an early online rhythm!

Then the top laner Stone Man also has the jungle prince and auxiliary Braum. In the mid-term team battle, the BO effect with the ultimate move is also impressive.

As for the later stage——

An Xin tilted his head and looked at the team from the High School Affiliated to SISU not far away with a kind smile on his face:

"Well, there won't be a later stage."

After the purple side's Shangwai Middle School team hesitated for a long time and selected the last top laner, Sword Girl, the lineups of both blue and purple legions have been confirmed.

The game is about to begin.

An Xin, who had completed his work tasks, was about to step down. Before leaving, he did not forget to look at the five members of the team and smiled:

"Everyone, please come on."

Lin Feng laughed confidently: "Don't worry! Beat them up!"

Tang Bingyao, who got her destiny as Draven, was also a little happy, nodding her little head and saying:

"The lower road is left to us."

Then the game entered the game reading screen.

With the announcement of the system's female voice, the blue and purple armies entered the Summoner's Rift map screen, and the game officially began.

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

The whole person's breath suddenly became calmer after being soaring just now.

The gaze in his eyes was burning like a flame of fighting spirit.

The entanglements and troubles he had before no longer required him to worry and consider after Baozi arrived, so now he is truly focused and has no worries.

He only had one thing to think about.

That is……

How to crush and defeat your opponent in the most simple, brutal and direct way as quickly as possible!

The game begins.

The game lasted just over 2 minutes, and the heroes of the blue and purple sides had already started facing each other on the three routes.

And not long after—

Yan Liang, the mid laner captain of the Purple Square High School Affiliated Team, couldn't help but shrink the pupils in his eyes slightly, and goosebumps were about to appear all over his body:

That Anne opposite...

Much stronger than he imagined!

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