
Chapter 1022 The Counterpoint between Shi Hang and Lin Feng

At the end of the first training match at the Hayami club training base in the afternoon, the entire training room also ushered in a dead silence.

The situation was basically the same as it was at the God Club training base in the morning.

The blue team where Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao joined together won.

Big win.

Standing up from the mid laner seat of the purple army on the field, Shi Hang had a helpless look on his face. He really had no choice. Tang Bingyao chose an assassin-type AP mage hero Kassadin for the bottom lane——

Originally, he thought that even if the tempo of the bottom lane was suppressed in the early stage and Tangtang's ADC developed, as long as his mid laner Kassadin developed OK, he could still cut the opponent in the mid-to-late team battle.

But the problem is...

Although the plan was such a well-written script, the actual situation did not follow the script at all.

His own way was indeed suppressed.

It goes far beyond being suppressed.

Instead, in less than ten minutes in the early stage, the combination of ADC Verus and auxiliary Nami in the purple bot lane was directly given by the opposite blue bot lane ADC Jinx and auxiliary Thresh. crashed.

Blood collapse.

In thirteen minutes, Jinx made 140 last hits, plus 5/0/1 record data, Thresh was 1/0/5, and Verus and Nami on his purple side died respectively three times.

Directly send the opponent's bottom combination to take off.

Under such a bloody rhythm in the bottom lane, even if Shi Hang's own mid laner Kassadin in the middle lane has been playing extremely hard in the lane, he can also kill the opponent's mid laner with a solo kill or cooperate with his jungle teammates. The head of the single clockwork monster can grow far faster than the opposite ADC Jinx in the bottom lane.

As for the hero Jinx... once it takes off in the early stage, the power that can be unleashed in team battles in the mid-late stage will only become more perverted and scary.

This point is most vividly demonstrated in the runaway loli under Tang Bingyao's control.

Seventeen minutes, the team battle in front of Xiaolongfjord.

Jinx made three kills in one wave.

In the 22nd minute, there was a team battle in front of the second tower in Zifang's middle road, and Jinx got four kills.

The aggressive momentum of harvesting heads like chopping melons and vegetables directly sent the record data of the rampage loli under the control of the girl soaring all the way to the Super God, making the other members of the Hayami team and the coaches watching the game stunned at the same time , It also made Shi Hang on the field feel frightened and scalp numb.

He knows Tangtang's strength.

And I have personally experienced it.

But after only a few months, the confrontation again made him feel shocked and found that the girl's personal operation ability seemed to be on a higher level than before!

Of course, this one also has someone's auxiliary Thresh's various magical hooks and perfect protection contributions, but even so, the strength shown by the girl's ADC Jinx... is enough to make any professional ADC The players were moved.

Shi Hang admits that the two teammates of his own bottom lane team were a little slack in the early stage, but in all fairness... If it is purely based on the level of operation, Tang Bingyao may even be better than the main ADC player of their Hayami team. Slightly stronger than half chip!

He shook his head and tried to suppress the shock in his heart, but when Shi Hang once again looked at Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao who were whispering together, he still couldn't help but feel complicated emotions:

that guy...

Even the other people around her have been brought up to grow up so quickly, and... the growth is getting more and more frightening.


After the first training match ended, the commotion in the training room gradually grew, and then grew louder.

Many spectators of the Hayami team who did not play looked at Tang Bingyao with shocked eyes. They couldn't believe that the three-kill, four-kill and super god ADC Jinx just now came from such a pure and lovely girl. child's hand.

this level...

It's just a first-line professional level, right?

Even the coaches of several Hayami clubs were dumbfounded:

"A girl... so strong?"

In contrast, No. 1 and No. 5 in the back row of the crowd looked at each other and shook their heads slightly.

Naturally, they knew Tangtang's strength, and it was not the focus of their training this afternoon. The main reason was that the performance of the Hayami team members seen through this training match was really not satisfactory.

Compared to the God team in the morning...

Much worse.

Of course it is also reasonable. After all, as a new LPL dark horse that just emerged in this year's S6 season, there must be a gap between Hayami and God, a strong team that is firmly on the top of the national server. In fact, apart from Shi Hang's mid laner, Several other members of the Hayami first team... are far from meeting the requirements of No. 1 and No. 5.

"Not enough time."

Number Five spoke softly.

No. 1 next to him nodded slightly: "Well, we have to change it."

Yes, the S6 finals will start in a few days, and the few days left in the end are not enough to improve the overall strength of the entire team of the Hayami team or even make any qualitative breakthroughs. Neither of them could do it as coaches.

Then there are only other options.

The most legendary couple in the e-sports circle looked at each other, then No. 1 turned to look at the field, beckoning to Lin Feng:


"You play mid laner next time."

"Prepare to play against Ah Hang."

"Ah, I'm the mid laner?" Lin Feng was caught off guard by such an arrangement, but he was soon overjoyed: "Okay, okay! No problem!"

Always give Tangtang a bot lane support, a support position can’t have any carry effect by itself, but it’s different for the mid laner, let him return to his best natal position, even if the opponent is Shi Hang ...

Someone looked at his old friend not far away with malicious eyes:

"Hey, old Shi, are you ready to be abused?"

Seeing Lin Feng's malicious eyes, Shi Hang couldn't help but fight coldly, and then bit the bullet and responded:

"Who abuses whom... It's not certain!"


The second training match begins.

Thirty minutes later, the second duel was over, and there was a huge sigh of regret from the audience. This time, their team's ace mid laner Shi Hang lost to the blue team, and it was by a hair margin. Lost to the purple army of someone on the opposite side.

Just a little bit...

The two mid laners fought fiercely from the laning to the team battle, and they killed each other in various ways, but it was the last wave of team battles that gave the mid lane demon girl from the opposite purple side a chance to single The little murloc who killed Shi Hang decided the final outcome.

Even the coaches and leaders of several Hayami clubs couldn't help but sigh, feeling extremely pity.

Off the court, the expression on the face of No. 1 in the back row of the crowd still didn't show any change:


"Continue to the next game."

"Both of you, the mid laners continue to match up."

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The update is sent, there should be a third update today, it will make up for yesterday's, but it will be after twelve o'clock.

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