
Chapter 1020 Air Ticket

For every professional player who wants to truly advance and break through on the road of improving his own strength, and maintain enough fighting spirit and motivation from the beginning to the end, it is very important to have a target opponent in his mind.

For example, for the vast majority of first-line professional mid laners in the LPL competition area of ​​the national server, the target opponent they want to surpass is Li Xiaochenxing, the captain of the God team who is the number one mid laner in the national server.

As for Lin Feng, his target opponent...or old enemy, there was only one from the beginning to the end.

F-Han Shihao.

Whether it was the goals set by his seniors or the demands he made in his heart, he had always regarded the current head of the Four Emperors as his only object of competition.

So he has already had enough mental construction and preparation.

No matter how strong the opponent is.

The feeling of depression that was so strong that it seemed to make any other professional player feel powerless and suffocated, still couldn't affect someone's mood.

Because he is used to it, it is precisely because the opponent's strength is so strong that he never and dare not slack off at all, and has been working hard, waiting for the day when he can meet the opponent again in the peak arena , and then defeat it head-on.

What's more, he still has time.

In comparison, the dawn star next to someone is very short of time.

Perhaps if the mid-laner captain of the God team can be given another month or two months or a little longer, he will really be able to steadily break through the realm and reach the real level of the four emperors, but... the S6 World Finals There are only a few days left until the opening.

Under such circumstances, the difficulty of letting Dawn Chenxing, who has not really broken through, challenge the world's No. 1 mid laner can still only be described as "difficult".

It is precisely because he is also aware of this point that someone at this moment looked at Xiaochen Xing again:

"This time... it will still be a tough fight."

"Be prepared mentally."

The words are already very tactful. In fact, his thoughts are the same as the analysis and evaluation he just made for Lixiaochenxing. If there are no unexpected changes, then let Lixiaochenxing face Han Shihao now, or the God team face the SSK team , the end result will only be close to death.

Lixiao Chenxing took a deep breath and nodded slowly:


"It's already ready."


He paused at this point, and suddenly smiled calmly: "It's not that I haven't lost before, as long as I try my best."

The tone seemed to suddenly become lighter at this moment.

But Lin Feng was able to hear other meanings from this relaxed tone.


In fact, for the national server LPL division... many things have already been used to.

Because I am "accustomed" to failure, I am "accustomed" to being defeated every time I meet the top teams in the Korean competition headed by SSK, so I don't need to have too much pressure, because no matter how bad the result is, it is nothing more than this , and their national service team has experienced such a result too many times.

Nothing worse will ever happen.

So, no need for more stress.

But in the same way...Although it is "accustomed", it is not really used to it. It is just the lowest and most humble attitude at the bottom of the dusty valley, and then from the beginning to the end, it still holds the high-spirited fighting spirit and the courage to attack and challenge upwards. meaning.

This is similar to the idea of ​​a sentence once said on the 1st:

"The national server... has nothing more to lose."

"Since this is the case, there is no need to have more burdens."

"In a situation where nothing can be lost..."

"Just go to the Jedi to fight back."

The very calm and calm words are not only the inherent tone and posture of No. 1, but also the mentality of a large number of top professional players in the national server. Under such calm and calm, what is hidden is the burning and growing Send out a strong flame of fighting spirit.

Lin Feng nodded, looked at Li Xiao Chen Xing seriously, and said:

"come on."

If he could, he would really like to be able to participate in the finals in this year's S6 season, side by side with his comrades in the national server like Li Xiaochenxing, and issue the most decisive and heroic challenge to the top players in the world's major competition areas .

But it is a pity that he can't do this now, so he can only act as a bystander to cheer for these "comrades" in the national uniform.

Dawn Chenxing laughed:


"come on!"


After lunch, Lin Feng, Tang Bingyao, No. 1 and No. 5 bid farewell to the team members, coaches and leaders of Team God and chose to leave.

The schedule is very full and the time is very tight. After finishing the training at the God Club training base in the morning, several people will rush to the Hayami Club to continue the training plan for the second half in the afternoon.

When sitting in the taxi, Lin Feng in the back seat was holding the back of the front passenger seat, still desperately trying to dig out some news from Senior No. 1:

"Hey senior... Let me tell you."

"What kind of master did you arrange for Tangtangxin?"

A certain person is indeed curious. On the one hand, of course, he is concerned about whether Tangtang can have a famous teacher to guide him. On the other hand, he is killed. Who else in the circle is qualified to be this master.

But it's a pity that No. 1 still didn't intend to answer, and just closed his eyes to rest and pretended not to hear.

Sitting next to Lin Feng in the back row, No. 5 couldn't help but smile:


"Don't ask, your No. 1 senior won't tell you now, and even Tangtang is not in a hurry, why are you so worried about it?"

Lin Feng was dissatisfied and protested: "I'm still worried about Tangtang!"

Tang Bingyao tugged at the corner of someone's clothes and said in a low voice, "Fengzi is fine, if Sister Xiaowu and Senior No. 1 arrange... there will definitely be no problem."

The girl really trusted the two legendary seniors.

And at this moment, number one in the front passenger seat finally spoke:

"Look, Tangtang is still very enlightened, you kid don't even think about it, can I still cheat you?"

In his tone, he was quite satisfied with Tang Bingyao, and then he turned his head to look at the girl, and commented: "Tangtang played pretty well in the morning, there is no problem with the style of play, just keep it up, with some experience awareness What is lacking in the field, and some problems in detail handling, and then it will be strengthened slowly.”

Tang Bingyao nodded quickly to express her understanding.

However, Lin Feng figured out something from the evaluation in No. 1 mouth:

"There is no problem with the style and continue to maintain... Others will be gradually strengthened..."

Then someone's eyes suddenly lit up:


"So the new master that Tangtang found has the same style as Tangtang!?"

So I have to say that a certain person usually has a thicker personality, but at certain times his nerve reactions to certain things are also extremely sharp and frighteningly sharp, and he has almost guessed most of the truth, even making the No. Hearing this, his eyelids could not help but twitch slightly, and Number Five also glanced at Lin Feng strangely.

Then the two legendary lovers looked at each other for a moment.

He quickly changed the topic tacitly.

As if thinking of something suddenly, Number One said to Number Five:

"That's right, Xiao Wu."

"Is our flight booked yet?"

Air tickets?

The topic changed too quickly, and Lin Feng next to him was subconsciously stunned by the sudden keyword.

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The update is here, the next chapter will be later, around eleven or twelve o'clock. nt

:. :

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