
Chapter 1015 Corresponding advice

The first training match is over, and soon the second training match will start.

Tang Bingyao, who performed extremely well in the first game that just ended, was placed on the field again by No. 1 and continued to play on the purple side, while Lin Feng, who saw that Tangtang was going to continue playing, was about to go back to the field, but was No. 1 gave a loud stop:

"What are you doing up there?"


Lin Feng looked back at Senior No. 1, with a dazed face, and pointed to himself: "I...don't I need to use it?"

He thought that he would continue to assist Tangtang in this game, but who knew he was thinking too much, and was directly rejected by No. 1 in a rude sentence: "You don't need to use this game, stay by my side."

Senior No. 1 spoke, so that person could only honestly say "Oh" and then stood beside the former, while Tang Bingyao, who was not by Lin Feng's side, was still a little nervous and looked at that person, Lin Feng He could only helplessly spread his hands to express that he was powerless.

Following the blue and purple sides, the players in the second lineup were called one by one by No. 1. Basically, the lineup was not much different from the lineup of the previous match, only a few adjustments were made.

In addition to Lin Feng, who was in the auxiliary position of the purple side, was called off, the main support players of God's first team who were originally on the blue side were also switched to the purple side to support Tang Bingyao.

For such an arrangement, the auxiliary member of God's first team didn't mind at all, and was even a little excited to respond:


You know, playing against Zifang in the bottom lane earlier made him deeply appreciate how powerful this seemingly ordinary and harmless girl with a pure ponytail on the opposite side is, and as a professional support player, What I like most, of course, is being able to partner with a powerful ADC.

not to mention……

Compared with Huangxue Yege, an old bot laner and old teammate, Tangtang's girl... is a girl!

She's still a big beauty!

It is the life dream of a male support player to be able to serve as a support for such a beautiful woman with impeccable looks, temperament and strength. Let alone this support member of God's first team, look at the other people in the training room. With an expression of envy, jealousy and hatred, you can know what kind of mentality the big guys are thinking.

in addition,

Even Li Xiaochen Xing, who was watching the game from the sidelines in the first game, was also called up.

Sit on the seat of the purple side's mid laner.

There was an uproar among the spectators off the court. As soon as the lineup was adjusted... the paper strength of the purple side was about to overtake the blue side compared to the previous game.

At the same time, the faces of the God players of the blue team on the field were a bit bitter. They were relieved because someone was called off the field, but in the end they replaced their Star King and they still hit the target. Single position, plus the tough and scary ADC level of the Tangtang girl on the opposite side... This second move is going to be cool no matter how you look at it.

Huangxue Yege couldn't help but twitch his eyelids.


Why does it feel like the training intensity and pressure are all aimed at him alone?

Li Xiao Chenxing, who was sitting opposite, noticed the change in his old friend's expression, leaned his head over and whispered, "Hey... I can't help you."

Huangxue Yege took a deep breath and shook his head:


"Let the horse come here."

The tone clearly made up his mind. Originally, training should look like training. If the pressure is not high enough, how can we further improve our strength and state on the eve of the finals?


The second training match on the field is ready to start. Lin Feng, who doesn't need to play, is standing beside No. 1 and No. 5, looking left and right, and found a box of mineral water on the table in the corner of the training room , and then trotted over, took three bottles and ran back, and handed them to the two seniors very attentively:

"Senior, Miss Xiaowu, drink water, drink water~"

No. 5 took it with a smile and said thanks, while No. 1 took the mineral water and unscrewed the bottle cap, while looking up at someone:

"You are still sensible..."

Lin Feng's face was righteous and awe-inspiring: "It must!"

Then in the next second, someone changed his expression in an instant and was full of flattery: "Hey, senior, Tangtang's performance just now was not bad... How about it, is it worth cultivating it?"

It's here that I made the calculation with my mind.

Indeed, for Lin Feng, his own personal strength does not need too much guidance from others now. Whether it is slowly recovering from the state or further improving and breaking through, in fact, it depends more on himself, and it is already difficult for others. Give him more help, all he needs is enough time.

But... Tang Bingyao is different.

Lin Feng is well aware of how high Tangtang's talent is. After so many years, his own state may have declined a lot and is still recovering, but his eyesight has not deteriorated at all. Back then, he could see the girl's potential at a glance. Compared to Amo who was in the team back then...Tangtang is not inferior in talent, and has a completely different style.

However, good seedlings also need corresponding guidance and cultivation to grow rapidly.

Lin Feng was able to bring Tang Bingyao to give some advice before, but after all, he is not a professional in this area, and the ADC position is not his main position, so this time he will pay special attention to this opportunity and bring Tangtang to come to God The team acts as a sparring partner.

It is one thing to have the opportunity to compete with the first-line professional players of the national server.

more important……

Still able to get the guidance of the two seniors in front of him.

No. 1 raised his eyebrows when he heard it, and looked at Lin Feng with a playful arc on the corner of his mouth: "I can't tell, you really care about others... the little girlfriend is different, I haven't seen you like this before. heart?"

Such a teasing joke directly made a thick-skinned Lin Feng unable to bear the embarrassment and embarrassment, his face was slightly feverish and red, and he shook his head as fast as a rattle almost immediately:

"no no."

"What little girlfriend, senior, don't talk nonsense!"

"Oh?" Number five next to him also interjected with a smile, his beautiful eyes swept over someone, and he also had an unconcealable smile: "Isn't it really?"

Someone bit the bullet and pretended nothing happened:


"It's just a normal teammate relationship!"

While talking about someone, I still felt a little guilty, but fortunately, No. 1 and No. 5, although it was interesting to see someone's embarrassment, they didn't really pursue it to the end. No. 1 waved his hand:

"Okay, whatever you say is what you want."

"The girl Tangtang played well, she is talented, even better than I originally expected."

Number five answered with a smile:

"Yes, if you can get more guidance and training, the future growth space... is immeasurable."

"Really!" Someone was overjoyed when he heard it: "I said Tangtang is really talented! It's just that he lacks more professional guidance, but as long as you and the senior are there, Miss Wu, there will definitely be no problem." ..."

The last word "question" was not finished yet, but was interrupted by No. 1 waving his hand:

"The words of the two of us may not be the most suitable."

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, and suddenly became a little anxious:

"Senior, what do you mean by that? Didn't you say it well yesterday? You can't go back on your word!"

It is estimated that only someone dared to speak against No. 1 like this, but it was out of urgency and impatience. Indeed, in his opinion, other than Sister Xiao Wu and Senior No. 1, who could give Tangtang advice? Are there any other more suitable candidates?

It's obviously the rhythm of seniors wanting to renege on their debts!

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The update is here, the next chapter should be around twelve o'clock, get out, and go to the code!

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