
Chapter 995 I also have double summons


This is already the fourth time that several God members in the voice channel of the purple army team couldn't help asking.

Whether it's the dead top laner Ice Girl, the jungler Mantis or the living male sword Tailong, every team member feels extremely annoyed and unwilling.

Of course, the defense tower on their purple side was defended.

But the wild area was first exchanged 0 for 2 by the opponent, and then they actually had to give up an extremely important dragon, which meant that such a loss was even more serious than they even lost two second towers.

This wave...

Let the opponent's blue team play a big rhythm.

If the big dragon is firmly taken down by the opponent, the situation on the scene will be almost completely equalized, and even then the blue team will continue to advance by relying on the big dragon buff, and their upper, middle, and second towers on the purple side will Still can't keep it.

Rough estimate...

For this concession, at least three to five thousand team economy must be surrendered.

The expression on Lin Feng's face in front of the computer screen remained unchanged, and he shook his head: "Release."

Male Swordsman Tailong was still a little unwilling to try to win: "Let's go and harass, maybe there is still a chance... At least, maybe steal one."

The mantis jungler here is dead, and the male sword team members dare not easily talk about grabbing the dragon, but indeed, if they just go to harass or steal one or two heads, with the male sword's burst damage, and Delevingne The output should have some chances.

But when such a proposal came to Lin Feng, it was directly and decisively rejected:


"Too risky."

As he spoke, his eyes narrowed slightly while looking towards the direction of Dalongfjord, a river channel where the angle of view of the camera had been switched.

Visibility...was terrible.

In this case, even if the number of them is relatively large, it is not easy for their purple army to do anything, not to mention that now there are only his auxiliary Japanese girl, Tangtang's ADC Delevingne, and the mid laner male swordsman. What may happen is that they are ambushed by the opposite wave and killed a few more.

In fact, there is really an element of luck in it.

The rhythm of the blue side is indeed the result of luck and coincidence.


It was the blue side who couldn't easily push away the second tower in the middle of their purple side, and chose to shift the battlefield to take away the control of the river view in the wild area of ​​Dalongfjord.

Followed, just right again.

The unexpected encounter between the blue and purple sides in the wild gave the blue team a chance to play 0 for 2.

Then at this time, the blue army that turned back to the river to open the baron enjoyed the visual environment they set up more than half a minute ago, and was able to open the baron comfortably, but the purple army was unable to do so because the view of the river was pitch black. Can't touch it easily.

"There is indeed an element of luck..."

A coach from God's coaching team couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Because it is impossible for any team to be able to achieve such a perfect interpretation of the script, and to lay out the tactical thinking from such an early stage, even if it is a calculator, it is impossible to calculate in advance that there will be such a wave of encounters in the wild, just enough to let The blue party army turned away from the baron.


The head coach of the coaching team opened his mouth slowly, looking deeply at the back of Huangxue Yege on the seat in the direction of the blue army:

"It's also strength, isn't it?"

From a tactical point of view, it is luck that this wave of blue army can drive the dragon.

But from a personal point of view...

But it was definitely the performance of Huangxue Yege's ADC Vayne in the team battle just now, which abruptly helped the team turn the tables in such adversity and seek the hope of breaking the game.

By contrast...

If the summoner skill [Flash] held in his hand was used in the previous wave of team battles, the effect would be far from being comparable to the gains brought by this wave.

Coach God let out a long breath:

"A flash..."


Daughter. "


Not long after, the system's female voice's killing announcement came from the direction of Dalong Fjord in the river, accompanied by Baron Nash's angry and unwilling growl, and then his body fell heavily into the water.

There was enthusiastic applause and cheers from the crowd watching the battle.

twenty five minutes.

The blue team took the first big dragon.

Completely reverse the situation!

What's more exciting for many God players who support the blue team is that after the big dragon is won, although the overall economy of the two teams on the field did not allow the blue team to overtake the lead, even the number of defensive towers On the other hand, they are still lagging behind their opponents, but the five heroes on the blue side all have the dragon buff in their hands, and they have a firm grasp of the initiative in attacking.

This is……

The horn of counterattack can be officially sounded!

Morale has also returned. The purple side had such a big advantage in the early stage but now it is forcibly equalized. Under normal circumstances, at this time, the blue side has a really good chance of making a comeback.

The passive problem has instead fallen to the heads of several members of the purple army.

On the back row of the spectators off the field, No. 1 also folded his arms and looked at the field with great interest:

"Let's see."

"Now...how does that kid plan to deal with it?"


Compared with the other temporary teammates of the God team around him, Lin Feng's mood at the moment has not been affected too much.

On the contrary—

It may even be that before the previous wave of wild team battles, he would be more vigilant, but now, after the opponent's blue ADC Vayne has used the summoner skill [Flash], he is relaxed down.


The opponent got the big dragon, and in terms of the overall rhythm trend, the initiative fell into the hands of the opponent.

But... that's not all.

The light in Lin Feng's eyes flickered and danced. He could see it more clearly than most of the people present, even everyone including Li Xiaochen Xing. Perhaps only Senior No. 1 and Miss Xiao Wu who were off the field could reach his goal. The height of the horizon at this moment——

That is, at this time, what really determines the trend of the battle is actually the summoner skills of the core heroes of both sides.

a big dragon...

It will indeed increase the advantage of one party and aggravate the passiveness of the other party.

But the core factor that restrained their purple army just now was actually only Wei En's [Flash].

Huangxue Yege did maximize the value of that flash.



Wayne no longer flashed.

As for their purple army... the ADC Delevingne under Tangtang's control still has both summons.

Someone narrowed his eyes slightly, and a vaguely dangerous aura emanated from him—you, Huangxue Yege, could do this with a single-handed flash, and the Glory Executioner on my side... ...It might not be possible to rely on double summons to play the same big rhythm.


Lin Feng's voice sounded on the team's voice channel.

Tang Bingyao turned her head slightly to look:


Someone smiled: "It's okay, next...you can play freely according to the situation."

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The update is here, the next chapter will be later, not sure yet, and I still have something to talk to the client about.

Recommend the new book of urban master Lao Shi:

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