
Chapter 980 Don't Try to Procrastinate

A training match slowly passed for another two or three minutes.

Surprisingly, within two or three minutes, no new head-to-head battles broke out on the third route of Summoner's Canyon. It seemed that the heroes of the blue and purple legions had entered into the rhythm of concentrated effort and development in an incomparable tacit understanding.

Of course, everything is not really as peaceful and peaceful as it appears on the surface.

In the middle lane alone, the mid laner Syndra and the male swordsman on both sides have fought several times, each of them returned to the city in a disabled state, but their blood volume was carefully controlled. Well, no matter how frightening it is, there has never been a real danger to life.

get off the road.

The big tree has already developed. Of course, the top laner ice girl on the purple side is also developing well in the early stage, but at this time in the 1V1 single-lane battle, it is difficult for Lissandra to pose a threat to the big tree, and it may even wait for a jungler teammate Praying mantis, the damage of two people may not be able to deal with the rough-skinned and thick-fleshed tree on the opposite side.

And on the road here...

The purple side's ADC Delevingne fully controlled the pawn line for two or three minutes.

On the other hand, the ADC Vayne on the blue side, even when being suppressed in this way, always held his breath and endured with a low posture. The opponent's line control chose to turn back and enter the wild area to rely on the assistance of his teammate Fengnv. Swipe a toad wild monster, the pawn line is pushed over, even if the opponent ADC Draven stands in front of the small pawn pile and directly taps the tower, Wei En never takes the opportunity to consume it, but just steadily fills up the tower knives one by one.

Uncompromisingly showing weakness and giving in.

The retreat reached a point where many God players who watched the game couldn't stand it anymore. Only a few coaches like God's coaching staff remained silent, while No. 1 and No. 5 still looked relaxed and did not make any further comments. Evaluate more.


The blue side's top lane outer tower was pushed down by a wave after three minutes.

There were still no other more intense battles. The outer tower on the top road was demolished smoothly without any twists and turns. A new wave of soldiers was pushed into the tower. Draven directly tapped the tower, and the ADC Wei on the blue side Enhe's auxiliary Fengnv withdrew early to give up the defensive tower.

Of course, while the two-man line on the purple side pushed away the opponent's top lane outer tower, the jungle prince on the blue side cooperated with the mid laner Syndra's bottom lane roaming, which also made the Ice Girl, who smelled the danger, retreat in time Escaping, the three took advantage of the situation and flattened the opponent's bot lane outer tower.

The first earth dragon was also captured by the prince solo.


It still appears to be a stalemate balance of power rhythm.

However, when the two defensive towers were pulled down and demolished in succession, the God players who watched the game from the field looked slightly shocked. As professional players, they were very keenly aware that from this moment on, the rhythm of this match It should be the end of the laning period and enter the mid-term stage.


"At this time... if you are in a group, the purple side is stronger."

His eyes quickly swept across the field, and a member of God's second team who was watching the game made an analysis and evaluation like this, with a bit of worry about the blue team in his tone.

There are other players next to him who seem to disagree:

"It's normal, right? The lineup of the purple side is already strong in the mid-term."

"Look at the heroes they are... Male Swordsman, Praying Mantis, and Ice Girl, the development speed is already fast."

"But it's okay, the blue side should be able to play defense steadily."

"Just don't give the opponent too many chances."


It seems to be the same.

After pushing the opponent to the outer tower on the road, the ADC Draven and the auxiliary Japanese women of the purple army returned to the city in a wave, and went directly to the middle road, and cooperated with the male sword Tailong in the middle lane to advance in a wave of troops, making it clear that the intention was to start Prepare to deal with this mid-lane defensive outer tower of the opponent's blue army.

This is also the last remaining defensive outer tower of the blue army.

It can be said that it is also the outer tower, but the outer tower in the middle road is the most critical and important resource. Once the middle tower is lost, it means that the field of vision and development space of the blue army will be reduced by nearly half in an instant. , will immediately fall into an extremely passive situation——

Not only the middle lane, but also the wild area to the upper and lower lanes, which become precarious and become a place where opponents can easily invade and gank at any time.

So we are also aware of this point. As soon as the opponent's purple team's intentions were discovered, the blue team's jungler prince and auxiliary Fengnv quickly rushed to the middle lane to support them, making a firm gesture to defend the middle tower. down.

And Huangxue Yege's ADC Vayne...continues to control the line and make up damage in the top lane.

The situation on the middle route seems to be at a stalemate. A wave of soldiers advances the tower. On the side of the purple army, a single man in the middle and a support Japanese woman are only melee heroes. There is only one ADC Delevingne but his hands are not long enough. Tap the tower It's not an easy job.

After all, there are three heroes guarding the tower opposite, the Prince, Fengnv and Syndra.

"Isn't this impossible?"

A God player watching the game smacked his lips and commented, and a teammate immediately answered:

"Yeah, if you dare to force yourself...you're really courting death."

"Sindra and the prince seized the opportunity, and they can fight back."

In the current time period, the development of the blue mid laner Syndra has even overwhelmed the purple square mid laner's swordsman. As long as the opportunity is seized, such as the QE second company to control Delevingne first, a set of explosive damage may even be possible. Complete the solo kill directly.

Not to mention that there is also a jungler prince watching over him, and the EQ second company can also pose enough threats to Delevingne.

Probably because they knew this, the three heroes in the middle lane of the purple side were also quite cautious, but in this way, they pushed two waves of soldiers into the tower one after another, but they couldn't give the blue side the outer tower in the middle lane. Cause too much blood loss.

At the same time, the blue team's top laner Dashu and ADC Vayne are still developing in the upper and lower lanes.

Looking at it this way... it seems that the purple side wasted a lot of time.

"Drag is the best!"

Many God members who supported the blue team were a little happy: "The big tree will be really fleshy enough to bear the damage of a few people after a while, and Wei En will hurry up to make up for a while to grow, this rhythm is comfortable!"

However, there are still very few people who remain silent.

Lixiao Chenxing frowned slightly, and his eyes fell on the route in the Summoner Canyon. Looking at the purple side's ADC Draven and the auxiliary Japanese girl, he still had a vague premonition in his heart——

Based on his understanding of "the one" on the court...

It is absolutely impossible to make any futile and meaningless decisions.

Even though everyone thinks that there is no easy problem in the middle lane, if it is that person...


Hard to say.


It can only be said that Lixiao Chenxing is really accurate in judging someone.

If Lin Feng chose a supportive girl like Lulu Nami this time, maybe he really couldn't do too many proactive things in the face of such a stalemate.

But he chose Japanese women.

It is really like a gun barrel, according to the will of the controller... the fuse can be ignited and detonated instantly at any time.

Just when the third wave of troops was being pushed under the defense tower in the middle of the blue square, someone's voice sounded in the voice channel of his own purple square army team, and at the same time, there was a burst of crisp and pleasant mouse button clicks. open:


At the moment when everyone was caught off guard.

The Japanese girl stepped forward.

go first.

open big.

The golden-yellow "Sunflare" detonated and exploded on the ground under the feet of the tower guard heroes in front of the blue square tower!

The edge of the explosion circle slows down and controls Syndra and the prince.

right in the middle...

Directly control the target wind girl's dizziness!

It's Feng Nu again!

At the same moment, even one step faster than his mid laner teammate Tai Long, the ADC Delevingne under the control of Tang Bingyao almost rushed up the moment the Japanese girl made a big move!

Jump over the tower and start killing!

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The update is here, and it seems that there will be another chapter tonight, so it's eleven o'clock!

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