
Chapter 976 The Growth of Ye Ge in the Wild Snow

This wave of four-person group demolition by the purple army in the bottom lane was aboveboard, and they also clearly and generously presented their own tactical intentions in front of everyone.

This is……

It's time to start picking up the pace.

Originally, the battle situation on the entire field seemed to be a bit stalemate. If we just rely on laning or roaming in the jungle, it is not enough to quickly achieve any effect.

Then, it is necessary to forcibly break the deadlock.

The top laner ice girl directly teleports to the bottom lane, and the jungle mantis wanders in. In fact, it also gives up part of the rhythm of the purple side's top lane and some resources in the wild area. In exchange, the bottom lane is the defensive outer tower of the opponent's blue side. It will be broken without a doubt.

On the blue side, Huangxue Yege's choice was quite decisive.

Retreat directly.

Abandon the tower.

Simply relying on his ad Wei En and his teammates to assist Fengnv, it is impossible to stop the opponent's forced demolition, and there is no need for his own teammates to come over, just let Dashu and the jungle prince who supported the past cooperate with a wave of troops Advance on the top lane, consume the HP of the opponent's top lane outer tower, and also take the opportunity to search for a wave of resources in the purple side's upper half wild area.

It is equivalent to a wave of exchange.

On the whole, there is no such thing as blue and purple, whoever loses and who wins, but if it is a specific analysis, the blue side, who is the ad Wei En's Huangxue Yege, is definitely making sacrifices for the team up.

"On the one hand, it is helping Delevingne to open up the rhythm."

"The other side...was sacrificing part of Vayne's development for the sake of the team."

Some of the God players watching the battle also saw the direction of the situation and commented in a low voice.



Soon, the female voice of the system came from the lower road of Summoner's Canyon.

Under the concentrated fire output of several purple heroes, the outer defensive tower of the blue bot lane was reduced to ruins.

On the blue side of the field, Lin Feng in front of the computer screen glanced at the small map, quickly switched the camera angle to the top lane, and looked at his own top lane defensive outer tower, which had consumed a lot of HP, but still had nearly half of it. The blood bars on the left and right immediately gave orders without hesitation:

"Change the line."

"The ice girl stays in the bottom lane."

"Tangtang and I will go on the road."

A fairly smooth transition arrangement. Once the bot lane outer tower is pulled out, the purple side's bot lane AD assists the two heroes to be released immediately. Then, the next line can be changed directly to the top lane, and the two-player lane can continue while defending the tower. Suppressing the development of the single Dashu on the opposite side, the Ice Girl is alone in the bottom lane against the opponent's Wei Enjia Fengnv. It is not difficult to rely on the powerful clearing skills to defend the tower.

This is the advantage rhythm that the side that breaks the tower first in the bottom lane can play.

Of course, at other times, no one would dare to think about this situation. You can actually take the lead in destroying the tower in the face of God's first team's main bot lane combination. Even other first-line professional teams in LPL can't easily do it, but this In the first round, it happened that someone and Tang Bingyao's bot lane combination had an active advantage in the lane, which made this wave of tower destruction very smooth.

Noticing the intention of changing the line on the purple side's side, there was also a lot of discussion among the audience off the court:

"Change the line..."

"The big tree is really uncomfortable."

"However, the side of the bottom road is finally okay. Wei Enbing is controlled by wire, and if you delay the development and slowly replenish it, it will be relatively stable."

The truth is indeed such a truth.

The blue army should indeed do this. After all, you go up the road and Dashu eats the pawn line alone for a while. Next, it's up to you to resist the pressure. You can't let Ad Wayne lose the tower and continue to sacrifice and pay more much?


No one had thought of the next step of the Blue Army Corps——

"Big tree."

"Come on."

In the voice channel of the team, the voice of Huangxue Yege sounded calm and calm.

But when these words came out, even the other teammates on the blue side couldn't help being slightly surprised: "Aye?" "Yeshen?"

However, Huangxue Yege seemed to have made up his mind, and the expression on his face remained unchanged, as if he didn't care about the impact of his decision:

"that's all.

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Tips for novel netizens: please pay attention to rest your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---


"Fengnv follow me."


The game time is 12 minutes.

Summoner's Canyon, on the top lane, Ad Delevingne of the purple army and the auxiliary Japanese girl returned to the city after a wave of tower pushes in the bottom lane, and then quickly changed lanes.

This was already expected by all the God players who watched the match, so I was not surprised at all, but the next moment...

When they saw the figures of Ad Wei En and Feng Nu appearing in front of the blue defense tower not far away, almost the entire training room couldn't stop commotion!

There were even quite a few God players who watched the battle with their eyes wide open and expressions of disbelief on their faces:

The blue side goes down the road...

Change the line too! ?

On the purple side of the field, Tang Bingyao was slightly surprised, and Lin Feng narrowed his eyes subconsciously.

You must know that it is reasonable for the purple team to change lanes in the bottom lane, but you also choose to change lanes to the top lane in the blue side lane. It's the most sensible decision to make up for damage in the line, and changing the line...is not conducive to Wei En's development at all, and it will even continue to be suppressed!

It's a thankless task.

The coaches of God's coaching team couldn't help showing a slightly surprised look, but on the contrary, the faces of No. 1 and No. 5 in the back row of the crowd showed unstoppable admiration at the same time.


With a concise but unsparing comment of praise, No. 1 turned to look at his beautiful fiancee:

"Xiao Wu, you student can do it."

But this time, even No. 5, who had always been indifferent to his fiancé, showed a slight smile on his face like ice melted:


"Aye...he really grew up very fast."

This growth is really fast.

Perhaps even if it was this time yesterday, with Huangxue Yege's style of play and philosophy, it would be impossible to make the choice of changing lanes at this time, but it is precisely because of the precepts and deeds that he personally played on the 5th yesterday afternoon , allowing the former to grasp the essence of some concepts that he had never understood before, and quickly absorb and digest them for his own use, so that he can make such a decision at this moment... It seems unexpected, but it is actually extremely beautiful.


quite beautiful.

It seems a bit incomprehensible, because such a line change is definitely not a good thing for Wei En's development, but if you look at the problem from the perspective of a team as a whole, you will get a completely different result.

Because, if we just let Vayne continue to control the line to make up damage in the bottom lane, of course it can ensure the development of the Night Hunter himself, but then the pace of the lane development of his own top laner will definitely be seriously affected and suppressed.

But if...

It is to let Wei En continue to sacrifice his own personal development rhythm, but at least it can ensure that while holding down the opposite Draven, it will give teammate Dashu a chance to continue to develop in line with the opposite ice girl 1v1.

This is equivalent to taking the initiative to take greater responsibility and pressure on myself for the sake of teammates and the team.

"As the core of the team, the response will naturally bear the heaviest burden."

Number One's tone was understated.

No. 5's eyes fell on the back of Huangxue Yege on the blue side's side of the field, and there was a faint light in his eyes:

"If you can bear it like this..."

"That's really, it can be said that it is very good."

A rather obscure sentence.

However, to get a "good" evaluation from No. 5 mouth, the level of strength has already surpassed the level of ordinary professional first-line players, at least it has to pass a certain threshold to reach a higher level.

On the field, on the ad seat on the blue side's side.

Huangxue Yege in front of the computer screen manipulated Wei En to go online, fixed his eyes on Delevingne and the Japanese woman who were not far away, heaved a sigh of relief, but clenched the mouse slightly——


try it!

The update is here, go away and continue to code, this morning I decided to go to the hospital and code the manuscript while hanging the bottle.

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