
Chapter 973

The most irritating thing about playing passers-by is that when the rhythm of your own lane is obviously booming and you have already begun to suppress your opponent and gain the upper hand, suddenly bad news comes and tells you that your teammates have collapsed.

You managed to get a kill by yourself, and you got it by jumping over the tower and killing it with a wave of incisive and vivid operations.

But in minutes, his teammates sent two heads out.

And the ones who get the kills are all the mid laners on the opposite side.

This really puts passersby's mentality on the verge of exploding, and it is estimated that it will be sprayed on the team chat column immediately.

In the current training match, the psychological quality of the players on both sides is naturally not that bad, but even so, when they heard another kill announcement from the middle lane, several members of the purple army couldn't help but roll their eyes. Wei Wei jumped up.

I'm in trouble...

In fact, whether it is the big tree, the prince or even the ADC Vayne who developed in the early stage, it will not be a big worry for their purple army, because even if it is the ADC Vayne of Huangxue Yege, their purple team The violent lineup that cuts all the back rows can also find opportunities to forcibly kill people.

But now the opposite is Syndra.

The dark head of the mid laner.

This is pretty much the worst kind of situation.

Not to mention the next lineup in the middle, the male sword Tailong on the purple side is almost completely unable to continue to fight with Syndra, and more importantly, Syndra with such a developmental rhythm is almost incomprehensible in the mid-term.

"It's a bit troublesome—"

Even Lin Feng on the next side of the road couldn't help reaching out and rubbing his nose.

This is him as a support, the main task is to protect Tang Bingyao's ADC Delevingne, a Japanese female support has a strong ability to protect ADC teammates, but when encountering the opposite mid laner Syndra, there are also some rabbits who can't do anything. Tricky feeling.

Because he is a mage, a set of explosive style, you don't even need to cut in front of you, as long as a QE second company is controlled from a distance, it will directly fight. There is still nothing you can do against a dark head of state who is determined to second your ADC.

In this way, regardless of all other factors, one thing is certain——

"Tang Tang, you will be very difficult to fight in the mid-term team battle."

Someone turned his head to look at the girl beside him and reminded her.


You must know that this is not an ordinary passerby ranking, but an in-team training match of the top God team club in China. The opponent's blue team is almost all active professional players and even professional main players. How to cooperate with the operation in the battle.

Even if Tang Bingyao has the advantage in the bottom lane now, even if Tang Bingyao's ADC Delevingne develops faster, but when the team starts in the mid-term, the opponent looks like a mid laner Syndra who will definitely leave all her skills and firepower to her Glory Executioner. The mid laner is enough to limit the girl's ADC to death, not to mention the troubles that other two rushing heroes like Prince Dashu may cause her.

Thinking about it differently, Lin Feng felt that even if he was in Tangtang's current position, he would find it quite troublesome.

The girl's original style of play is simple, direct and rough, and her ability in team battles actually lacks the carefulness and delicacy of professional players. This will make the next situation even more of a test for her.

Tang Bingyao nodded:

"Syndra, the growth is great."

She can also see the problem, but she can't blame her teammates for this kind of thing. With Tangtang's simple thinking concept, there is nothing to blame others when the problem is over. When encountering a problem, just find a solution:

"Team battle, I will pay attention."

So after thinking about it, the girl gave such a guarantee with a serious tone.

Lin Feng nodded, without questioning Tang Bingyao's guarantee, and responded simply:


"Let's finish the laning first."


For the God players watching the game off the court,

If they didn't know that this matchup was just an ordinary training match within their club, then just watching the matchup between the blue and purple teams in the bottom lane would almost give them a trance illusion——

as if...

This is watching the LPL quarter finals, or even watching the peak matchup between two top world teams in the S series league.

Because, too sharp.

It's too stable!

The ADCs on both sides, Vayne and Delevingne, one is still steadily resisting the pressure to ensure the last knife when the head economy is at a disadvantage, and at the same time is constantly looking for opportunities to consume the opponent's HP; the other is two axes In the rapid rotation in the hand, every flat A shot and every step of the move are seamless and full of aggressive wild murderousness.

Even the support of both sides is always positioned to ensure that they can cover their own ADC teammates at the first time. All kinds of skills are held in their hands and only handed over when they are most needed. Otherwise, they are giving opponents all the time. Invisible threats and pressure.

Not the kind of peaceful development without waves.

Instead, every moment seems to have sparks about to splash in the friction. It seems that as long as the opponent reveals the slightest flaw, the other side will explode in an instant and directly complete a wave of deadly culling.

Several coaches of God's coaching staff off the court were completely dumbfounded at this time:

An ADC who can compete with Huangxue Yege to this level...

How many people can you count in such a huge national uniform?

The head coach's mind immediately became active, and when he raised his head, he happened to meet the gaze of the chief team leader of his own club. Seeing the expression on the latter's face, both of them immediately sensed that the other party had the same intentions as themselves——

He's a good seed again... If he can be recruited...

However, at the next moment, No. 1's gaze casually glanced over, and a casual sentence directly shattered the minds and calculations of the two God Club bosses:

"Forget it."

"I have another arrangement here."

God's head coach and chief team leader suddenly wilted like deflated balls. Good seedlings are hard to find... No matter how they meet, they can't be touched. This is too eye-catching and uncomfortable to watch.


The game time came to the 8th minute.

The situation on the scene seemed to be brought back by the blue army a little bit.

On the road, after the level of the top laner Dashu on the blue side has been upgraded, and the resistance equipment has been updated in the spring water equipment store, the pressure on the top laner ice girl on the purple side has become less and less stressful online, and the ice girl Li Sang Zhuo's skills fell on Dashu's body without pain or itching, but after the opponent took the initiative to fight and exchange blood several times, his own state went down.

On the contrary, it is a little bit passive.

Then the blue side's jungler came to gank.

Cooperating with the big tree to jump over the tower first to take the damage, the prince rushed in second, and waited until the ice girl handed over a [flash] before covering up the big move "Heaven and Earth Cracked", and forcibly killed the ice girl by relying on the big tree top tower.

The head was given to the prince.

The head count of the blue and purple sides on the field reversed at this moment, and the blue side led 3 to 2.

At the same time, in the middle lane, the situation of the single male swordsman in the purple side became more and more difficult. He was pressed several times and almost dared not step up to the line under the tower. Della widened the gap.

"Hey, there is still a gap in strength between the two sides."

Some God players who watched the game commented like this.

at the same time.

Summoner's Rift, get off the road.

Lin Feng in front of the computer screen glanced at the small map and frowned slightly: "Well, this is not possible."

Tang Bingyao responded quickly: "What should I do?"

Someone thought about it:

"Got to work it out."

***************************************************** *******************************

Update here, fever accompanied by pharyngitis. . . I have been coughing for several days. . . What's wrong with you recently. . .

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