
Chapter 958 The girl who came to the club

Putting everything else aside, a girl like Tang Bingyao would make anyone feel happy when they saw it.

early morning.

The sun shines on the walls of the buildings in the community, and the mottled leaves fall on the ground to illuminate bright spots. The air is a bit cooler, and the morning breeze blows slightly across the street. After passing through two intersections, we walk to the front of the destination community. When the girl with pure ponytail was already standing in front of the gate of the community looking around at the waiting figure, Lin Feng couldn't help but become happier.


Someone stretched out his hand and greeted happily the girl standing at the gate of the community.

The girl subconsciously turned her head to follow the prestige, and her eyes lit up as soon as she saw Lin Feng, with a happy expression on her face: "Fengzi!"

He ran over bouncingly, jumping up and down in front of someone like a bird out of the cage, his whole body exuded youthful vigor and vitality, Lin Feng subconsciously rubbed the girl's head intimately:

"Hey, I didn't keep you waiting too long, did I?"

If this kind of intimate behavior is seen by anyone else in the girl's own school, especially the boys, they will probably be stunned for a moment and then go mad with grief and anger. In their minds, they are the school belle and the unattainable iceberg goddess. How could it be possible to be touched by a strange man like this? The line to find someone to declare a duel is estimated to be as long as the line from the dormitory building of Shangwai to the school gate.

But Tang Bingyao didn't seem to care about such intimacy at all, and even enjoyed it, she took the initiative to rub her head against someone's hand, and happily replied:


"I just came down too."

The two of them made an appointment in the morning at eight o'clock sharp, and it was still two or three minutes away, and he had already met the girl, Lin Feng took out his mobile phone and checked the time: "Okay, let's go then , Senior and Miss Xiaowu should already be waiting for us."

"Oh, good." Tang Bingyao nodded obediently, and then couldn't help asking cautiously: "Fengzi, where are we...going in the morning?"

That is to say, someone grabbed Tangtang with a phone call last night. The girl is still not fully prepared for it. The national service LPL team participating in the S6 finals is still under a lot of psychological pressure to train together as a sparring partner.

"where to?"

Lin Feng scratched his head: "Oh, the senior sent me a message last night, saying that he was going to the God Club this morning."

The tone of the answer is still very casual, as relaxed as going to the vegetable market to buy Chinese cabbage.

But he really had nothing to be nervous about.

Yesterday afternoon, I just played a half-day training match at the training base of the God club. Before leaving, the whole team and club enthusiastically sent them out of the gate. All kinds of hospitality and eagerness reminded him to remember to come back when he is free and treat God as his own home...

But Tang Bingyao, who heard this answer, couldn't help becoming nervous all of a sudden:

"G, God?"

"That... the team that ranks first in the national server?"

At first, it was hard to do a little bit of psychological construction to comfort myself, but now I have to go to the club base of God, the number one team in the national server, as soon as I come up, which is equivalent to making a novice player immediately face the most difficult Horrible Nightmare difficulty mode with no progression at all.

"That's right." Lin Feng took it for granted, then looked at Tang Bingyao and saw that the girl seemed a little nervous, so he comforted him carelessly: "Oh, it's okay, God's people are very nice and friendly."

The girl still hesitated: "But...my level..."

From someone's point of view, this is even less worth worrying about, and he immediately waved his hand: "This is not a problem. If you don't believe in yourself or me, then you have to trust Senior No. 1 and Miss Xiao Wu, right? You were handpicked by Senior No. 1 as a training partner!"

The same reason,

But compared to last night, Tang Bingyao, who was about to leave for the training base of the God club, was still a little uneasy, because it happened that she had the hand-picked approval from number one. It would be embarrassing for Senior No. 1 and Sister Xiaowu to follow along with them...

"No, no, no."

Lin Feng reached out and patted Tang Bingyao's shoulder, confidently promising:

"I just played a training match with them yesterday afternoon. I know the strength of God's group. You will definitely have no problem playing at your level and playing the bottom lane with that wild snow night song! Guaranteed to make them stunned once!"


In fact, someone was right.

Just when the two of them took a taxi to the God team club training base in the Zhabei District of Shanghai, and when Tang Bingyao, who was just dressed casually, stood in the living room of the training base, almost everyone in the God team club stood up and down. I was stunned for the first time.


It was a shocking uproar!


A jungler from God's second team looked at Tang Bingyao with straight eyes: "This, this...is a girl!?"

Another team member next to him was almost drooling: "Piao, beautiful girl!"

Others have sparkling eyes:



If it wasn't for the team leaders and coaches of their own clubs watching over them, there might even be some God players who turned into wolves and rushed up to talk to girls. .

No wonder.

An e-sports game such as League of Legends is actually dominated by male players. Of course, there are not too few female players, but there are definitely not many beautiful girls. Even the top domestic clubs like God Team have many fans and even players. Girl fans, but usually everyone is locked up in the club training base and trained like an ascetic monk. Where can I get in touch with the opposite sex?

Probably only some cleaning aunts and cooking aunts.

Not to mention……

It's a girl like Tang Bingyao who has impeccable looks and temperament and is so pure that she can perfectly poke the hearts of the young guys in the God team. Naturally, it is enough to make the whole club erupt.

The little sheep has entered the wolf's den...

Even the main players of God's first team were stunned by this timid girl standing next to Lin Feng. Friends, whispered:

"Hey, this girl... is also here to be our training partner?"

There was something unbelievable in his tone.

Li Xiao Chenxing hesitated for a moment before slowly nodding: "It should be... right? Didn't I hear Senior No. 1 mention it just now?"

But even though he said so, Li Xiaochenxing's eyes couldn't help but also scrutinized Tang Bingyao for a long time. If they just met Lin Feng and Li Shiyi yesterday, the suspicion and distrust in their hearts might only take up three or four Yes, but today it is completely unacceptable to say that such a beautiful and heart-pounding girl is also here as a training partner.

Not just their players.

At this moment, even the coaches and the chief team leader of God's club's coaching team have some objections.

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The update is here, the next chapter looks like around ten o'clock, ah, I feel sorry for SKT, I can't help but wonder if RNG can stand at the end and beat Samsung this year... Will it...

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