
Chapter 945 Let Tangtang come too

Saying goodbye to the extremely enthusiastic God team at the gate of the club's training base, Lin Feng, Li Shiyi, No. 1 and No. 5 waved to stop the car and got in the car to leave.

"Want to have dinner?"

Sitting in the front passenger seat, number one turned slightly to consult.

Lin Feng, who was sitting in the middle seat in the back row, naturally had no opinion at all and did not raise his hands to show support: "Okay, okay!"

No. 5, who was sitting next to Lin Feng by the car window, smiled slightly: "It's hard for you two to be a training partner in the afternoon, are you already hungry?"

Li Shishi, who was sitting on the other side, quickly waved his hands: "It's not hard work, it's not hard work... I've gained a lot from training like this in the afternoon." His tone was sincere, because although he said he was a training partner for the God team for an afternoon, But such a training opportunity to compete with the top team members of the national server is also extremely rare.

He himself has benefited a lot from such training.

One laughs:

"Having something to gain is a must."

"Otherwise, wouldn't the whole afternoon be wasted?"

Of course, in comparison, the God team who gained the most in comparison must be the God team this afternoon, especially Dawn Chenxing and Huangxue Yege. One even had No. 5 personally come forward to coordinate and cooperate with it.

"For Huangxue Yege, it feels like the breakthrough is only one step away, right?"

Thinking of some fights with the main ADC player of God's first team in the afternoon, Lin Feng made a judgment.

Number five smiled slightly:

"Well, Ye Ge is also a very talented ADC player. If he works a little harder, he should have a chance to reach a higher height in the next season."

This kind of judgment is made from the mouth of No. 5, and it is basically stable.

With Huangxue Yege's current level of strength, if he can make another breakthrough, he will undoubtedly be able to directly enter the ranks of the "Seven Kings of the World". An ADC with a high level of strength is almost a vacant position.


It's just the "new generation" here.

Lin Feng will not forget that there are still some existences from the previous generation, and their strength is definitely not inferior to the current Four Emperors or Seven Kings. Just the name of a certain ID he encountered when he was in the European server for passers-by kings. " Arrow", it is already certain that the strength is in the realm of the Seven Kings or even a step higher.

At that time, he was in the solo queue of the king group in the European server. In fact, his strength had almost crossed the threshold of the four emperors again. exception...

It was when he met those top powerhouses of the last generation in Europe.

Even if you win, it is extremely difficult and strenuous to win.

Even when he encountered Ghost in a round, the mid-lane mage he controlled had played so impeccably that he was still defeated in the end.

Not only Ghost, but also Shield in support, J in top lane, and... Crow in mid lane.

That group of top beings from the previous generation in Europe... After fighting against almost none of them, Lin Feng can be 100% sure that none of those people is a fuel-efficient lamp.

"The few old things in Europe are quite admirable in some places."

The voice of No. 1 sitting in the front passenger seat of the car came leisurely:

"It's hard to survive from that year to the present. Even if the state of strength has declined a bit after so many years, it is still very good."

Number five answered with a smile:

"Yes, it is."

"Like J and Crow, they should both be stable above the realm of the Four Emperors, and the other three... are not too far behind."

No. 1 in the front row nodded, with a casual tone: "There are three left, and the jungler Ghost may be just a step away from the Four Emperors.

Arrow's rotten arrow and Shield's tortoise shell should be about the same level as the half-step four emperors. "

Probably only No. 1 could say such words so casually.


With a five-man lineup of such average strength, as long as such a team makes its debut in the future world professional e-sports circle, there is no doubt that it will cause a storm.

What did Li Shishi think of: "Didn't you say... there is a senior named Bullet in North America?"

No. 1 nodded: "Well, I have a good memory. Bullet's words...may be better than the current Xiao Wu."

Li Shiyi gasped when he heard that:

"Better than Miss Xiaowu...?"

If many things are only at the theoretical level, it may not sound intuitive and accurate enough, but this afternoon they have seen and even personally experienced the horror of No. 5's ADC, so they think that the strength is even stronger than that of No. 5. A stronger Bullet...it really makes people shudder.

Lin Feng sighed a little:

"Hey, these old guys from the previous generation are still so motivated."

"Can't you give the newcomers a chance?"

No. 1 couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly: "Opportunities are something that you have to work hard to grasp. What's the matter? I heard that you are afraid, kid?"

Lin Feng curled his lips: "There is nothing to be afraid of, anyway, whoever comes here can just do it."

The tone is full of joy and confidence.

Even in the past, when his strength level had not yet returned to the current level, he had been able to face J and Crow in the European server king group without fear, but now he has recovered to The closer one gets to the peak state of the year, the less reason someone has to be afraid of anyone.


They found a small restaurant casually, and when the four of them were having dinner, No. 1 seemed to think of something, and his eyes fell on Lin Feng who was holding the bowl and chopsticks and gorging himself on the opposite side:

"Is Tangtang doing anything the past two days?"


Lin Feng raised his head and finally escaped temporarily from enjoying the delicious dinner, subconsciously replied: "Tangtang...you should be fine."

It was only the weekend. Even though Tang Bingyao’s schoolwork is relatively heavy, she can still handle it easily with the girl’s academic skills. It can also be easy on Saturdays and Sundays. If it wasn’t for being number one today Pulled together with No. 5 to serve as sparring partner for KG and God team, Lin Feng himself may go to Tangtang and A Zeng to go to the Internet cafe to have fun.

No. 1 nodded:

"That's fine."

"Call and confirm, if it's all right..."

"Let her come with me tomorrow."

The tone is still casual, as if he just mentioned a trivial matter that couldn't be simpler.

But Lin Feng reacted immediately, and couldn't help but open his eyes wide: "Senior, you mean... let Tangtang also come as a training partner!?"

No. 1 raised eyebrows:

"What, isn't it appropriate?"

There is nothing inappropriate, it is simply too suitable!

Lin Feng immediately shook his head like a rattle: "No, no! It's very suitable!!" His voice couldn't hide his excitement: "Senior, you are serious, that's fine, I'll call Tangtang now! "

He was afraid that he would regret it the next second, so he hurried to finalize this matter in advance.

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The update was sent, and something happened suddenly. I was busy in the hospital yesterday, and now I have time to hurry up and write.

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