
Chapter 175 Isn’t there still me?

The season has entered autumn.

In the autumn of Shanghai, the breeze also brings a bit of coolness.

The rooftop of No. 13 High School is empty and quiet. Because it is the rooftop of the top floor, the wind is a bit strong. The wind is whistling and carrying the coolness of autumn, it wants to creep in along people's sleeves and collars.

An Xin stretched out her hand to tighten the collar of her off-white sweater, and then breathed gently into her hand:

"KG lost..."

"Lost to SSK team."

"It must be hard for you too."

The girl asked softly, her tone was rare and gentle.

As a childhood sweetheart, and even the "leader" who pulled Lin Feng to play LOL from S1, An Xin is the one who best understands Lin Feng's Maple identity back then.

So she would know the close relationship between the top laner "Yuan Shen" of the KG team who fell in the semi-finals of the World Finals and Lin Feng.

We also know what the leader of the Four Emperors of the SSK team means to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng lowered his head.

Stay silent and don't speak.

An Xin just looked at Lin Feng quietly, without any urging.

It was very quiet on the rooftop, as if the only sound was the whistling of the wind.

After a long while, Lin Feng lowered his head and spoke slowly:

"The fat man called me that night."

"That guy cried again when he lost, saying he was useless and didn't do what he promised to win with me."

As he spoke, Lin Feng paused and pursed his lips:

"I don't know how to comfort him."

"Actually...he has done very, very well."

"At that time, I was just thinking that the opponent was a team as powerful as SSK. Even if Fatty tried his best alone, of course he wouldn't be able to create any miracles easily."

"So I lost,

Nothing. "

"Fat Man just kept telling me that he didn't play well and failed everyone's hopes and mine... But, I was thinking that it was because he was under too much pressure alone."

"If... I can fight side by side with him, will he not have to bear so much pressure alone?"

"Then I watched the videos of those three games many, many times, pretending that I was KG's mid laner, and going against F -"

Having said this, Lin Feng lowered his head again and said in a low tone:

"Turns out it doesn't work."

"I'm too weak now. Even if I really play... I'm no match for F."

"It's of no use at all."

"Even in the current Sixteen Schools League, the next step is to play in the Foreign Affiliated Middle School. It's the same."

"There is a gap between the strength of the e-sports team and Shanghai Foreign Language School, so I have to rely on me to carry and set the pace."

"So recently I have been trying my best to figure out what to do, how to formulate tactics, and how to improve my strength-"

"But it doesn't seem like it's enough."

On the huge rooftop, the wind whistled, and Lin Feng's low voice sounded like he was talking to himself.

An Xin listened quietly, pursed her lips and said nothing.

At this moment, Lin Feng suddenly said:

"Baozi, do you think I'm useless-"

When An Xin heard this, she couldn't help but raise her pretty eyebrows, and a hint of anger flashed across her pretty face.

However, Lin Feng seemed to be unaware of it, lowered his head and continued muttering to himself:

"Yeah, it's actually pretty useless."

"Don't talk about going to the World Finals, going to fight against the SSK team and that person, even this high school level sixteen school league... I can't think of a way to lead everyone to victory by my own strength. …”

"With this level, what qualifications do you have to say that you want to be the world's strongest e-sports player."

Lin Feng was still mumbling with his head lowered, and his mood seemed to be getting more and more depressed.



He received a sharp blow to the head.

"Ah, it hurts -" Lin Feng held his head and looked at An Xin in confusion, who was retracting his fair little hand in front of him: "Baozi, why are you hitting me?"

An Xin raised her eyebrows and stared at Lin Feng angrily with her big, beautiful eyes:

"Of course I want to wake you up, you big idiot!"

"What do you mean 'very useless'?"

"What I hate the most is hearing you say such things, and I want to hit you!"

"Back then, I could sit in the top mid laner position in the Chinese server and lead the team to the finals of the S1 World Finals. How could it be 'useless'!"

Lin Feng: "But that was before..."

An Xin glared at Lin Feng: "Don't interrupt! Listen to me!"

Lin Feng shrank his head and listened obediently as An Xin continued to speak:

"Also, why do you have to bear all the pressure by yourself when you are admitted to a foreign-affiliated middle school or something?"

"It is a team game. Everyone has to work hard and everyone has their own responsibilities."

"Why do you have to take all the responsibility on yourself alone?"

"Then you compete with yourself, trying to get into the corner of a dead end... If you can't get out, you still try your best to get out!"

"You were like this before, and you still can't get rid of this bad habit!"

Lin Feng's head dropped lower and lower as he was told, and his momentum became weaker and weaker:



Another blast.

"But you're big! You're the best, and you think it's cool to take on the pressure like that, right? If you're like this alone, what will other people do? Have you ever thought that other people would want to help and would be worried? ?”

The more An Xin talked, the angrier she became. She stretched out her hand to give Lin Feng another blow.

Lin Feng was almost ready to accept his fate. He lowered his head and volunteered to cooperate with the beating.

But An Xin's hand suddenly stopped in mid-air.

Lin Feng waited for a long time but didn't expect the next burst of chestnuts. He was about to look up at An Xin in confusion, but suddenly there was a flower in front of his eyes, a faint fragrance came to his face, and then a soft and warm body gently pressed against him. on the body.

Lin Feng, who had not expected this at all, was stunned.

Reaching out and hugging Lin Feng gently, An Xin's voice that suddenly became softer sounded in Lin Feng's ears:

"You idiot, I know."

"I know how sad you are."

"But don't bear all the pressure on yourself——"

"It will make others worried and distressed."

Reaching out a hand and touching Lin Feng's hair from behind, An Xin smiled slightly:

"Besides, isn't there me?"

Isn't there still me?

With one word and a hug, Lin Feng suddenly became quiet.

Standing quietly, feeling the warmth of the embrace of the childhood sweetheart in front of me, it seemed that all the negative emotions of suffering, heaviness, and depression during this period had subsided little by little.

Suddenly, Lin Feng said:

"steamed stuffed bun--"

An Xin said softly "Hmm".

Lin Feng stretched out a hand and scratched his hair: "Oh, have you gained weight..."

Snapped! ! !

A merciless, double-force explosion!

An Xin, who was extremely embarrassed, pushed Lin Feng away at once, and then his face was full of murderous intent:

"You idiot, you want to die! You've obviously lost weight, okay?"

"So...two electricians and one master, three diamonds, one diamond and two diamonds, right?"

"Last year's runner-up in the 16th School League...the style of play belongs to the type of early fast break to seize the rhythm."

On the way back to the classroom, An Xin sorted through the information about the team from the High School Affiliated to SISU that Lin Feng told her, and nodded happily:

"Okay, got it!"

Lin Feng added: "And those guys are very arrogant!"

An Xin curled her lips: "I'll blow up all those arrogant guys."

Then her eyes fell on Lin Feng: "Tonight, our e-sports club team is training, right?"

"Oh yes," Lin Feng nodded subconsciously, then suddenly paused and said in a daze: "Eh? Us?"

An Xin nodded naturally:


"I have decided to join the e-sports club!"

As she spoke, she glanced at Lin Feng and said in a threatening tone: "Why are you looking down on me?"

Lin Feng shook his head like a rattle.

"That's pretty much it."

An Xin nodded with satisfaction, then waved his fist at Lin Feng in a serious manner, showing a bright and bright smile:

"Don't forget, my ability to formulate tactics is very powerful!"

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