
Chapter 930 Only One Person Can Do It

Almost when the blue ADC made a big shot, and several other blue heroes began to cooperate with a strong wave of violent pressure...

Off the field.

The eyelids of the watching God team members, several coaches of the coaching staff, including Li Shiyi who was standing next to No. 1, also began to twitch uncontrollably.

Nunu's extremely fierce flashing big move.

Forcibly slow down to keep people.

The auxiliary Fengnv's Q skill is dropped at the foot of the teammate's Abyss Jumbo in the first second, and then triggers the second stage directly when the power is halfway, blowing the tornado forward and sweeping away, abruptly protruding Jess' Q skill in midair Forcefully terminate the interrupt.

The mid laner Fairy Witch's big move was used by the ADC Big Mouth, and it was an extreme and jaw-dropping opening-and-hanging operation. It turned out to be the purple side support who pointed the E skill at Big Mouth and rushed up. The Japanese girl was briefly sent flying into mid-air, which also interrupted the rush effect.

Skill operation one by one.

Protection and cooperation again and again.

The connection of various operations and skills, as well as the control of the timing of skill casting and the effect of completion...

All the people watching the battle around were dazzled and fascinated, and they couldn't help but feel a heartfelt shock from their hearts!

The cooperation of the blue side——

It's amazing!

At this moment, the chief leader of the God team club couldn't control his excitement at all, and he almost jumped up from the spot: "This, this, this... wife is so perfect!!"

Following the club team all the way from the LPL to the World S-League, season after season, the chief leader of the God team has almost a thorough understanding of the strength of the first team's main players in his club.

He believes in and recognizes the strength level of several main players, and has always been proud of it.

After all, being able to stand on the strongest throne in the LPL division already proves everything.

But even so...

At this moment, this wave of operations and coordination of the blue team on the field is still almost several times beyond the expectations of the chief God leader. If in his opinion, the overall strength score of their God main lineup is 9 points without humility and politeness, then the team battle strength displayed by the blue army at this moment...

It can reach 12 points!

It's off the charts! !

Just like when there was a wave of team battles on the road before, the blue side's assistant, Fengnv, flashed forward to catch the big move, instantly blowing away several front row heroes from the purple side, and defusing the opponent's strong rush in the first round. They are the normal strength operation level that God's first team main support player should have.

And now—

This day, the middle laner Lulu, the jungler Nunu, and the support Fengnv, three of them!

Cooperate to protect Big Mouth!

In such a chaotic and fierce battle situation, when he had killed a top laner angel in advance, facing the threat of the opponent's purple army's various skills hitting his teammate's ADC's big mouth... A wave of terrorist defense system that was tightly stitched to the point of dripping was organized in no time!

Big Mouth continued to press forward fiercely, pouring output without fear!

The other three...

He abruptly kept up with the rhythm of the big mouth, as if he was keeping the absolute comprehensiveness of the big mouth of the abyss firmly in the rain of bullets and artillery fire!

Not even a single skill touched Da Zui's clothes!

The coaches of the God team's coaching team were also shocked to the point where it was difficult to control their emotions. One of the coaches' lips trembled and his eyes turned green: "This, this, this... this must be an SSK-level cooperation! ?”

Another coach next to him subconsciously shook his head:


"SSK's style isn't like that—"


Perhaps in terms of teamwork ability, only the South Korean SSK team, which is recognized as the strongest in the world today, can achieve this level of tacit cooperation among the five members of the team, but even the SSK team... is more of a pack of wolves General aggressive style.

Right now, the blue army on the field is a tight and impenetrable iron barrel defense line.

True invulnerability!


It's as if there is an invisible palm in the dark, controlling everything perfectly, using everyone and every skill in the blue army to the extreme, weaving a calm and calm The impeccable net makes any opponent feel powerless and suffocated when facing this huge net.

this ability.

At least the chief team leader of the God team club and several coaches of the coaching staff can be 100% sure, it is definitely not something that the main players of the first team of the God team can do by themselves.

Even the Dawn Star of the purple army, the core soul captain of their God team, would never be able to achieve such perfect and impeccable command and coordination even if he was on the blue side.


There is only one answer left.

In other words, in the entire national service and the entire professional e-sports circle of the world, from the previous generation to the current new generation, there are people who can do this, or the existence that can bring this to the extreme...

From beginning to end, there is only one person.

On the side of the blue army on the field, on the ADC seat in front of the computer screen, the woman who was already beautiful just because of her looks and temperament still had a calm and unchanging smile on her face. The blue ADC has a big mouth...

It is the most severe harvest and killing that has really set off the final battle!


Move sideways one step at a time.

Flat A.

The flat A output firepower of the giant mouth of the abyss continued to firmly lock on the next target, the purple jungler mantis, and suddenly spewed violently like a machine gun!

The blood bar on the top of the mantis' head plummeted and slid down!

Not far behind the tower, the purple ADC Verus made an emergency move at this moment, and the big move "** chain" suddenly raised his longbow to aim at the target's big mouth and blasted out. The thick and ferocious vines screamed and pierced the air It hit the chest of the giant mouth of the abyss firmly!

Straight hit!

Imprisonment and control!

But almost at the same instant, a mass of translucent white light shines from Da Zui's body.

Because at the moment when Verus made his big move, before the body chains hit Big Mouth's body, a soft and pleasant reminder from No. 5 came from the ear of Huangxue Yege on the blue side:


So Huangxue Yege opened the mercury ribbon in seconds.

Control seconds solution.

It's as if the opponent's ADC hero's hard control has never affected Dazui even half a point, and even Dazui's A operation output rhythm has never been stagnant for more than 0.1 second.

The mouse on the mouse pad was moved and struck by the slender white palm like lightning, and the calm and gentle voice of No. 5 was still ringing rapidly:

"Run down."

Huangxue Yege suddenly tapped and pressed the number key in the equipment bar on the keyboard.

The rundown drew blood.

The target purple side assists the Japanese girl!

Slow down and hold on!

While speeding up, Dazui took advantage of the situation and pulled away, avoiding the attack range of the opposite auxiliary Japanese girl, abruptly making the Q skill shield stun that the goddess of dawn was about to pounce on, but the system judged that she had lost the target and was forcibly canceled !


When Huangxue Yege subconsciously followed the command and pressed the R key on the keyboard, the mouse in No. 5's hand moved the cursor one step faster and quickly and steadily pointed to the opponent's bloody mantis. s position--

The mantis just tried to turn around and retreat.

Just step out.

In the sky, Dazui's big move ** bombs have already roared down from the sky!


The muffled sound that is so heavy that it shocks the eardrums!

Mantis Kazik's blood bar was completely emptied and returned to zero at this moment.

"Double Kill!—"

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The update is sent, ah, ready to go to work in two hours. . . . Heart aches for sleep time.

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