
Chapter 927 Instant Kill! !

Soldiers enter the tower.

In Summoner's Canyon, the top of the highland defense tower of the purple army's down road was lit up, and a purple energy light bullet flew towards the blue melee soldier who was the first to enter the range.

There are a total of seven soldiers in this team, three melee and three long-range, plus a cannon.

And this has almost convinced all the God players around to watch the battle. With this wave of troops, as long as the blue side wants to forcefully push, it will definitely be able to defend the opponent's purple side's bot lane highland. The tower was bulldozed and demolished.

At the same time, the purple army will never give up this highland tower easily.


* The lead wire has been ignited at this moment.

Several heroes of the blue army that were originally below the high ground began to press up towards the high ground along with the line of soldiers. At the same time, several heroes of the purple army under the high ground tower also reacted quickly, retreating a little later and pulling out the formation to make a move. A defensive stance.


Some of the God players watching the battle couldn't help but let out a low exclamation.

You see, the single angel on the blue side has already activated the E skill to expand the attack range, waving the long judge sword in his hand and aiming at the defense tower is a flat A output, and the positions of the other blue side heroes are no longer Steady and conservative as before, but approaching with teammate Angel.

The posture is extremely tough!

Anyone can tell at a glance that this wave of blue squares should be determined to force it!

But on the other side, the five members of the purple army didn't seem to have the slightest intention of retreating and making concessions in the face of this wave of tough and determined offensive. They assisted the Japanese girl to use the W skill and began to move forward to the front row. Jess and Mantis were also going forward. Press forward.

Both armies...

It seems that they will finally choose to fight in this last wave of highland offense and defense!

One side wants to forcibly break the tower, and the other side firmly defends the tower. This kind of conflict is so sharp that it cannot be adjusted, and the outcome can only be determined by life and death.

The blood volume of the Zifang Xia Road Highland Tower is still dropping rapidly, falling from a quarter to less than one-fifth of the level line, which is in jeopardy!

And the new wave of soldiers from the blue side is also rapidly falling down one by one.

While pushing the tower.

One side clears the soldiers first.

At this moment, the atmosphere was tense and solidified to the extreme, but the heroes of the two legions seemed to be just constantly raising their shields to push forward. The thick and cold shields were clearly about to collide with each other, but Still no one side took the lead in showing their weapons!

team fight...

It still didn't open!

*The smell of gunpowder smoke is already extremely strong!

Almost all kinds of friction and collisions except the frontal ones are about to burst into thrilling and intense sparks!

The God players watching the game around, including several coaches of the coaching staff, couldn't help their eyelids twitching wildly and subconsciously held their breath, their hearts hanging in their throats, their eyes widened as they stared at the game screen on the computer screen in front of them. For fear of missing the slightest detail.

Because at this time...

The fuse of the flames of war has clearly reached its end.

Almost at any time, at any next second, the most dangerous gun barrel may be detonated instantly!

On the side of the blue team on the field, on the ADC seat in front of the computer screen, Huang Xue Yege, who was in charge of keyboard skill operations, even felt that his fingers were slightly cold and stiff due to tension, and his palms were sweating, but the sitting next to him The expression on No. 5's face is still calm and calm, but the quiet eyes of a pair of beautiful eyes seem to have begun to slightly ripple.

purple party.

In single seat.

At this moment, the enchantress LeBlanc under the control seems to have completely restrained all her aura and entered the cold hunting state of an assassin. The eyes of Lin Feng and Li Xiaochenxing narrowed subconsciously almost at the same time, with a biting and sharp edge Suddenly at this moment--

same moment.

Off the field.

In the back row of the spectators, Li Shiyi next to him also had a nervous expression on his face.

On the other hand, No. 1 had lowered his eyes slightly, and said something as if talking to himself:


"It's time to open."


The purple army launched an initiative.

It is true that the purple side should start this team battle first, because for the blue side, they really only need to steadily push down the bloody highland defense tower, but the purple side is absolutely unwilling to do so in vain. This is cheaper on the opposite side.


The enchantress LeBlanc in the mid laner made the first move.

In front of the single-seat computer screen of the purple team on the field, almost instantly, the mouse and keyboard of Lin Feng and Li Xiaochenxing exploded a burst of extremely rapid and crisp knocking sounds at the same time!

The figure of the witch of tricks moved forward for a while at the moment when the W skill "Magic Shadow" was shot!

Cut into the field from the right!

There was a commotion among the crowd watching the battle, it's coming, and sure enough, when the defense tower had the last bit of HP left, it was the core carry mid laner who launched a rush attack!

Enchantress shifts in from the right and cuts in. The closest ones are the auxiliary Fengnv and the mid laner Lulu on the blue side, and the ADC Dazui is behind. Fang assisted Fengnv to retreat back almost subconsciously in an emergency, and at the same time, an E-skilled wind shield was about to be put on herself.

His blood volume is not healthy. If he doesn't add a shield value to himself first, once he is selected as the target, he may be instantly damaged by a set of explosive combo moves by the enchantress to empty his blood bar in seconds.

At the same time, Lulu in the mid laner stepped forward brazenly. With the ult in his hands, he wouldn't be too worried about being seconded, but at this time, Lulu had to stand in the front row and first protect her own ADC behind her. Big Mouth Safety.

at the same moment—

On the blue side, the top laner angel standing in the front row of the formation took advantage of the effect of the E skill and was struggling to swing his long sword. He swung another level A at the purple square highland defense tower with only a few traces of blood remaining. .

There is nothing wrong with such a choice.

Because once the team battle starts, especially in such a wave of battles before the high ground, the biggest taboo of the attacker is to force the team to start the team before the defense tower is dismantled. Fighting against the damage of the defense tower will almost make the odds of winning Cut off at least 20%.


Angel's last tie A hit the highland defense tower on the purple side with residual blood.

The few remaining traces of blood on the top of the defense tower suddenly bottomed out.

to zero.

With a bang, the defense tower collapsed into a mess of ruins.

At this moment, the main God players of the blue team, including the vast majority of the spectators off the field, couldn't help but feel refreshed:

Torn down!

Then this wave of team battles can be fought!

But also... At this moment, almost beyond everyone's expectations, an unexpected change suddenly occurred!

Behind the tower, the single Jess fired a QE plasma cannon from the second company, whistling and bombarding the angels in the front row of the blue phalanx, directly killing Kyle's blood bar. Blow up half of it!

The same is at this moment.

There was a sudden fluctuation in the air not far from the angel Kyle, and the purple jungler mantis, who did not know when to activate his big move and enter the stealth state, suddenly rushed out like lightning, carrying a cold and deadly murderous intent towards the former. The culling is coming!

E skill leap!

Protruding face!

Ping A!

Answer Q!

A set of explosions fell on the angel at a speed that was hard to catch with the naked eye, and at the moment when the blood bar on the head of the angel Kyle suddenly plummeted to less than half a tube——

The single demon girl in the purple square who was cutting into the battle circle from the right side, which everyone expected, suddenly turned around.


The "Mark of Trick" of the Q skill.

"Replay the old trick" of the big move in seconds!

Two consecutive icy and bright imprints cut through the air like lightning and swept towards the target that no one could have imagined.

Ping! ——

Only a bang was heard.

Accompanied by the enchantress LeBlanc's flat A, the real damage effect of the talent Thunder and the passive extra spell damage of the mark detonated by the QR double combo are triggered at the same time.

Just at this very moment——

The game screen on the computer screen in front of the main players of the blue team's top laner God...suddenly black and white!

The female voice of the system sounded an almost shocking voiceless reminder:

"You-have-been-(You have been killed)!"

Hitting east and west...


Instant kill! ! !

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The update will be delivered, it is still difficult to guarantee the update of the second chapter today, but I will try my best to fight for it. . .

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