
Chapter 912 Is there any hope?

Not just Lin Feng.

And the dawn stars beside him.

Even Li Shishi, who was standing next to No. 1 off the field and also watching the training match, couldn't help but subconsciously frowned.

Because several of them have judged——

This wave of the purple army's group advances in the middle. When the blue side chooses to abandon the second tower and retreat directly to the high ground, in fact, it makes the purple army feel as if it has punched the air with nowhere to focus. It is quite uncomfortable.

"If this wave can be activated..."

"Fengzi and the others should be able to seize the opportunity to seal the victory directly."

Li Shixi couldn't help saying this aloud, with a somewhat complicated tone in his tone.

Number One next to him nodded slightly:


"It's a pity... the opponents won't do what they want."

Li Shishi nodded subconsciously, his eyes fell on the heroes of the blue army who had retreated to the high ground on his home road, and finally his eyes stayed on Da Zui, and he murmured:

"Sister Xiaowu's big mouth... it should be just a little bit away from the last time."

Number one laughed:

"Oh yes."

"In the last few minutes, not only Big Mouth, but also the power that the blue team's lineup should display will almost take shape."


It seems that the situation on the scene is indeed that the momentum of the purple army is advancing like a rainbow, and even most of the God team members watching the battle around the training room seem to feel that the blue team's ambiguous retreat has made them even worse. into an irreversible situation of severe disadvantage.

But in fact--

It is also true that only a very small number of people can calmly and objectively see the truth at a glance.

Blue Fang Legion...

In fact, there is no rush.

Because it seems that in terms of the number of defensive towers, the number of dragons, and even the overall team economy, the purple army has an absolute advantage and initiative, but there is always one point that is ignored by most people, or it should not be ignored. .

That is the development of the blue ADC's big mouth.

The current huge mouth of the abyss.

Great growth.

In fact, if you have a professional OB interface perspective like the official game system, and you can see the specific development data of the heroes of the blue and purple sides, you can be horrified at a glance. It turns out that purple has played the most brilliantly in the game so far. Although Fangzhong Shan Yaoji has a very high level and development economy, but the ADC on the blue side has a big mouth...

But not the slightest bit inferior.

Even in terms of personal economic development, it is firmly on par with the enchantress!

That's scary.

Because Dazui has been too low-key in the past twenty minutes, making various concessions and compromises, most of the God players watching the battle naturally focused their attention on the enchantress LeBlanc.

But no one noticed that, quietly, Dazui's stable development had even slowly pulled back the development and level of several other teammates in his own blue army.

an ADC.

It's actually the highest level on his own team, half a tube of experience higher than his mid laner teammate Lulu.

Compared with the best-developed Enchantress on the opposite side, it is only half a level behind in experience.

what does that mean?

It means that if Dazui starts to attack at this time, the power and effect it can exert will definitely not be a little bit inferior to that of the enchantress LeBlanc who has been in the spotlight for 20 minutes on the opposite side.

Even, don't forget, AP assassin mid-lane heroes like Yao Ji are more likely to deal damage with a set of one-point seconds.

And an ADC like Dazui...

Under the blessing of various skill buff effects of four teammates in the blue team, Shan Lulu, top laner Angel, auxiliary Fengnv and jungler Nunu——

The power and output that could have been exerted.


And double it.

Even, triple, quadruple!

Everything is actually just missing an opportunity,

For Dazui, it is really confirmed that he can start to show his power, but there is no suspense that as long as Dazui really makes a move, no matter what the current situation is, the most amazing reversal will suddenly occur at that moment.

"Three minutes."

On the side of the blue army on the field, number five in front of the computer screen simply glanced at the time display in the upper right corner of the computer screen, and his tone was still relaxed and casual:

"In three minutes, it will be almost there."


When the game time was approaching the 20th minute, on the side of Summoner's Canyon in the middle of the field, the blue side's second defensive tower in the middle was also bulldozed and demolished.

The defense tower was reduced to ruins amidst the rumbling sound.

However, after pushing the opponent's second tower in the middle, the heroes on the purple side seemed to be caught in a dilemma.


They suddenly found that they didn't know what to do.

Continue to push in groups?

Strong pressure on the highlands?

No, if you just push the outer tower, then the problem is not very difficult, but if the pawn line is on the opponent's high ground, it is almost impossible to push smoothly like before, especially the opposite blue It is impossible for Fang Juntuan to sit on the high ground and retreat, and the output of a big mouth in front of the high ground tower will hardly be restricted in any way. The result of the forced push must be that their purple side will be ugly.


That's it?

It doesn't work, time is not on the side of their purple army, and what they need to do most now is to force their opponents to come out of the high ground to fight with them, otherwise they will continue to wear down slowly, and what the enchantress in the early stage The unsolvable advantages that have been established will only be wiped away bit by bit.


They took down the second earth dragon just half a minute ago, and it will take at least five minutes to wait for it to refresh.

big dragon?

This indeed seems to be the most likely way to force the team so far. If the purple side chooses to fight the dragon, the opponent's blue team is absolutely impossible to sit on the high ground with peace of mind.


This idea has just come up, but it has been firmly rejected by Li Xiao Chen Xing:

"The big dragon starts a group... As long as we dare to start, we will definitely explode."

"And Dazui is in that narrow terrain... the crazy output is too scary, and five kills are not impossible."

All the methods seemed to be completely rejected, so under such circumstances, the purple army seemed to be falling into a passive situation step by step.

Lin Feng was silent for a while before slowly opening his mouth:

"Split it."

"We lead the way down, and the other four go on the way."


At present, if the development of the equipment is based on the level of the enchantress, the four-point pusher is responsible for a single line. Basically, it is impossible for anyone on the blue side to stop it. If it is temporarily impossible to force the opponent to fight head-on If there is a regiment, then we can only continue to use tactics as much as possible to continue to exert more pressure on the opponent through the line of soldiers.

If they can take away a second tower from the opposite blue side in this way, it will at least give them a slightly bigger lead on the purple side.


At least.

It is to slow down the rhythm of the big mouth on the opposite side to get back to the situation and start to turn the tables.

Lin Feng and Li Xiaochen Xing looked at each other, and couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

It is really unknowingly...

Their mentality has actually been forced to undergo such a change, from the original effort to defeat the opponent in the first 20 minutes, to the current effort to prevent the opponent from regaining the situation too quickly.

It is really helpless.

Because even though the opponent's ADC Dazui hasn't really made a shot so far, the big stone that weighs on the hearts of their two top-level mid laners in the world has become heavier and heavier.

"Is there any hope?"

Dawn Chenxing asked this question.

Lin Feng sighed: "As long as Da Zui makes a mistake."

So Dawn Chenxing also sighed.

Because both of them knew that the chances of this kind of hope appearing... were really slim.

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The update is here, the next chapter should be before 12 o'clock, go away and continue to code, friends, the National Day holiday will start tomorrow, right? Be happy.

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