
Chapter 905: Patient Confrontation

After all, the hero Dazui still needs to be targeted.

Especially the ADC Dazui under the control of No. 5.

Originally, at the beginning of the opening, Lin Feng and Li Xiaochenxing just decided to gain an advantage in their middle lane as soon as possible and then start looking for opportunities in the bottom lane, but the number five on the opposite side had already given them all a surprise.

With the red buff in hand, Abyssal Mouth was able to hold down the opponent's opponent in the laning stage alone in the early stage of the laning stage. The purple side's ADC Verus and the auxiliary Japanese woman were playing two people.

In five minutes, the number of last hits doubled.

I didn't miss a single knife.

This rhythm is already a bit scary.

Even though the advantages and disadvantages of the dozens of make-ups are not too obvious, but Lin Feng knows exactly what level of strength this little dancer is. The first five minutes seemed calm, The next laning may also be smooth and calm...


He can be 100% sure that his two teammates on the purple side will be completely defeated by such a tepid suppression rhythm in the next laning time.

Then this game is over.

So, it's still the only way——



In the early six minutes of the game, on the middle route of Summoner's Canyon, the mid laner LeBlanc under the control of Lin Feng and Dawn Chenxing has steadily risen to level 6 and is ahead of the blue mid laner Lu on the opposite side. Lu has more experience bars than half a pipe.

this time.

With LeBlanc's current advantages.

In addition, the operation under the coordination of someone and Li Xiaochen Xing.

It is completely possible to take away the opposite fairy witch with a single wave of direct kills.

If this is the case, then the record data of the purple side's mid laner Demon Girl on the middle route will reach 2/0/0, corresponding to the 0/2/0 of the opponent's mid laner Lulu, and the advantage snowball will completely roll off.

But at this moment, neither Li Xiaochen Xing nor Lin Feng chose to make such a move. Looking at the fairy witch on the opposite side, who was obviously wretched and cautious to the extreme, and could not be killed directly under the tower, the two quickly cleared a wave of soldiers and quickly chose Leave the middle.

Avoid the river channel and grass eye view on the opposite blue side.


But quickly rushed towards the direction of the next road.

At this time, the top laner Jess on the purple side is still developing in line with the opponent's top laner Angel, and his strength is not as good as his opponent. He was suppressed by a wave of blood in front of him. At the same time, the jungler Mantis is still in the upper half of the field, and it is too late to follow the bottom lane to support.


Actually it doesn't matter.

"The Enchantress is now at level 6, a set of burst damage is enough to jump the tower in seconds, right?"

The God team members watching the battle around also noticed the whereabouts of the single enchantress in the purple square on the small map, and couldn't help talking in a low voice. If you need teammates from the bottom lane to cooperate with you to go over the tower alone, it is very likely that you will forcibly kill the opposite Dazui.

Very unreasonable hero and very unreasonable second person damage.

In the early stage, a hero like Dazui really couldn't prevent the enchantress from coming up and making a face.

Just get caught.

It means death.

Once dead, it doesn't matter whether the head belongs to the enchantress or is given to Verus. The most critical impact is that at least two waves of soldier line economy and experience will be lost, which will affect your own level. The development rhythm of equipment and equipment caused a forced delay.

And as long as Big Mouth fails to develop in time, the theoretically impeccable four-guarantee-one lineup of the blue team will always have the fatal weakness of lack of core output.

This is also the intention of Lin Feng and Li Xiaochenxing.

For this purpose, it is not an exaggeration to let them give up the easy solo kill chance in the middle.

if only……

Can kill Big Mouth once!


Theoretical plans are always perfect.

But only when it is actually operated, will it encounter various problems and troubles.

The decision made by Lin Feng and Li Xiaochenxing on the middle route was already decisive and quick enough. After clearing the wave of soldiers, they quickly walked into the river in the second half of the wild area and prepared to rush to the bottom road. They even bypassed the wall with the W skill For the possible eye positions on the opposite side, even in the field of view of the small map of the blue army, Wild LeBlanc always maintains a perfect concealment of her figure.


When the figure of the bewitching witch skimmed over the wall of Xiaolongfjord and entered the lower half wild area of ​​the blue square.


On the next route, the opponent's blue ADC Dazui and the auxiliary Fengnv have been lost.

There is only one wave of soldiers left in the central area near the mouth of the river on the lower road.


"Just... let go of the pawn line?"

The members of the God team watching the battle made a low commotion, not only because the sense of smell of this wave of blue square bot lane combinations was so keen, but also because of the decisive choice to give up the pawn line.

No hesitation at all.

It also seems that there is no distress at all.

Say go and go straight away.

But in this way, the cunning enchantress under the control of Lin Feng and Li Xiaochenxing lost the original wandering gank target, and the target's prey disappeared from sight. They will continue to go down this wave. But it seemed a little embarrassed.

Why did you go?

The big-mouthed person on the opposite side is gone, and Nunu, the jungler on the opponent's blue side, has not been seen for the time being. With the top laner Jess holding [Teleport] in his hand, once it is their purple side, they will be on the bottom. The road pushes the line of troops to push a wave of defensive tower HP, and the opponents three or four people will all be killed at once, which will instead put them in danger and passiveness on the purple side's bottom road.

Lixiao Chenxing subconsciously frowned:

"You know we're going."

"Go back?"

Now that the intention has been seen through, and Da Zui and Feng Nu on the other side have retreated so decisively, it seems meaningless to continue to insist on going down the road.

Lin Feng was silent when he heard this, and his gaze swept across the blue Fangxia road defense outer tower on the opposite side, and then stopped at the lower half of the wild area and the road behind the tower that were shrouded in shadow and mist, as if after thinking about it, he spoke:

"hold on."

To do this, one is to confirm that Dazui on the opposite side is really determined not to come back easily, and there is really no chance; Appearing, it can always pose an invisible threat to Dazui and dare not go back to the line easily, and it can also exchange a little more development time and space for Verus and Japanese women who are in the purple side on their own side.

Time passed by like this.

The enchantress stood quietly and patiently on the spot.

like a statue.

The ADC Verus on the purple side of the bottom lane cooperated and began to quickly clear the pawns and push the line.

five seconds.

The first wave of remaining troops slowly entered the tower.

Big Mouth never showed up.

Yao Ji continued to wait patiently, and even her own pawn line in the middle was about to be pushed out by the opponent's Shan Lulu, but she seemed to remain indifferent, continuing to lurk in the shadow fog of the opponent's vision.

ten seconds.

The new wave of soldiers was also pushed to the front of the blue side's bot lane defensive outer tower.

At this time, Dazui had lost almost a whole wave of soldiers, and the advantage he had ahead was slowly being equalized by the opponent's ADC Verus.


The giant mouth of the abyss and the wind girl seemed to have really disappeared and evaporated.

Still haven't shown half of his face on the next route.

It seems that there is an invisible and patient contest between the bottom lane combination of the two sides and the mid laner.

You don't show up.

I will never show up.

The God players watching the game couldn't help the commotion, and couldn't understand the rhythm of the situation more and more, but it seemed that both players in the game had enough patience to test each other's bottom line of acceptance.

Even the coaches of God's coaching team looked a little dazed, only number one on the side remained calm.


All expected.

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The update will be delivered, and it will return to normal tomorrow. Today, the flight was delayed for a whole day and just arrived home. . .

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