
Chapter 171 Obsessed

Classroom of Class 7, Grade 3.

A math class was going on, and the middle-aged math teacher with a straight face was teaching on the podium in a robotic tone, as if hypnotically.

A large number of the students below the podium became drowsy and almost fell down. Except for a few top students, many students struggled to hold on but couldn't help but started to doze off.

For example, in the last row of the second group, Ouyang has fallen asleep three times.

Ouyang suddenly woke up from his sleep three times, and immediately glanced around alertly and then at the math teacher on the podium. Ouyang finally felt relieved and prepared to lie down and sleep again.

But at this moment, he suddenly looked at Lin Feng beside him in shock, astonished:

"Damn Fengzi, why are you still so energetic?"

"You don't have to sleep in math class!?"

Because at this time, Lin Feng was immersed in writing on a piece of paper.

After writing on a piece of paper, look at it carefully, shake your head, and throw away the paper.

Turn over another piece of paper and continue writing and scratching on it.

Ouyang couldn't help but curiously came up to take a look:

"Fengzi, what are you writing--"

As a result, before he could clearly see what Lin Feng was writing on the paper, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the math teacher on the podium who was about to turn his head to look over. He was so frightened that he shrank his head and quickly gave up. Intend.

Lin Feng's attention was not focused on Ouyang beside him, and he did not even pay attention to the math teacher on the podium.

His eyes were fixed on the contents of the paper in front of him from beginning to end, while he was rapidly making various calculations in his mind.

Ban selection.

Arrangement of lineup positions.

The playing style and routines of the Shanghai Foreign Language School Affiliated High School team.

The laning ability and operating habits of the players in each position.

All factors and variables were constantly flashing through Lin Feng's mind.

Then they were tried to dismantle and analyze one by one, and then tried to find a way to deal with it.

Lin Feng is actually not good at such things.

Therefore, such a huge amount of calculation will also cause him to feel an extremely huge mental and spiritual loss.

And he has been doing this calculation almost all night since last night, and his eyes are already bloodshot:


(No, no, no, no!)

(This is not enough, it’s still wrong!)

(Must...must find a more suitable way!)

Every night after school, everyone from the e-sports team will continue to gather together to play group games at the Internet Bull Internet Cafe for training.

Generally speaking, for such a training camp, a few members of the e-sports team except Lin Feng will start to form a lineup. Occasionally, Ouyang will replace him and play two games, and then Lin Feng will watch and point out some problems of the team. Give suggestions for modifications.

But that was not the case on this day.

Lin Feng watched the formation of several members of the e-sports team from beginning to end, but said nothing.

In the end, the eyes of everyone in the e-sports team could not help but fall on Lin Feng, but the latter only shook his head and said, "You continue to practice, and I will open a computer nearby to play two games in solo queue." .

Then he actually ran to the side by himself and opened another computer to play solo queue.

"Feng, Brother Feng, what's going on?"

Liu Yue looked dumbfoundedly at Lin Feng, who was already playing a solo game not far away, and couldn't help but murmured.

Wei Dong said with some uncertainty: "Yes... our performance was too bad today. Is Fengzi angry?"

Ouyang was confused: "No, I feel like the fight just now was okay, right?"

Yang Fan adjusted his glasses and said calmly:

"But this kind of 'okay' status is definitely not enough to be admitted to a foreign affiliated high school."

Everyone in the e-sports club fell silent for a moment.

Because they all know that what Yang Fan said is right. With their current strength and the state of the team just now, their performance can be considered good, but if they face the team from Shanghai Foreign Language School...

Still not much chance of winning.

Ren Rou waved her fist and cheered for the team:

"It's okay, just work hard!"

"Even if we really lose then, we will still have to go all out and do our best, then there will be no regrets!"

not enough.

Ren Rou's words of encouragement to everyone in the e-sports club were indeed right.

But for Lin Feng, that was not enough.

What he wants is more than just "try hard and there will be no regrets."

He wants to win.

He wants to lead the 13th High School E-Sports Club to defeat the Shanghai Foreign Language School and even win the championship of this Shanghai 16th School League.

He watched the previous team training session very carefully.

The reason he didn't make any comments or suggestions was not because he was angry with his teammates, because he knew that Liu Yue, Yang Fan, Wei Dong and even Ouyang, the substitute, had worked hard enough.

But not enough.

Lin Feng clearly saw that the current strength of everyone in the e-sports team was no different from the conclusion he had been calculating on paper before.

This kind of strength is not enough to defeat the team from Shanghai Foreign Language School Affiliated to the Middle School.

And it is unrealistic for everyone in the team to make a qualitative leap in strength in a short period of time.

So Lin Feng put all the responsibilities on himself.

This is the only conclusion he came up with after exhausting all his thoughts and energy——

If the overall comprehensive strength of the team is not enough, then it is up to him to make up for it and forcibly improve the strength of the entire team!

All the pressure…

Leave it to him alone!

Therefore, he decisively gave up supervising and training several teammates in the team and began to work hard on his own condition.

Now Lin Feng only has one thought in his mind:

As long as he is strong enough.

As long as he can produce that absolute crushing carry effect.

Then even if facing the team from the High School Affiliated to SISU, he can lead the 13th High School Team to victory!


(To become stronger.)

(More carries.)

(Want...to win!!)

In the game screen on the computer screen, a blue side mid laner Yasuo has almost destroyed the opponent's purple side mid laner Xerath under the control of Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng's eyes were still a heart-stopping red.

Lin Feng was a little obsessed.

When I was in the Internet cafe, I was playing solo queue by myself.

After returning home, I opened a Korean server agent and continued to increase my points in solo queue by myself.

Working hard to get in shape.

Desperately trying to improve his strength faster.

After finishing the rankings, I took out a small notebook and racked my brains in writing, calculating various factors and situations, and tried every means to carry in the subsequent semi-finals by myself. The team wins.

It's not that he doesn't trust his teammates in the e-sports club.

This is caused by his character.

Just like what happened in the S1 finals back then, Lin Feng determined that he had to bear the biggest responsibility and was under tremendous pressure. After losing in the end, he was disheartened and thought that all these things were his alone. wrong.

Like right now.

He was also extremely stubborn and kept putting pressure on himself to bear all the burdens he would face against the Shanghai Foreign Language School Affiliated High School team by himself.

And all of this is because the three previous games between the KG team and the SSK team brought him too much excitement.

His mentality was no longer right.

But he is only one person.

He is not God.

Under such tremendous pressure, I have to continue to put pressure on myself, grit my teeth and continue to queue up to force myself to continue to improve my strength, and rack my brains with bloodshot red eyes to study new tactical ideas...

But such gritted teeth and desperate efforts will definitely take a huge toll on the body and mind.

Day after day, Lin Feng's physical and mental state became worse and worse, and his eyes became redder and redder. At home, Su Xue was worried but was helpless and didn't know how to persuade everyone in the school's e-sports club. They could only become more and more worried, but they could only watch Lin Feng continue like this, and there was nothing they could do.

"Tangtang... go and persuade Fengzi."

Yang Fan couldn't help but look for Tang Bingyao.

Ouyang was also trying his best to persuade him: "Yes, yes, with the relationship between you two, he will definitely listen to you!"

But Tang Bingyao shook her head in rare distress:

"I won't persuade you -"


Of course she also persuaded him. She had already tried to persuade Lin Feng not to work so hard two days ago, but it had no effect at all.

And... although she and Lin Feng were close, they really didn't have that kind of "relationship".

It was only then that all the people around Lin Feng realized that although Lin Feng was usually cheerful, talkative and good-tempered, when he was really determined and stubborn about one thing, any of them, including Su Xue, , Tang Bingyao didn't have the slightest idea.

"What should we do?"

"We can't just watch Fengzi continue like this——"

Ouyang was so anxious that he jumped up and down.

Ren Rou also had a strong look of anxiety and worry in her eyes:

"Is there no one who can help persuade Fengzi?"

It's a new week.

On Monday, the students of Grade 13 returned to school after their two-day weekend break.

And also on this day——

Class 7 of Senior High School welcomed a new student who transferred to another school.

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