
Chapter 888 That’s it

There are still certain problems with the purple team's lineup in this game.

That is the lack of the ability to start a group first.

Perhaps there is only one ADC Varus' ultimate that can be used as a suitable starter in team battles. For example, the excavator must rely on a [Flash] followed by W to top-fly the target controller, but this is too easy for the opponent to pull away in advance. Distance is not something that can be achieved easily every time.

And speaking of it this way, in fact, even Varus's ultimate move is not able to reliably control the target with the first hand.

After all, the blue team in this game are almost all the main players of the God team. Even the mid laner Victor, a member of the second team, will not be too weak to guard against a Varus in the LPL professional arena. The ultimate move will also create a certain safe distance. At worst, you can forcefully dodge it by relying on your reaction speed with [Flash].

As for the top single Naar——

Even more so.

In the past, when the hero Gnar first came out, everyone might not have gotten used to the hero's skills and would have neglected to take precautions. But now at the end of the S6 version, everyone knows to keep an eye on Gnar's rage gauge and wait until your rage gauge is close. If you retreat early when the value is full, and then wait until your transformation is over before fighting back again, there is nothing you can do about it.

And if the purple side army lacks the ability to start a team first, then the blue side army's lineup can be more confident and bold to exert its powerful effect in the middle and late team battle stages.

One top laner Jayce, one mid laner Victor, and one ADC Hanbing.

Even including an auxiliary Zyra.

This is almost the entire poke flow and kite flow lineup.

Originally, when encountering an opponent with this kind of lineup, the most important thing for him to do is to come up with a combination of heroes that can force the first move to counterattack. However, this game is a blind pick, so the purple side army will not be able to win at all. It is impossible to solve the problem from this aspect in advance.

It can only be said that luck does not seem to be on the purple side this time.

Moreover, now the ADC Han Bing and Huangxue Yege of the blue army have taken two more kills in the bottom lane, and their development is fully developed. In addition, top laner Jace, who has been very successful online in the early stage, is surrounded by people watching the game. The God players had no trouble predicting that the upcoming team fight would be very difficult for the purple side.

Who's going to make the first move?

Who will solve the two points of Jace and Hanbing?

And don't forget, the blue team's lineup is not only strong in poke ability, but also has good backhand counterattack ability.

"The obvious advantage of the lineup——"

Several coaches from the God coaching team are also discussing:

"This has become a big problem for the purple side."

"No one here can easily break the situation."

However, in contrast, No. 1 and No. 5, who are specially appointed coaches, did not show any worry at all on their faces. They remained relaxed and calm. No. 5's eyes fell on the game screen on the computer screen in front of them, slightly. laugh it out:

"It is indeed difficult for professional players to find a breakthrough in this situation."

Number 1 nodded noncommittally and glanced at the back of someone sitting on the single seat in the purple square:


"That boy can teach Asing a lesson again."

In the eyes of these two people, the difficult situation on the field for the purple side at this moment seems to be just another ideal material suitable for someone to do demonstration teaching, because although this situation is the most common situation for most professional players, It’s a headache for everyone, but for someone...

What he does best.

It is precisely to violently solve the seemingly complicated and messy situation in the simplest, crude and direct way.

The game time slowly came to about fifteen minutes.

At this time, the second dragon in the river fjord in the wild area has more than half a minute to refresh, this time it is a fire dragon.

"Purple squares are hard to get."

The God players who were watching the game made an analysis and judgment.

Indeed, this time period happened to be when Jayce, the top laner on the blue side, started to exert his strength.

After taking down several kills of ADC Han Bing, he has basically formed a few pieces of output equipment. Even the mechanical pioneer Victor, who was very embarrassed in the early stage of the middle lane, has a set of considerable damage during this time period.

In fact, this is also a very simple truth.

Although some people may think that your early development is so poor, why can you suddenly exert great power and effect at a certain period of time? It is purely because your hero may have poor KDA data but the level development is not too far behind. Moreover, in the first ten minutes of the middle stage, the heroes of both blue and purple sides have not yet had time to make a fleshy outfit——

Then, a hero like Victor who has reached a certain level and has a set of skills and ultimate moves in hand can still have carry-like abilities as long as he correctly targets the timing before taking action.

"I guess you'll have to let it go?"

Many God members started talking.

But this one is a fire dragon after all, and if you give it up to your opponent easily, you will probably feel distressed for a long time.

On the purple side of the field, Dawn Star was silent in front of the computer screen in the mid lane seat, but he was also thinking and evaluating the current situation in his heart——

The fire dragon is hard to get.

But it can’t be let go easily.

Try it out in a confrontation first. If you have a chance, you can try to grab the dragon, but if you really don't have a chance... don't really take too much risk to make any move.

As if just as Dawn Star had analyzed and judged, at this time, the heroes of the blue and purple legions on the field began to gather towards the route in the Summoner's Rift.

Next, there should be an expected stalemate in the middle.

Dawn Chenxing continued to think.

The more troublesome thing is that such a head-on confrontation will make it difficult for Katarina to find a suitable opportunity to take action. On the contrary, perhaps in the narrow terrain of Xiaolong Fjord, Carter's ultimate move can be more effective and powerful. .

Turning his head and glancing at Lin Feng, Dawn Chenxing was already trying to adapt to someone's playing style and tactical concepts.

If it’s someone’s strong or even bold adventurous style…

It is really possible that they will lead their purple army to fight against their opponents in the Xiaolong Gorge of the river.

Thinking of this, Dawn Chenxing nodded slightly subconsciously.

Because in his analysis and judgment, such behavior may still be considered risky, but if he cooperates with someone's mouse and keyboard operations properly, the success rate of Katarina's reaping or at least dealing a set of damage should be within 10%. More than 50%.

Not very stable.

But it was already within his acceptance range.

When Katarina, controlled by someone's mouse click, was the first to walk out in front of her defense tower in the middle, the blue ADC Ice and auxiliary Zyra not far away were also leading a wave of troops out of the tower. At that time, Dawn Chenxing thought like this, feeling that he seemed to be able to slowly adapt to someone's philosophy and style.


next moment.

When someone's voice came to his ears, he realized that he was wrong again.


Someone's playing style does indeed belong to the bold and risky type. He was right about this, but what he misjudged... was the extent of someone's bold risk-taking.

To put it more bluntly.

But he still underestimated the boldness of his synchronized partner.


It's like seeking death.

Ding! ——

A signal was instantly marked on the blue ADC Ai Xi not far away from the opposite side. Lin Feng's voice came from the team's voice channel as if nothing had happened, as if he was discussing shopping for groceries:



The next second, even when the Dawn Star was still in a state of sluggishness, Catalina, controlled by someone, was about to cross the line of troops and approach the target Ashe not far ahead like lightning!

The update is here, the next chapter will be around 9pm, go away and continue typing!

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