
Chapter 885 Active choice

5 to 4.

The head count of the blue and purple legions on the field was as Katarina killed the jungler Lee Sin with a single capture of the three wolves of the opponent blue legion in the wild area, allowing the purple legion to regain the lead in head count.

Katarina's record data is 4/0/0.

One person occupies four-fifths of the total number of people in his team.

The God players who were watching the game gasped one after another. Even the coaches of several God coaching staff had shocked expressions on their faces. They also noticed that the playing style of the purple side's mid laner was changing. transformation.

And all this...

For someone, this is just the beginning.

"not enough."

Lin Feng shook his head and said this to the Dawn Star beside him.

Indeed it is not enough.

Because the rhythm of the blue side army on the opposite side has not been broken, Jayce on the top lane is still developing smoothly, and the speed of equipment formation is not slow at all. At the same time, the ADC Ice Marksman of Huangxue Yege on the bottom lane has improved in terms of CS and economy. The development situation is still firmly suppressing Varus on their purple side, and even the blind jungler——

Even though he had just been caught to death once, the damage that the blind monk could do with a set of bursts at this early stage was still considerable.

This time period...

If it's a team fight, the heroes on the blue side can deal far more damage than the purple side's army.

And even in small-scale team battles or duels.

With Katarina's current development situation under the control of Lin Feng and Dawn Star, she is still very likely to be taken advantage of by the blue side's top laner Jayce or jungler Lee Sin. take away.

Crispy hero.

That's how it is.

This is like a situation where neither of the two parties has enough ability to protect themselves, and the sharp weapons in their hands can pose a fatal threat to the opponent. In this case, it is not about who can protect themselves better, but who can protect themselves better. The opponent kills faster.

After looking at Katarina's level and equipment, Lin Feng shook his head:

"It still needs a little development."

Dawn Chenxing was silent and did not speak a word.

If he is the main player, then he will have his own style of play and tactical ideas that he is used to and good at. But now that he has made up his mind to hand over the dominance to someone, he will choose to remain silent. With Jingjing, everything is really left to someone to handle, and all he has to do is to use his best efforts to complete the cooperation.

But after a moment of silence, Dawn Chenxing glanced across the mini-map screen, and finally reminded his synchronization partner:

"Be careful."

"The other side...may come to catch me next."

Lin Feng nodded slightly in disbelief:


"It's okay, let them come."

His tone was understated, as if he still didn't take it to heart.

The game time came to just over nine minutes.

On the mid-line, Katarina's current clearing speed is extremely high. A scarlet dagger started with the Q skill bounces among the minions and finally falls to the ground. The E skill "Snap Step" sweeps to the point where the dagger lands and detonates. The AOE damage of a circle of blade dance.

Take W.

Another dagger was thrown high into the air.


Pick up the knife.

Another shocking blood-red blade light swayed out.

Directly, a wave of minions were collected and taken away, neatly and neatly without any sloppiness. Following Katarina, she had no intention of continuing to waste time in the middle. She turned around and ran to the wild area to collect another wave of F6 monsters in the same way, and waited until she came back again. In the middle, a new wave of soldiers is almost coming.

The development rhythm of lane clearing and jungle clearing is simply perfect.

The God players who were watching the game were stunned to find that when the game time was about to reach 10 minutes, Katarina's last hit count had reached an almost perfect 100 knives, although there were F6 monsters in it that were not very valuable. The virtual knife,

But facing the mechanical pioneer Victor, who only had 70 dollars so far, it was already a perfect laning performance.


This kind of development rhythm was quickly broken.

The game time is 10 minutes and 40 seconds.

When the purple side's mid laner Katarina returned to the city, updated her equipment and went back to the line. Almost as soon as she reached the bottom of the tower, a new wave of minions from the blue side were pressed into the tower by Victor, and the danger suddenly appeared——

A sharp plasma cannon suddenly cut through the air and shot from the wall in the upper half of the purple square. In the next second, Jayce's body on the blue side had already passed through the wall like lightning after taking a [Flash] shot. Kill to.

At the same moment, the blue side jungler Lee Sin circled around from behind the purple side tower and outflanked them.

Mechanical pioneer Victor simultaneously pursued and pressed forward.

The three men surrounded and killed him!

And almost at this moment, when the shocked exclamations of the surrounding God players exploded, Catalina, who could only see the health bar on her head plummeting wildly, also launched a counterattack at this moment.

E skill starts instantly.

Don’t retreat but advance.

The mechanical pioneer in the mid lane who directly cuts into the opponent's face!

The W skill is turned on, and the "Death Lotus", which is followed by the ultimate move in seconds, suddenly sets off a death storm of cold blades, and before the ultimate move is interrupted by the opponent, it proactively cancels the damage in the latter part of the ultimate move and then uses the Q skill "Ejection Blade" "Another E!

Two consecutive sections of the surrounding blade dance passive skill caused damage and exploded.

Victor's ultimate remaining health is instantaneous.

Then he counterattacked in an instant, and top laner Jace's E face was locked by the hatred firepower of the defense tower!

Q again!

Pick up the knife again!

The next second, Katarina's body was forcibly flashed, and the blue jungler Lee Sin who rushed up suddenly kicked her away with a big move of "Raptor's Tail Swing". She followed the Q skill and then the second Q skill to complete the combo directly. Beheading, the system's female voice announced the "End" kill prompt.

However, at the same time that Katarina fell, the blue side's top laner Jace was finally drained of the last small amount of his health when the last energy bomb from the defense tower fell.


All the spectators around were speechless.

In this wave, the three-man tower-crossing attack organized by the Blue Army was almost a perfect tactical routine. Even the strict coaches of the God coaching team felt that they could not find faults. It is impossible for the opponent to prevent such a well-planned attack.

Katarina seemed to have failed to defend herself.

Only by relying on the terrifying burst of damage that completely exceeded everyone's expectations, coupled with the almost unparalleled operational reaction speed, was he able to forcefully replace the two heads on the opposite side when he fell.

"But I still didn't make any money."

The God players who were watching the game couldn't help but say this, because Katarina's head was a big one, and the bounty for being killed by the finisher was almost equal to Jace's head plus an almost worthless Victor's head.

Of course, there are other God team members speaking for Katarina:

"It's pretty good."

"In such a situation where I was caught off guard, I could kill two of them. If it had been anyone else, they would have been killed without even being able to get one head."

Many people nodded in agreement subconsciously.

It is not easy to complete such an operation in a situation where the opponent is so carefully designed to be surrounded and killed.

However, at this moment, in the mid lane seat on the purple side of the field, Dawn Star, one of Katarina's controllers, had a slightly strange look on his face. He couldn't help but take a closer look at the person next to him who still looked calm. Someone looked at Qingyun Dan, but he hesitated to speak, and finally chose to keep silent.

But he still couldn't help but think of what someone said suddenly just a few seconds ago when someone was controlling Catalina to return to the center line:

"There should be a few people jumping over the tower from the wave on the other side."

Dawn Chenxing lowered his eyes, but there was a complicated light flickering in his eyes.

This wave...

It wasn't that I was caught off guard.

It was a proactive choice that had been anticipated for a long time but still went into the situation calmly.

The update is here, the next chapter will be around nine o'clock, go away and continue typing!

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