
Chapter 868 That's all?

After playing the confrontation match, it is natural to continue to analyze after the match, point out the flaws and disadvantages of the players in their performance on the field, and then make up for it.

This is also an essential part of the daily training of any team club.

It's just that, unless a serious problem is suddenly exposed in a certain game in the training on weekdays, generally speaking, the coaching staff who watch the game and analyze the performance of the players will wait until the whole round of training is over before holding a unified meeting Do analysis and discuss research.

And now—

It seems to just fit this special case.


It's a pretty serious problem.

Of course, from a certain point of view, the five main players of God's first team on the blue team's side played in the early to mid-term of this game. There should be nothing wrong with it and there is nothing to blame. The cooperation in team battles is also quite tacit and perfect, which is the normal level that their God team should always have.

But unfortunately...

The ending is like this before everyone's eyes.

The blue team is defeated.

The five main players of Team God's first team lost to their own three second team players plus two temporary sparring partners.

The worst point is that even Dawn Chenxing and Huangxue Yege of the blue team on the field have not been able to fully understand how they lost.

It was as if, in the last three minutes of this match, it was like a dream.

Helplessly watching the opposite side advance like a broken bamboo all the way.

Take the dragon.

Highland 0 for 5 regiments.

Remove the crystal.

Not to mention the "authorities" of the God team's main players on the field, even the coaches of God's club coaching staff who are "bystanders" are still a little confused.

How did you lose?

Yes, if you just lost a match, it might not be too serious a problem, but if you feel that your team played well and there is nothing wrong with it, but in the end they lost the game for no reason...

This is where the problem really gets serious.

If there are flaws and deficiencies, just discover them in time and work hard to make up for them.

But if you don't even know where you are lacking, then the so-called supplement and improvement are simply impossible to talk about, and the most frightening thing is precisely this point——

The dignified God team, recognized as the No. 1 club in the national server, but no matter whether it is the top professional players like Li Xiao Chen Xing, Huang Xue Ye Ge, or the most professional and systematic coaching team in the club, they have not been aware of their own strength for so long. The existence of a "fatal problem"?

Thinking of this, the expressions of the coaches of the coaching staff, including God's team leader, changed a little.

Originally, they just had the same mentality of training in the afternoon and the past few days, but now it is completely different, almost frightened and fearful, and then unstoppable joy.


Fortunately, this problem was discovered this afternoon.

Fortunately, there were two specially hired coaches, No. 1 and No. 5, who saw the problem.


Let their God team fight in the S6 World Finals without knowing their own fatal flaws, and only then expose their own flaws and weaknesses to the world's powerful opponents like hungry wolves——

All the team leaders and coaches of the God club shuddered at the thought of this place, and almost got goosebumps all over their bodies, feeling icy cold to the bone.

They couldn't even imagine that kind of scene happening.


At this time, No. 1's eyes had already fallen on the main players of the first team of the God team who had just retired with great interest, and patiently waited for the answer to his inquiry from them.

But the other God players around heard the inquiry from No. 1, but they couldn't help a low commotion.

Any ideas?

At the end of this game, he was completely confused and full of confusion.

Who would have imagined this would be the result?

No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for the blue side to lose here.

"The opponent is lucky to win, what else can you think..." A God substitute couldn't help but complained in a low voice. Feel unconvinced.

But as soon as the words came out, he was knocked on the head by other teammates next to him:

"Keep down!"

"Is it up to you?"

"Luck or no luck, can't Senior No. 1 and No. 5 see this?"

"That's right, and if you don't look at Brother Xing's face now, if it's just luck, what will happen!?"


Hearing No. 1's leisurely question, the main players of the God team all looked extremely heavy and solemn at the moment. If they really lost the game because of luck, they would definitely not react like this.

No. 1 continued to wait patiently, as if not in a hurry.

Finally, after a long silence, a voice sounded from the side of the five main players of Team God:

"It's mainly about the choice of the previous wave of my big dragon group."

It was Dawn Chenxing who spoke.

At this moment, his expression was heavy, and his tone was also a little low, but he was still trying to analyze and judge his mistakes in the game just now from the most objective and rational perspective:

"That wave..."

"I shouldn't have dodged back, even if I held Yasuo for a few more seconds, it wouldn't be what happened later."

This is indeed the case.

Because trying to think back now, the battle situation at that time actually changed in an instant. If at that time, Li Xiaochenxing's mid-laner male swordsman did not choose to seek stability and retreat, but continued to chase and press, then Even if he exchanged heads with Yasuo in the end or was killed by Yasuo——

At least, delaying Yasuo for a few seconds was enough for their blue team to completely defeat the opponent's purple team on the frontal battlefield in front of the F6 jungle.

It sounded like this, it seemed that Li Xiao Chen Xing's male knife was indeed the key to losing this match.

But No. 1 nodded and shook his head:

"Slightly true."

"Not quite right, though."

Then his eyes fell on the other main players of the God team, and he raised his eyebrows slightly:

"what about you?"

"Anything else?"

The other main players of God looked at each other in blank dismay, followed by the top laner Kenan who said hesitantly: "In the last wave of the highland team, I made a mistake in my position and took a Q from Thresh."

Waiting for Huangxue Yege, he couldn't help admitting his mistake:

"There was a problem with my policewoman's position. I was a little anxious at the time. I was too far ahead and was directly E'ed by Thresh. Otherwise, if I found a good output environment, the opponent wouldn't be able to take us so easily—"

The remaining support and junglers also spoke out one after another, analyzing and judging their own mistakes.

Then they stood obediently in a row with their heads drooped like elementary school students, waiting for No. 1's lecture.

This kind of picture...

It's extremely rare to happen to God's main lineup.

But even after hearing such sincere acknowledgment and self-blame words from several key players, it still seemed that he could not satisfy No. 1, and instead made him frowned again:


"And that's all?"

The surrounding God players made a small commotion, while Dawn Chenxing and Huang Xue Yege standing in front of No. 1 also raised their heads in a daze to look at their legendary senior coach again.

Lin Feng standing beside him secretly pulled Li Shishi's clothes and whispered:

"Hey, eleven."

"I feel like Senior is going to get angry."

Li Shixi couldn't help being excited: "Fire?"

Someone nodded violently:

"Yes, yes, every time senior makes such an expression and speaks in such a tone, it is a sign that he is going to get angry."

Then he paused, and looked at the main players of Team God with some sympathy:

"These guys... are going to be miserable."

***************************************************** *************************

The update has been sent, and the fever has not subsided. . . I have to go to work tomorrow morning. . . . Go to sleep now, good night everyone.

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