
Chapter 860 Calculating Choices

From the beginning of the detonation of the battle in the wild area, everyone's eyes and attention in the training room of the God Club were subconsciously attracted by the situation on the main battlefield. Only the eyes of No. 1 and No. 5 fell on This section of the wild area is close to the top road.

And even the unexpected narrow encounter between the mid laners of the two sides.

Even the fierce confrontation between Li Xiao Chen Xing and Lin Feng, as well as the thrilling fight to the death.

No. 1 and No. 5 were even moved for a moment.

The two specially hired foreign aid coaches with the highest status in the three top club teams in the national server, always looked calm and calm, as if what they were witnessing was not a mid laner duel that almost symbolized the peak level of the profession, but just two children ordinary slapstick.

And until Yasuo flashed and opened the distance.

The expressions on the faces of No. 1 and No. 5 changed slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the sword hero Yasuo's Q skill "Steel Flash" sword storm was dodged by the male sword Tailong's flash, and the key anti-kill skills failed, but neither of the two legends of the previous generation in the gaming circle had a chance. The slightest pity.


It was after seeing that the single man in the blue square flashed swords and also further opened the distance with Yasuo, No. 1 couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, and a bit of unconcealable satisfaction and appreciation flashed in his eyes:

"This kid... this move is unexpected."

Even No. 1 gave such an evaluation, which is enough to show that someone who is the single Yasuo in the purple team has indeed adopted a calculation that is completely unexpected by ordinary people in this wave.

No. 5 answered with a light smile: "Being bold and careful is Xiaofeng's greatest strength."

No. 1 nodded slightly, his eyes fell on the mid-lane heroes of both sides, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised:

"Do not rely on strength to fight recklessly."

"It's really thankless to have an opponent at the level of the Seven Kings just in front of you."

"This kid..."

"The routine of feinting a shot is more interesting than returning a carbine."

No. 5's eyes fell on the back of someone in front of the computer screen on the field, and he gave his final comment with a smile:

"It can take into account the opponent's style and habits..."

"It is indeed a very powerful skill."


The reason why it is said to be the "last" review.

Because at this moment, even if the calculation originally buried in the dark is about to be discovered, there will be no other obstacles.

On the side of the blue army on the field, it seemed that Dawn Chenxing in front of the computer screen had suddenly realized something, and his gaze was almost anxious and panicked looking at the figure of Yasuo in the distance. Turning around and leaving directly, his expression finally changed completely:


The sound of warning suddenly sounded in the voice channel of the blue square team.

It seemed that he had changed his tone slightly because he was too frightened.

But Li Xiaochenxing's next words were like a heavy bomb that exploded in the ears of the other four teammates of his blue team:


"It's over!!"

As soon as this remark came out, it didn't even arouse enough vigilance in the ears of the main players of the God team on the blue side.

Because at this moment the F6 wild area is close to the main battlefield near the mouth of the river, the pursuit of the purple jungle excavator by the heroes of the blue army has almost reached the most critical moment.

No more than a quarter of the health bar on the excavator's head is left!

Moreover, all of Rek'sai's skills have been handed in, and being slowed down by the policewoman's red buff effect, she has no chance of escape.

The teleportation countdown of the top single heroes on both sides is about to land.

At the same time, not far away, the ADC Verus and the auxiliary Thresh of the purple army are also rushing towards this side desperately.

The life and death of the excavator seemed to completely determine the outcome of the entire game.

But maybe it was also because the tone of Lixiao Chenxing's cry was too frightened,

The warning sound finally fell into the ears of the main players of God's first team and turned around a little bit, allowing the main players of God to react one by one——



Even at this moment, the main players of God were subconsciously at a loss.

Because Yasuo was still above the wild area just now, and was intercepted and killed by A Xing's male sword Tailong on their side?

Even if the male sword failed to kill Yasuo solo, at least it should be able to slow down the opponent's Yasuo's rhythm, or at least Yasuo should have been completely endangered after a wave of fighting, how could it be possible to move towards Yasuo at this time? Come here from the main battlefield?

However, no matter what, the situation on the scene at this moment has completely tolerated no one's distraction.

The excavator's blood volume has bottomed out.

at the same time.

The top laner heroes of the blue and purple sides finally teleported to the ground at two landing points no more than 200 yards apart!

Still at the same time.

Not far away, the purple side's ADC Verus and auxiliary Thresh finally saw the support arrive.

Also at this moment——

The female policewoman who controlled her ADC continued to aim at the target residual blood excavator and raised her gun. A "Peace Messenger" anchor bullet with the Q skill roared and shot out, instantly connected to the level A operation. The gaze of Huang Xue Yege finally swept across the front I saw a figure that was rushing towards this side quickly.

The moment he saw the figure clearly, the pupils in Huang Xue Yege's eyes suddenly shrank in disbelief:

That is……

The purple side's mid laner Yasuo!

And it's a Yasuo who is almost in an endangered state of residual blood!

Such a scene almost made Huangxue Yege's mind go blank for a moment, how could such a bloody swordsman rush here, and how dare he come here in such a state?

Is it still useful to come! ?

The answer will finally be revealed in the next moment.

For Lin Feng...


it works!


The Gale Swordsman who controlled him was almost rushing towards the main battlefield at the fastest speed. At the same time, the eyes of Lin Feng in front of the computer screen were already flickering and beating.

Brighter and brighter!


In the previous wave, he met Li Xiaochenxing's male sword Tai Long unexpectedly in the wild area, so he had to control his swordsman Yasuo to forcibly put aside his intention of supporting him for the time being, and turned his head to face a wave of fierce head-to-head confrontation with the shadow of the blade spell.

However, he knew very well that facing an opponent of Lixiao Chenxing's level with his current operational strength, he still couldn't guarantee an absolute single-kill victory.


From the beginning.

He didn't intend to play with the male knife to the end.

Everything is just a layout, a layout that is bold but extremely meticulous.

Fighting for strength is a no-frills confrontation, but because he is already familiar with Dawn Chenxing's style of play, he is sure that after the opponent's fight with his own Yasuo, he will be his own. Yasuo has already opened up the distance first, what kind of response choices will the opponent's male knife make.

The other party backed off.

And what he wanted was the subconscious retreat of Nan Dao.

Because when this step is chosen, the opponent, even Li Xiaochenxing, will no longer be able to continue to block Yasuo's follow-up intentions.

His Gale Sword Hero...

He was still able to rush back to the main battlefield before everything was completely settled!

In a solo duel in terms of strength, there is no winner.

But in terms of tactical layout, this time there is no doubt that he is firmly ahead of Dawn Chenxing.

of course.

After such a duel, his Yasuo also paid a huge price, and his skills were almost completely handed over to his own health status, which also entered the endangered blood line. It stands to reason that such a mid-lane hero would not be able to play any role even if he joined the battlefield.


Flames suddenly jumped in the eyes of someone in front of the computer screen:


He used Yasuo.

And even in such a state where all his skills have been handed over to his own residual blood, his Gale Sword Master still has the last trump card to change the situation!

next second.

In the voice channel of the purple team, Lin Feng's urgent voice suddenly spread:


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The update is here, the next chapter looks like around nine o'clock in the evening, yesterday was too busy. . . Try to make up for it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

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